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Clear Negative Energy and Thoughts, 417Hz with Theta Isochronic Tones

Clear Negative Energy and Thoughts, 417Hz with Theta Isochronic Tones

Music to clear negative energy and thoughts. This track has a continuous 417Hz Solfeggio frequency embedded into the music. 417Hz has been associated with cleansing negative energy and facilitating personal change.

In addition to the single tone, I've also added 6.52Hz theta wave isochronic tones and amplitude entrainment vibrations embedded into the music. 6.52Hz is a lower octave of the Solfeggio 417Hz frequency and used for extra impact.

► Subscribe to my channel and be updated with my latest tracks:

There isn't much in the way of scientific research on the Solfeggio frequency scale, or specifically the 417Hz frequency, but it's very popular and widely used in the spiritual and meditation community, with lots of very positive anecdotal feedback. I would be very interested to hear your feedback and for you to share your experience after using it.

► More info on isochronic tones and how they work here: www.mindamend.com/brainwave-entrainment/isochronic-tones

► More info on mind music here: www.mindamend.com/brainwave-entrainment/mind-music/

How to use this track

You can listen to this track any time of the day. Although this track has not been specifically designed for sleeping to, you may find it to be a very relaxing and soothing sound.

— Headphones are not required for this track

How Loud Should The Volume Be?

Just adjust the volume to a level you feel comfortable with.

WINTER STORM Ambience for 10 Hours - Heavy Snowstorm and Blizzard Howling Wind sounds BLACK SCREEN

WINTER STORM Ambience for 10 Hours — Heavy Snowstorm and Blizzard Howling Wind sounds BLACK SCREEN

WINTER STORM Ambience for 10 Hours — Heavy Snowstorm and Blizzard Howling Wind sounds BLACK SCREEN

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Heavy Rain Sounds for Sleeping Black Screen 10 Hours Relaxing Sleep Dark Screen

Heavy Rain Sounds for Sleeping Black Screen 10 Hours Relaxing Sleep Dark Screen

Relax and enjoy our Ambient extra long 10 Hour HQ Heavy Raining sounds. This video has a Black Screen that helps you keep distracting light to a minimum when falling asleep or relaxing.

The rainstorm with heavy rainfall sounds is ideal for anyone wishing to create a ambient atmosphere for Sleeping, Relaxing, Studying, White Noise, ASMR, Insomnia or Meditating.

We really hope you enjoy our Video :)

-If so, let us know and give it a ‘Thumbs Up’ and click the red 'Subscribe' button for easy access to our vast selection of top rated ambient videos like this one.

We would love to know how this video was useful to you, so feel free to Comment below:

Бурёнка Даша | Час вместе с песенками от Бурёнки Даши! Часть 2 - Лучшие серии

Бурёнка Даша | Час вместе с песенками от Бурёнки Даши! Часть 2 — Лучшие серии

Бурёнка Даша. Все серии: goo.gl/8HfeMw
\«Тихий час\» с мультфильмами на канале Рики: goo.gl/Vny8Ws
Бурёнка Даша. Большие сборники песен: goo.gl/gJVPFN
Подпишись на канал \«Рики\»: www.youtube.com/c/riki и ЖМИ НА КОЛОКОЛЬЧИК

Кто Первый Выберется из Непробиваемого Ящика ! - Челлендж **5 часть**

Кто Первый Выберется из Непробиваемого Ящика! — Челлендж **5 часть**

Скачивай «Astronym» твой личный звездный помощник — astronym.l1nk.in/y

Покупай Мерч А4 «Ламба&Гелик» на официальном сайте — a4shop.ru

Канал ГЛЕНТА — bit.ly/2Gwxge4

Скачивай МОИ ИГРЫ:
● А4 Аквапринт Челлендж — a4aquaprint.page.link/go
● А4 — Убеги от хейтеров по ссылке — rac.l1nk.in/Y
● А4 Головоломки — a4logic.by/go
● А4 Колесо фортуны — a4roulette.onelink.me/v63S/go

В этом ролике мы будем заперты в четырех непробиваемых ящиках из различных материалов: школьных досок, веревок, шоколада и бронированого пластика!!! Клоун будет играть с нами в различные челленджи и выдавать нам инструменты которыми мы должны будем выбраться из непробиваемых ящиков!!! Кто выберется первым, а кто последним ???
Этот ролик получился ОЧЕНЬ ИНТЕРЕСНЫМ и СМЕШНЫМ!!!
Смотри ДО КОНЦА и поддержи нас ЛАЙКОМ!!!

● Instagram — www.instagram.com/a4omg


▶️ РЕКЛАМА, СОТРУДНИЧЕСТВО: a4a4a4a4pr@gmail.com

▶️ПРОШЛОЕ ВИДЕО — youtu.be/8W4kQ8HoO7k

● Моя партнерская сеть MediaCube: bit.ly/A4_mcn
● Instagram — www.instagram.com/a4omg
● VKontakte: vk.com/id240651878
● Паблик VK: vk.com/a4_tv
● TikTok — vm.tiktok.com/qwHt6j/

Alpha Waves | Improve Your Memory | Super Intelligence

Alpha Waves | Improve Your Memory | Super Intelligence

Alpha waves help us improve our memory, can even make better our intelligence.

Descarga nuestra Nueva APP Gratis:
Android: bit.ly/3dsCeIr
iOS: apple.co/31gPevK

Descubre \«Las 5 claves para aprender a meditar\» con este ebook que hemos preparado para ti completamente GRATIS: bit.ly/2DhQOnT

The brain is energy vibrational frequencies in that which result in brain waves occur.

The scientist Hans Berger who invented a device called EEG which amplifies and measures these frequencies; the classified and named according to the Greek letters: beta, alpha, theta, delta.

It has been found that the alpha waves are waves relaxation, the accelerated learning of Superlearning.
When we are producing alpha waves mind is on alert and our memory is potentiated. We produce when we are in a state of relaxation and hear special music that originates. Also, scientists have discovered that stress prevents the production of these important waves in the learning process, productive and efficient work in a pleasant, peaceful and happy state of mind.

Get this audio every day;

— When you are reading → You will maximize the ability to read faster and capture more information per second.

— Math: → Listening Alpha Waves when you are practicing math exercises, will stimulate your brain to make faster and more accurate calculations.

— Al Sleeping → Leave sound waves alfa every night when you lie down, you will see the results on your own awakening.

— To study → Go to a library, relax a couple of minutes, get to explore and see how much better you concentrate (The more you do this exercise, the greater the level of concentration).

— On the Job → If your job allows, you can also listen Alpha waves, resulting to increase your efficiency-job performance.

For Children → At the stage of intellectual development of children, it is essential to learn to concentrate, encouraging daily exercise and Alpha Waves get full development.

Suscríbete para estar al día de todas nuestras publicaciones: bit.ly/1SEzDKO

Sitios de Interes:

¿Que puedes encontrar en nuestro canal?

— En nuestro canal podrás encontrar música relajante para: dormir, meditación, yoga, zen, spa, masajes, estudiar y concentrarse…

Para mejorar la relajación y la concentración nuestra música cuenta con ondas cerebrales como: ondas alfa, ondas beta, ondas delta y ondas theta.

También podrás trasladarte a otras culturas, ya que contamos con música chamánica, música india, música china, música tibetana con cuencos tibetanos,…

No olvides suscribirte para estar al día de nuevas publicaciones.

Copyright © Musicoterapia (Alpha waves)

Full flight video, London (Heathrow) to Amsterdam (Schiphol), KL1018, B737-800, KLM [4K]

Full flight video, London (Heathrow) to Amsterdam (Schiphol), KL1018, B737-800, KLM [4K]

Flight: KL1018 (KLM)
Date: May 16, 2019
From London (Heathrow)
To: Amsterdam (Schiphol)
Aircraft: B737-800

Blog of this flight: flight-journal.com/flight-reviews/2019-05-16-klm-london-amsterdam/

Take off at 20:00

I flew to Amsterdam from London with KLM to go to Tokyo via Amsterdam. This flight was one of 4 flights for a trip to Tokyo:
London-Amsterdam: youtu.be/fBpQ3d3Uumw
Amsterdam-Tokyo: youtu.be/IywpxFmpNLY
Tokyo-Amsterdam: youtu.be/IHXDe8IG-qA
Amsterdam-London: Not yet

Twitter: twitter.com/flightvideo
Instagram: www.instagram.com/flight_video_gallery/
Blog: flight-journal.com

Camera used for flight: amzn.to/2UDQNBi
Power Bank: amzn.to/39nT7Au
SD card: amzn.to/37gLmuJ

#FullFlight #KLM #London #Schiphol #B737

White Noise to Sleep | 120 Mins ASMR | Fan Heater Sound 3

White Noise to Sleep | 120 Mins ASMR | Fan Heater Sound 3

Do you have any problem to fall asleep? Try this 120 minutes long white noise to sleep and relax! This fan heater sound is a sort of technological lullaby indeed.

I had some sleeping problems myself some years ago, but I overcame them by means of white noise and visual ASMR videos. Discovering the ASMR community was a blessing for me. Since I believe that life is all about give and take, I set up this channel to help people to relax and sleep.

I think that hair dryer sound is the best white noise to sleep and relax, so this channel is mainly focused on hair dryer sounds. I am a hair dryer sound collector. I upload a new hair dryer sound video every Monday.

Nevertheless, I do love making another kind of videos, focused on other sound sources (I also collect old heater fans and other old/vintage sources of white noise), like this one, which I upload on Friday. Those videos can be either white noise videos (like this one), or nature sound videos, or hair dryer sound compilations. Other kinds of ASMR videos will come in the future.

All my videos are ads-free: no commercials, only enjoyment!

If you love my work in this YouTube channel, please like, subscribe and comment! I appreciate any feedback. Any comment is welcome, as long as it is respectful and polite.

All the best

Al Lullaby, the hair dryer collector



Hey, we're The Get Right Band. We're a psychedelic indie rock band from Asheville, NC. We spend a lot of time touring and we know how useful white noise can be… sometimes you need to drown out your band mate's snoring, or you're at a hotel and construction starts next door at 7 AM but you didn't go to bed until 4 AM, or your band mate wants to listen to ABBA in the van and you seriously need to block it out. So we made a few of these white noise videos that we thought would be perfect for drowning out noise, sleeping, relaxing, whatever. We hope you enjoy them. If you want to check out our music, here are the links:

YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/c/thegetrightband
SPOTIFY: tinyurl.com/yaz5t4xu
INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/thegetrightband
FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/thegetrightband
TWITTER: www.twitter.com/thegetrightband
WEBSITE: www.thegetrightband.com

10 hours of relaxing fan noise/white noise to help you get a great night's sleep. Black screen to keep your phone dark. Best white noise video on YouTube. Best fan noise on YouTube. Ten hours long. No ads once the video starts.
