Моцарт Колыбельная для Малышей #19 Музыка для Детей, Спокойная Музыка для Сна
Подпишись на канал — goo.gl/j8km5q
Колыбельная для Малышей написанная одним из самых известных композиторов Моцартом по сегодняшний день самая популярная в мире. Спокойная и мягкая музыка наилучшим образом подходит для безмятежного детского сна. Детская музыка перед сном способствует расслаблению и более быстрому засыпанию малыша после насыщенного дня.
Нежная колыбельная Моцарта подарит вашему ребенку самые сладкие сны!
Reiki | Sanación a Todo Nivel | Purificación Chakra Corazón | Atraer el Amor que Mereces
✨ Целительная энергия на всех уровнях и из сердечной чакры, которая очищает чувства и эмоции, чтобы привлечь Любовь, которую Вы заслуживаете.
✨ энергия Рейки, которая соединяется со вселенной через мост рук между космосом и озарением Бога.
✨ Эта музыка создана для практики Рейки или любой другой духовной дисциплины, которой вы хотите заниматься, чтобы превзойти наше Существо.
417Hz Raise The Vibration Of Your HOME — Energy Cleanse For Your House & Yourself — Miracle Tone
Let this solfeggio 417 Hz healing frequency serve as an anchor for tranquility and cleansing rejuvenation for your self and the energy of your home or workspace.
You may play this music in your home for its entire length to raise vibration and cleanse out old energies. You can stay in your home and listen or go and do other activities while the frequency does it's work and creates harmonic resonance.
— Solfeggio frequencies are from an ancient scale that was rediscovered by Dr. Joseph Puleo in 1974. They are a 7 tone sequence of special electromagnetic frequencies. They were originally used in Gregorian chants many hundreds of years ago, and recently, they were brought back to everybody’s attention for their healing powers.
These frequencies induce movements of consciousness that will help stimulate new changes that are necessary for individuals who would like to achieve awakening.
The frequencies are the following:
★ 396 Hertz: DO. It is usually related to guilt and fear, and how they can suppress other emotions as well. It is associated with the color red.
★ 417 Hertz: RE. It is usually related to past trauma and negativity and the willingness to change. This frequency can help you to recognize those past traumas that are no longer valuable in your life. It is associated with the color orange.
★ 528 Hertz: MI. It is usually related to DNA, peace of mind and clarity. This frequency will help you heal and remove any sickness you may have. It is associated with the color yellow.
★ 639 Hertz: FA. It is usually related to Interpersonal relationships. This frequency will help you heal those difficult relationships you still have from the past while also reconnecting with those who are valuable in your present. It is associated with the color green.
★ 741 Hertz: SOL. It is usually related to the emotional stability you are looking for. This frequency will help you solve any problems you may have in your life. It is associated with the color blue.
★ 852 Hertz: LA. It is usually related to the views of oneself and the universe. It requires open space in order to allow intuition to come in. It is associated with the color indigo.
★ 963 Hertz: SI. it is usually related to the feeling of oneness. It means awakening and interconnected to the universe. This frequency helps you to reconnect with yourself. It is associated with the color purple.
— Ancient civilizations from all areas of the world seemed to use music as therapy, in all of its forms. The greeks used flutes or lyres, the Mesopotamians used the harp, or the Incas used the flutes (or quena as they are traditionally known). It is quite impressive the value that ancient civilizations would give to the power of music.
How to get the best from the Solfeggio Frequencies?
You could try sitting or laying down, you could be on your couch or on the floor, you can do activities, work, relax, sleep. Do whatever resonates with you.
Listen 14 — 28 days for noticeable results and a positive shift.
Музыка для учебы, работы, релаксации и концентрации #01
Музыка для учебы, работы, релаксации и концентрации #01
#музыкадляучебы #расслабляющаямузыка #lofitypebeat
Если вы устали или хотите расслабиться, послушайте и отдохните
Снижайте ежедневный стресс с помощью лечебной музыки
Уберите негативные эмоции и грязное сознание.
Слушайте расслабляющую музыку в удобной позе
Сосредоточьтесь на сне, учебе и работе.
Музыка для чтения | Концентрирующая музыка | Расслабляющая музыка | Звуки Релакса
Звуки релакса — это подборка легкой расслабляющей музыки, которая поможет Вам окунутся в мир релакса и расслабления. Забудьте о своих проблемах и отправляйтесь в мир спокойствия под аккомпанемент нашей музыки.
Sounds of relaxation is a selection of light relaxing music that will help you plunge into the world of relaxation. Forget about your problems and go to the world of peace to the accompaniment of our music.
Sting — Greatest Hits
00:00:00 1. Fields Of Gold
00:03:42 2. Shape Of My Heart
00:08:23 3. Desert Rose
00:14:20 4. Eglishman In New York
00:18:53 5. Every Breath You Take
00:24:03 6. Message in a Bottle
00:28:46 7. Roxanne
00:35:41 8. Walking on the Moon
00:40:38 9. So Lonely
00:47:20 10. Wrapped Around My Finger
00:53:08 11. King Of Pain
00:58:13 12. Don't Stand So Close to Me
01:02:50 13. De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da
01:06:59 14. Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic
01:11:05 15. Can't Stand Losing You
01:15:55 16. Sinchronicity 2
01:20:29 17. Bring On The Night
01:26:01 18. Hungry For You
01:29:11 19. Invisible Sun
#sting #greatesthits #thebestsongs