Wite noise/Звук машинки для стрижки волос 8 часов/The sound of a hair clipper 8 hours
Режиссёрская версия нового блокбастера этого сезона. Три года шли съёмки, монтаж и работа над спецэффектами. Насладитесь непревзойденной актёрской работой машинки для стрижки волос. \«Её нельзя подкупить. С ней не договориться. Ей не ведомы жалость, раскаяние или страх. И она ни за что не остановится. Никогда.\»
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White noise/Звук пылесоса Уралец 2 часа/The sound of a vacuum cleaner Soviet Union Uralec 2 hours
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Кому как, а мне больше нравится звук этого пылесоса.
Запись сделана в начале 2009 года на встроенный диктофон маленького цифрового фотоаппарата 2005 года, поэтому качество звука соответствующее. Жаль, но тот пылесос давно канул в лету.
Hey, we're The Get Right Band. We're a psychedelic indie rock band from Asheville, NC. We spend a lot of time touring and we know how useful white noise can be… sometimes you need to drown out your band mate's snoring, or you're at a hotel and construction starts next door at 7 AM but you didn't go to bed until 4 AM, or your band mate wants to listen to ABBA in the van and you seriously need to block it out. So we made a few of these white noise videos that we thought would be perfect for drowning out noise, sleeping, relaxing, whatever. We hope you enjoy them. If you want to check out our music, here are the links:
10 hours of relaxing fan noise/white noise to help you get a great night's sleep. Black screen to keep your phone dark. Best white noise video on YouTube. Best fan noise on YouTube. Ten hours long. No ads once the video starts.
Sleep Machine | Soothing Brown Noise Helps You Fall Asleep! | White Noise Stress Relief 10 Hours
This carefully crafted white noise (technically a variation of brown noise if anyone's keeping track) will help anyone fall asleep. Using the finest insomnia-fighting ingredients, the sleep machine chugs away at all hours of the night to create the perfect sleeping ambience. The white noise machine blocks extraneous sounds so that you can get into a deep sleep. Enjoy the benefits of sound masking with this sounds for sleeping virtual white noise generator.
Tell your insomnia there's a new sheriff in town, and that he's going to lock away your sleepless nights for good. Wait, that's kind of a strange metaphor. Anyway, you get the point. Play the sleep machine and enjoy some well deserved sleep! You'll enjoy feeling stress relief and waking up better rested in the morning. 10 hours sleep sounds.
Galactic Star Cruiser BLACK SCREEN | Space Sounds White Noise for Sleeping 10 Hours
Journey through space aboard the Galactic Star Cruiser, listening to the spaceship white noise to help you sleep. With a black screen to keep your bedroom dark, the sleep sounds will create a soothing ambience for falling asleep.
Often times our sleeping situation isn't ideal, with loud noises keeping us awake. This powerful white noise helps block distracting sounds coming from family members, pets, appliances, loud neighbors, traffic, city noises, music, co-workers and many other sources. It's like having a sci-fi white noise machine.
With the black screen white noise, you'll benefit by keeping the room dark while sleeping, saving battery life on your phone or tablet, reducing data usage and not having to worry about screen burn-in. The black screen 10 hours video uses less data, which is helpful especially when traveling. (You can lower the quality settings on YouTube playback since there is no image.)
Whether you're in an apartment, house, or dorm room, this online white noise generator will make your sleeping environment more soothing.
Remember that loud sounds can potentially damage your hearing. When playing one of our videos, if you cannot have a conversation over the sound without raising your voice, the sound may be too loud for your ears. Please do not place speakers right next to a baby’s ears. If you have difficulty hearing or hear ringing in your ears, please immediately discontinue listening to the white noise sounds and consult an audiologist or your physician.
The sounds provided by this Youtube channel are for entertainment purposes only and are not a treatment for sleep disorders or tinnitus. If you have significant difficulty sleeping on a regular basis, experience fitful/restless sleep, or feel tired during the day, please consult your physician.
Son de Cabine d'AVION ÉCRAN NOIR Bruit Blanc [10 Heures] Pour dormir
Découvrez un son de cabine d'avion avec un écran noir. Les innombrables sons dans l’avion sont tout à fait normaux et très standard. Vous devez vous attendre à les entendre chaque fois que vous volez. Ces sons sont considérés comme un bruit blanc. Les bruits blancs sont des ondes sonores d'un large spectre de fréquences combinées créé par l’avion lorsqu'il est en plein vol.
Vous entendrez un bourdonnement lorsque les volets augmentent d'abord l'envergure puis se rétractent pour aider l'avion à décoller et maintenir la vitesse de l'air. Le son constant présent dans la cabine du passager est souvent ressenti comme apaisant et peut aider à couper les bruits distrayants ou soudains. Un bruit tout à fait normal comme le bourdonnement ambiant doux et répétitif permet de calmer le cerveau. La recherche a montré que ce bruit blanc peut aider à dormir. Profitez d'un de cabine d'avion avec un écran noir.
24 Hours of White Noise with Black Screen | Sleep, Study, Focus
24 hours of white noise with a black screen — this is a powerful tool for helping you sleep, study or focus. The sound masking of the white noise machine effectively blocks out extraneous noise to help you stay relaxed. This means that you won't be distracted while studying or woken up from sleep.
The dark screen is particularly useful for keeping the bedroom dark if you use this white noise for helping you fall asleep and remain sleeping. At 24 hours in length, you don't have to worry about the sound suddenly coming to an end and waking you up.
For students who need to study, this sound is great for minimizing distractions so that you can stay focused on reading, writing, test prep and other studying for school. People in the workforce may use this sound as well to help concentrate during the workday.
Enjoy the background ambience all day and all night with this 24 hour white noise black screen video!
Remember that loud sounds can potentially damage your hearing. When playing one of our videos, if you cannot have a conversation over the sound without raising your voice, the sound may be too loud for your ears. Please do not place speakers right next to a baby’s ears. If you have difficulty hearing or hear ringing in your ears, please immediately discontinue listening to the white noise sounds and consult an audiologist or your physician.
The sounds provided by this Youtube channel are for entertainment purposes only and are not a treatment for sleep disorders or tinnitus. If you have significant difficulty sleeping on a regular basis, experience fitful/restless sleep, or feel tired during the day, please consult your physician.
шум дождя в палатке Черный экран 10 часов — это усыпляющая музыкальная композиция, способствующая отдыху и полному расслаблению перед сном. А что особенно важно реклама не разбудит вас посреди сладкого сна или приятной дремоты!
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