WHITE NOISE | House Sounds | 3D Hair Dryer

WHITE NOISE | House Sounds | 3D Hair Dryer

S U B S C R I B E goo.gl/Reh0X9
Get the best sleep and the best focus with the best white noise from Soundbuds™
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬✪ S H O W ▼ M O R E ✪▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

The white noise of a hair dryer at home can be a very relaxing and sleep inducing listening experience for you or your baby. I recorded this by standing next to my binaural microphone rig and aiming the hair dryer at it's ears, blowing back and forward to simulate a real hair drying action. I edited the audio and video in Adobe Premiere. Hair dryer white noise and other similar house sounds are great for masking unwanted external sounds, which makes them the perfect ally for study, sleep, stress relief and meditation.

Our combination of white noise, binaural beats and relaxing music is the fastest method of getting better sleep, more focused concentration and deeper relaxation. So if you want to know how to fall asleep faster or sleep better, our white noise video playlist is the answer! If you want to know how to study better and you're looking for the best study music, our white noise playlist is the answer!

White noise supplies all frequencies in the spectrum of human hearing, making it an incredibly effective tool for blocking surrounding sounds. The sound blocking quality of white noise is the key to better study and better sleep.

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▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬✪ S O C I A L ✪▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬




▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬✪ C H A N N E L ✪▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

I'm CJ and I am an Australian YouTuber who makes White Noise, Relaxing Music, Meditation, Binaural Beats and ASMR videos. You can use our video playlists to aid sleep, study, stress-relief or meditation. It is my passion to design recourses that help people who suffer from sleep deprivation, anxiety, stress or depression.

Our relaxation playlists are designed to be overlaid to create your own personalised soundscapes. You can play three white noise videos at the same time for a more interesting sound or overlay white noise, binaural beats and relaxing music videos at the same time for an extremely relaxing soundscape!


© Soundbuds™, 2015. All rights reserved. Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this video/audio is prohibited.

WHITE NOISE | House Sounds | Aerosol Spray

WHITE NOISE | House Sounds | Aerosol Spray

S U B S C R I B E goo.gl/Reh0X9
Get the best sleep and the best focus with the best white noise sounds from Soundbuds™
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬✪ S H O W ▼ M O R E ✪▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

The white noise of aerosol spray can help you or your baby fall asleep. I recorded this sound using a deodorant can and my binaural microphone rig, and edited the audio and video in Adobe Premiere. Aerosol sounds and other similar house sounds are great for masking unwanted external sounds, making them the perfect ally for sleep, study, stress relief and meditation.

Our combination of white noise, binaural beats and relaxing music is the fastest method of getting better sleep, more focused concentration and deeper relaxation. So if you want to know how to fall asleep faster or sleep better, our white noise video playlist is the answer! If you want to know how to study better and you're looking for the best study music, our white noise playlist is the answer!

White noise supplies all frequencies in the spectrum of human hearing, making it an incredibly effective tool for blocking surrounding sounds. The sound blocking quality of white noise is the key to better study and better sleep.

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬✪ P L A Y L I S T S ✪▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬




▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬✪ S O C I A L ✪▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬




▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬✪ C H A N N E L ✪▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

I'm CJ and I am an Australian YouTuber who makes White Noise, Relaxing Music, Meditation, Binaural Beats and ASMR videos. You can use our video playlists to aid sleep, study, stress-relief or meditation. It is my passion to design resources that help people who suffer from sleep deprivation, anxiety, stress or depression.

Our relaxation playlists are designed to be overlaid to create your own personalised soundscapes. You can play three white noise videos at the same time for a more interesting sound or overlay white noise, binaural beats and relaxing music videos at the same time for an extremely relaxing soundscape!


© Soundbuds™, 2015. All rights reserved. Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this video/audio is prohibited.

Heater Fan Sound | Sleep, Study, Relax, Meditate | White Noise

Heater Fan Sound | Sleep, Study, Relax, Meditate | White Noise

Используйте расслабляющие звуки этого обогревателя для сна, учебы, отдыха или медитации. Этот белый шум вентилятора будет играть в течение 10 часов, поэтому вы можете заснуть и спать всю ночь. Другие варианты использования этого звука обогревателя включают фокусировку, концентрацию, облегчение бессонницы и успокоение плачущего ребенка. Дайте нам большие пальцы, если вам понравилось это видео!

Facebook: www.facebook.com/RelaxingAmbientSound/
Twitter: www.twitter.com/RelaxingAmbient

Отказ от ответственности:
Все видео на этом канале созданы только для развлекательных целей. Информация, содержащаяся на этом канале, не предназначена для использования в качестве какого-либо медицинского совета. Если вы страдаете хроническими нарушениями сна, беспокойством, проблемами с фокусировкой или шумом в ушах или страдаете от них, обратитесь за помощью к сертифицированному медицинскому работнику. Прослушивание звуков или музыки с слишком громкой громкостью может привести к повреждению слуха и не рекомендуется.

Спасибо за просмотр!

Deep Sleep - 2 Hair dryers with 2 different frequencies You will sleep deeply

Deep Sleep — 2 Hair dryers with 2 different frequencies You will sleep deeply

Do you want to be happier? More productive? more relaxed? Healthier? Longer lived? if the answer is yes then you want to sleep better and deeper. White noise has always helped you fall asleep and have a better sleep quality. and sleeping better helps you live better. The highest sound quality and years of trial and error lead me to say that this is one of the best sleep videos out there.
Have a good listening.

Willst du glücklicher sein? Produktiver? entspannter? Gesünder? Länger gelebt? Wenn die Antwort ja ist, möchten Sie besser und tiefer schlafen. Weißes Rauschen hat Ihnen immer geholfen, einzuschlafen und eine bessere Schlafqualität zu haben. und besser schlafen hilft dir, besser zu leben. Die höchste Klangqualität und jahrelange Versuche und Irrtümer lassen mich sagen, dass dies eines der besten Schlafvideos auf dem Markt ist.
Hören Sie gut zu.

¿Quieres ser más feliz? ¿Más productivo? ¿mas relajado? ¿Mas saludable? ¿Más longevo? Si la respuesta es sí, entonces querrás dormir mejor y más profundamente. El ruido blanco siempre te ha ayudado a conciliar el sueño y a tener una mejor calidad de sueño. y dormir mejor te ayuda a vivir mejor. La mejor calidad de sonido y años de prueba y error me llevan a decir que este es uno de los mejores videos para dormir que existen.
Que tengas buena escucha.

Ви хочете бути щасливішими? Більш продуктивним? більш розслабленим? Здоровіше? Довше жили? якщо відповідь так, то ви хочете спати краще і глибше. Білий шум завжди допомагав заснути та покращити якість сну. а краще спати допомагає жити краще. Найвища якість звуку та роки спроб і помилок змушують мене сказати, що це одне з найкращих відео для сну.
Гарного слухання.

Facebook: www.facebook.com/milleaccendinifunpage
Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/milleaccendini
Sito: www.magiamagia.org/
twitter: twitter.com/#!/milleaccendinit
Instagram: instagram.com/milleaccendini
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Perfect Rain Sounds (Black Screen) for Sleep, Studying | White Noise 10 Hours

Perfect Rain Sounds (Black Screen) for Sleep, Studying | White Noise 10 Hours

If you're looking for the perfect rain sound to help you sleep or study, but don't want a distracting image lighting up the room, this is the rain sound for you. Here is 10 hours of a soothing rainstorm accompanied by a dark black screen. The rain sound brings relaxation while also masking out distracting sounds, so that your peace is not disturbed.

We've received many comments requesting dark screen versions of our white noise videos. This storm sound is a black screen rerelease of our popular video Perfect Rain Sounds: www.youtube.com/watch?v=PpC2Bx1cA7k&t=134s

#rainsound #blackscreen #whitenoise

For more rain sounds, please check out these videos:
Rain in Forest: www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlKyGAGHc4c
Rain in the Woods: www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdGUunu7pVI&t=16194s

For more white noise sounds with a black or dark screen, please check out these videos:
White Noise Black Screen: www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMfPqeZjc2c&t=107s
Rain Sounds Black Screen: www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWyoxlB3LzA
24 Hours of White Noise with Black Screen: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2hd3LaDSVk&t=720s


Relaxing White Noise is the number one destination on YouTube for white noise and nature sounds to help you sleep, study or soothe a baby.

Please subscribe to our channel: www.youtube.com/relaxingwhitenoise
Please check out our website to buy MP3s of your favorite sounds: relaxingwhitenoise.com/


Remember that loud sounds can potentially damage your hearing. When playing one of our videos, if you cannot have a conversation over the sound without raising your voice, the sound may be too loud for your ears. Please do not place speakers right next to a baby’s ears. If you have difficulty hearing or hear ringing in your ears, please immediately discontinue listening to the white noise sounds and consult an audiologist or your physician.

The sounds provided by this Youtube channel are for entertainment purposes only and are not a treatment for sleep disorders or tinnitus. If you have significant difficulty sleeping on a regular basis, experience fitful/restless sleep, or feel tired during the day, please consult your physician.

Rain audio © Relaxing White Noise LLC, 2016. All rights reserved. Visual © Relaxing White Noise LLC, 2018. All rights reserved. Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this video/audio is prohibited.

Você quer dormir sem interrupção? Som do Aerossol. o melhor de todos! (NO MIDDLE ADS!)

Você quer dormir sem interrupção? Som do Aerossol. o melhor de todos! (NO MIDDLE ADS!)


O melhor som de aerossol para dormir sem intervalos comerciais, qualidade de áudio incrível e som maravilhoso para descontrair, relaxar e dormir profundamente. O ruído branco também é usado para neutralizar o zumbido e mascará-lo com um ruído que o cancela e também é usado para evitar ouvir notificações de colegas em espaços de trabalho abertos.

El mejor sonido en aerosol para dormir sin cortes comerciales, una calidad de audio asombrosa y un sonido maravilloso para descansar, relajarse y dormir profundamente. El ruido blanco también se usa para contrarrestar el tinnitus y enmascararlo con un ruido que lo cancela y también se usa para evitar escuchar notificaciones de colegas en espacios de trabajo abiertos.

Лучший звук аэрозоля для сна без рекламных пауз, потрясающее качество звука и прекрасный звук для расслабления, расслабления и крепкого сна. Белый шум также используется для противодействия тиннитусу и маскировки его шумом, который его отменяет, а также для того, чтобы не слышать уведомления от коллег на открытых рабочих местах.

Лепшы гук аэразоля для сну без камерцыйных перапынкаў, цудоўная якасць гуку і цудоўны гук для адпачынку, расслаблення і глыбокага сну. Белы шум таксама выкарыстоўваецца для процідзеяння шуму ў вушах і маскіроўкі яго шумам, які яго адмяняе, а таксама для пазбягання пачуцця апавяшчэнняў калег на адкрытых працоўных прасторах.

Het beste aerosolgeluid om te slapen zonder reclameblokken, verbluffende geluidskwaliteit en geweldig geluid om te ontspannen, ontspannen en gezond te slapen. Witte ruis wordt ook gebruikt om tinnitus tegen te gaan en te maskeren met een geluid dat het onderdrukt en wordt ook gebruikt om gehoormeldingen van collega's in open werkruimtes te vermijden.

Le mie attrezzature: amzn.to/36W0v8p
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twitter: twitter.com/#!/milleaccendinit
Instagram: instagram.com/milleaccendini
Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/Milleaccendini/

Accedi a Amazon con il seguente Link e offri una Birra a Milleaccendini: amzn.to/33RVdbY

Nebulizer Relax 2hs ( NO MIDDLE ADS! )

Nebulizer Relax 2hs ( NO MIDDLE ADS! )

Звук аэрозоля — это очень расслабляющий белый звук, который помогает уснуть, распылитель — это почти гипнотический повторяющийся звук, подходящий как для маленьких детей, так и для взрослых.