Peaceful Japanese Garden with Relaxing Fire Bowl Sounds

Peaceful Japanese Garden with Relaxing Fire Bowl Sounds

Download/purchase: (video: 1 | 4 hrs & audio: 3 | 6 | 12 hrs)
Become a bit more Zen by taking in the sights and sounds of these tranquil Japanese Garden with a gentle crackling fire bowl burning away your sorrows and stress… :) These types of gardens are specially designed to be an oasis of rest and stillness to get back to one-self and become more energized! They are organized in such a way that the light is filtered through the trees and creates a peaceful and a bit of a mystical atmosphere.

We hope you enjoy it and it will do you good! :)

It was shot in 4K but scaled back to Full HD, this way the colors and details actually are better.

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Copyright Virtual Fireplace / Virtual Ambiance

Relaxing Fire Bowl Sounds in Japanese Garden (4K)

Relaxing Fire Bowl Sounds in Japanese Garden (4K)

Download/purchase video and audio versions here:

This 4K video of a fire bowl with soft crackling fire sounds is situated in a Japanese garden, on the background a typical Japanese stone lantern, called Tōrō. At the same time you hear the continuous sound of the wind blowing through the high trees surrounding this beautiful place. Occasionally you also hear some birds singing.

Notice the contrast between the greenness of the calmly moving garden plants by the soft wind and the yellow to red fluttering flames of the soft crackling fire.

The lanterns were originally used in Buddhist temples, considered as an offering to Buddha, and later also in Shinto shrines (places of god) and private homes.

Use this video as a dinner background, stream it during a cozy evening with friends or family, fall asleep to it, or just read a book and occasionally stare into the flames ;). Additionally, It is also very suitable for meditation (yes, it's quite zen), or for your homework, or study (so, to increase your concentration).

We hope you enjoy this first Ultra HD Fire Bowl and feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below :)

We looped it a couple of minutes (mother nature didn't invent the everlasting burning type of wood) and try to make it as seamless as possible.

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Native American Flute Music: Meditation Music for Shamanic Astral Projection, Healing Music

Native American Flute Music: Meditation Music for Shamanic Astral Projection, Healing Music

Native American Flute Music: Meditation Music for Shamanic Astral Projection, Healing Music

Shamanism is a system for psychic, emotional, and spiritual healing and for exploration, discovery, and knowledge gathering about non-material worlds and states of mind. Shamanism is a \«technique of ecstasy\» in which the spirit of the shaman leaves the body and travels to communicate with spirit helpers and other beings for the purpose of obtaining knowledge, power, or healing.

Shamanic Astral Projection or Shamanic Journeying is an altered state of consciousness wherein you enter a realm called non-ordinary reality. By journeying you can gather knowledge and perform healing in ways that are not accessible in ordinary waking reality.

How does shamanism work?

Some people think that in shamanic healing journeying, the spirit leaves the body and a person is being healed by spirit helpers. Others think that shamanic journeying allows access to one's own intuition, which may otherwise be drowned out by the prattle of everyday thinking or by anxiety; and that it is a way of engaging a person's subconscious desires for healing.

Shamanic healing may not cure physical or psychological illness, but it may help one gain psychic energy that will allow one better to handle illness. Shamanic healing therefore is best used in conjunction with other treatments, not as a substitute for them.

Connection with a Power Animal

A power animal protects you physically and provides you with emotional support, wisdom, and vital energy. Some people think a power animal is a spirit being that stays with you because it cares for you and enjoys being able to experience life in a physical body. Others think a power animal is a symbol for one's subconscious wisdom. Almost everybody has a power animal; some have several. (Perhaps you had an \«invisible animal friend\» as a child or have always been fascinated with a particular kind of animal. This animal may be your Power Animal).

A person may, in the course of life, lose contact with the power animal, thereby losing the animal's protection, wisdom, and energy. If you lose contact with your Power Animal, you may feel dispirited, or you may become sick easily.

The Shamanic Astral Projection technique of Power Animal Retrieval can restore a person's connection to a Power Animal. A person can also journey to find his or her own Power Animal. To maintain a connection with your Power Animal, take the time to learn about your animal, learn to feel its presence, communicate with it, and honor it by doing things that it enjoys.

Free flow of emotional and physical energy

Health requires a free flow of energy that one can use to accomplish one's desires in the world. But one's energy can become blocked in various ways.

People who have lost parts of their life essence, who have been ill, who have lost connection with a Power Animal, or who are regularly exposed to emotionally stressful situations are vulnerable to intrusions or \«psychic infections\» that block a person's connection with self or drain a person's energy.

An intrusion can be thought of either as a foreign energy being that takes up residence in a person's psychic body (a psychic infection), or as a psychic structure (an emotional wall or barrier) that a person built to keep herself safe from harm, but that now is blocking some of his/her energy expression. A person with an intrusion might feel drained or ill, might have aches and pains, might have nightmares or other fears. A shamanic healer can find and remove intrusions and barriers in a healing ritual called extraction.

A sense of purpose

A sense of purpose is necessary to happiness. The person who loves and cares about the world and fellow beings, who wants to make some small part of the universe a better place, has a sense of purpose. A person can find a sense of purpose in life by seeking knowledge and direction through shamanic journeys, divinations, and rituals. One can do this alone, or with a group of people engaged in similar quests. A shamanic healer or counselor can't find another person's purpose, but can help one seek and interpret information.



Nu Meditation Music

Virtual Fireplace 10 Hours Full HD

Virtual Fireplace 10 Hours Full HD

Fireplace 10 hours in real full HD quality 1080p to use in different places home,restaurant,hotel,lounge,etc.., a romantic moment with this very relaxing video.

Enjoy 10 hours of relaxing fireplace sounds! This burning fireplace features crackling fire sounds. Ideal to use in winter or autumn,chritmas time, deep sleep, relaxation, meditation and study.

For better experience you can watch this fireplace in Full HD quality

#fireplace #fireplace10hours #fireplaceburning

Relaxing Fireplace in Full HD - 12 HOURS of Crackling Logs for Christmas, Winter & Autumn (No Music)

Relaxing Fireplace in Full HD — 12 HOURS of Crackling Logs for Christmas, Winter & Autumn (No Music)

Enjoy 12 hours of relaxing fireplace. This video features crackling fire sounds that are ideal for sleep, study and meditation.

#fireplace #relaxing #christmas #winter #autumn #relaxingsounds #sleepsounds

Thank you for watching! I love to create videos and my aim is to show you how beautiful the world is by taking you on a journey with amazing nature scenery and relaxing music!

My videos are ideal for sleep, study, meditation and stress relief. My goal is to provide high quality relaxing content that doesn't contain any annoying talking or commentary. If you would like to find out more, please visit my website or consider checking out the Community tab.

I create all of the videos you see on this channel. Occasionally I transform materials provided by others with their approval into a new and unique creation. Any additional assets used are fully licensed. Please do NOT download or redistribute the content found on this channel.
