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Построили КАМЕННЫЙ ДОМ высоко в ГОРАХ - БОЛЬШОЙ ФИЛЬМ | Хроники КАМЕННОГО дома

Построили КАМЕННЫЙ ДОМ высоко в ГОРАХ — БОЛЬШОЙ ФИЛЬМ | Хроники КАМЕННОГО дома

Полный фильм о постройке дома из камня, глины и совсем немного дерева в горах!

1111 hz | Abrazo Espiritual | Música Angelical para Atraer a los Ángeles | Conexión Divina

1111 hz | Abrazo Espiritual | Música Angelical para Atraer a los Ángeles | Conexión Divina

Ангельская музыка с частотой 1111 Гц, чтобы привлечь ангелов и соединиться с духовными объятиями вашего ангела-хранителя.
Ангел — это небесное существо, которое действует как посредник между небом и землей. Ангельские существа обычно доброжелательны по своей природе и проявляют качества доброты, чистоты и бескорыстия.

Rain Sound and Thunder - 2 Hours Sleep Gentle Night RAIN, Raining With Hotel City View

Rain Sound and Thunder — 2 Hours Sleep Gentle Night RAIN, Raining With Hotel City View

2 часа дождя и грома для сна. Нежный ночной дождь и раскатистый громовой дождь создают звуки для спокойного ночного сна. Вид на город из отеля с красивыми разноцветными огнями. Лучше всего играть на низкой громкости для глубокого расслабления. Для комфортного сна загрузите БЕСПЛАТНУЮ управляемую медитацию во сне! www.empoweredsleepformula.com/

Чтобы получить еще больше приятных нежных звуков дождя, попробуйте эту двухчасовую версию здесь: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fm0sToWtatw

#rainsoundandthunder #rainsound #relaxingsleep

Звук дождя и гром — 2 часа звука медитации для сна

Blizzard at the Cabin 4| Howling wind and blowing snow for Relaxing| Studying| Sleep| Cabin Ambience

Blizzard at the Cabin 4| Howling wind and blowing snow for Relaxing| Studying| Sleep| Cabin Ambience

Check out the rest of our snow video playlist here bit.ly/3eAxxga
See our newest Outdoor Therapy video uploads here bit.ly/36f3IOe
It's cold and snowy outside, but it sure is warm inside the cabin. Let the drone of the storm help you relax and let go of the problems of the day.

There's nothing like the sounds and sights of nature to help with sleep, relaxation, and studying. It helps give you a break from negative thinking, and fosters a feeling of peace. Studies show that a mindfulness practice reduces overall stress, anxiety and depression.

The Media you consume effects your overall Mental Health… Your Brain doesn't know the difference between watching something on a screen and living through the actual experience. In Today's World, we're constantly bombarded by programs that cause high levels of anxiety, trauma and stress.

While watching this video, take some time to reflect. You might consider journaling, meditating, stretching, yoga, a gratitude practice or any artistic or creative endeavor. This video is best viewed at the end of your day to relax, at the beginning of your day to start with a feeling of well-being or any other time you might feel stressed.

For the best experience, we recommend listening at a low volume that doesn't interfere with conversation in a normal voice.

I'm so excited you've chosen Outdoor Therapy to bring a little bit of peace into your life! Make sure to subscribe for more videos like this and don't forget to ding that bell so you'll be notified every time we upload a new video.


Hello, My name is Michael Nielsen. My Wife Kate & I created Outdoor Therapy as a passion project — to help you relax, unwind and sleep better. Outdoor Therapy (also called Nature Therapy, Forest Therapy, Ecotherapy, and Forest Bathing / Shinrin-yoku (森林浴) originated in Japan in the 1980's and is known to be very beneficial for Mental Health.

My many years of Videography and Photography experience combined with my Wife's 20 years in the Mental Health field as a Therapist make this channel a kind of natural culmination of our combined interests and expertise.

We hope you get some benefit from these videos, and please feel free to reach out with any questions, requests or suggestions.

Be Well,
Michael & Kate

#blizzard #snowstorm #whitenoise

© Outdoor Therapy, 2020. All rights reserved. Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this video/audio is prohibited.