Wandering Around The Forest on a Rainy Day / Relaxing Rain Sounds (3 Hours No Loop)

Wandering Around The Forest on a Rainy Day / Relaxing Rain Sounds (3 Hours No Loop)

I spent a few rainy days wandering through the forest and filming many various scenes to create not just a listening experience, but also a video that continues to change the scenes without looping. I think this creates a much deeper sense of being in the forest under the trees and imagining the raindrops falling on your umbrella, tent or whatever it's in your imagination. Hopefully the video can make you feel relaxed and melt away some of your daily stresses. Please let me know in the comments what you felt when watching the video. Thank you!

► Patreon: goo.gl/xr7gq3

Relaxing Sound of Rain Forest Puddles 2 Hours / Light Rain and Rain Drops Falling From Trees

Relaxing Sound of Rain Forest Puddles 2 Hours / Light Rain and Rain Drops Falling From Trees

Light and relaxing rain fall in a dark and moody forest, rain and water drops falling into the puddles. Great to forget about your stress and to help you fall asleep.

Thanks to everyone for watching the videos, hope you're having a good day or a good sleep.

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► Subscribe to My Personal YouTube Channel: bit.ly/rijavecniksubscribe
► Instagram: bit.ly/nikrijavec

All material in this video is original and personally recorded by myself.
Copyright © 2018 Nik Rijavec (Relaxing Sounds Of Nature) All Rights Reserved.

Cozy Coffee Shop Ambience with Relaxing Jazz Music and Rain Sounds, Rainy Night & Smooth Jazz Music

Cozy Coffee Shop Ambience with Relaxing Jazz Music and Rain Sounds, Rainy Night & Smooth Jazz Music

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