Semi underground cabin & music studio alone in the woods.

Semi underground cabin & music studio alone in the woods.

In 2018 I've started to build my house alone in the woods in south of France. It tooks me around 9 months. It's inspired by the superadobe building technics (earth bag houses), but in rectangular form, covered by wood. The only powered tool I've used were a chainsaw. For the first month, I've slept in the tent you can see on this video, but due to a huge amount of snow fallen in a night, my tent broke so I used it only to store my food. I've slept on a hammock under a tarp during something like 6 months. What you can't see on this video is that I've completly covered the roof with earth. For using my electronic music instruments & lights I have a little solar panel and for cooking and staying warm I have a small wood stove that is normally used for yurts.
It's less than 8m square.

About the Piano, many questions are asked in the comments:
I moved the piano with two very strong friend during an entire afternoon trough the forest. There is a road up to my spot where I dropped the piano with a van. Normally walking from this point to my house takes me 10 minutes. But with a 100years old piano, it's not so easy. We put a carpet under the piano to let it slide slowly when it was possible to, but the little path is thin with ton of rock, and very sloping. I put the piano inside my cabin before making the door, because afte the final doorframe the piano is too big to pass trough. So basicaly now my piano will never be able to go back out.

Buy the land and build this cabin cost me around 5000€ (solar panel included).

I would like to thanks all my friends who came to help me, to dig, to cut & move the trees, to put earth in bags, to drive me to the store, to bring me some beers & cheese. to give me hapiness.



Provided to YouTube by Reprise

Evenstar · Howard Shore · Isabel Bayrakdarian

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

℗ 2002 New Line Productions, Inc.

Additional Engineer: Alex Swift
Music Editor: Andrew Dudman
Additional Engineer: Andy Bradfield
Music Editor: Becca Gatrell
Production: Bill Foley
Assistant Engineer: Chris Clark
Executive Producer: Danny Bramson
Associate Producer: David Gleeson
Musicians: Dermot Crehan
Musicians: Edward Cervenka
Assistant Engineer: Erik Jordan
Executive Producer: Fran Walsh
Production: Greg Laporta
Musicians: Gregory Knowles
Conductor, Producer: Howard Shore
Orchestration: Howard Shore
Assistant Engineer: Iain Titman
Orchestral Contractor: Isobel Griffiths
Assistant Engineer: Jake Jackson
Musicians: Jan Hendrickse
Production: Jason Poss
Co-ordinator Production: Jeff Grace
Production: Jim Bruening
Recorded by: John Kurlander
Music Editor: John Wriggle
Music Editor: Jonathan Schultz
Orchestra: London Philharmonic Orchestra
Music Editor: Malcolm Fife
Music Editor: Mark Willsher
Production: Matt Rocker
Choir: Michael McCarthy
Music Editor: Michael Price
Assistant Engineer: Mike Cox
Assistant Engineer: Mirek Stiles
Music Editor: Nigel Scott
Executive Producer: Paul Broucek
Additional Producer: Paul Broucek
Additional Engineer: Pete Lewis
Mixer: Peter Cobbin
Executive Producer: Peter Jackson
Mastering Engineer: Peter Mew
Music Editor: Raphael Mouterde
Assistant Engineer: Richard Lancaster
Orchestral Contractor: Ruth Cornes
Music Editor: Simon Kiln
Musicians: Slyvia Hallett
Musicians: Sonia Slany
Assistant Engineer: Steve Browell
Assistant Engineer: Steve Pelluet
Music Editor: Steve Price
Choir: Terry Edwards
Performance: The London Oratory School Schola
Performance: The London Voices
Music Editor: Tim Starnes
Production: Tim Stritmater
Assistant Engineer: Toby Wood
Lyricist: Fran Walsh
Composer: Howard Shore
Lyricist: J.R.R. Tolkien

Auto-generated by YouTube.

Happy Christmas JAZZ Music.해피 크리스마스 재즈 악기 피아노 음악

Happy Christmas JAZZ Music.해피 크리스마스 재즈 악기 피아노 음악

Happy Christmas JAZZ Music.해피 크리스마스 재즈 악기 피아노 음악

#카페에서듣기좋은노래 #재즈 #카페음악
#듣기좋은재즈 #겨울재즈 #재즈음악
#재즈모음 #힐링음악 #듣기좋은음악
#Jazz #RelaxingJazz #Cafemusic
#겨울에듣기좋은재즈 #따뜻한재즈

Music can be used for relaxing, calm, romantic dinner, cooking, baking, at work and for relaxation. This relaxing music best suited for study, cooking, like dinner music or background music, romantic music, relaxation music or like a music for stress relief. Let the beautiful, soothing and inspirational music help you relax!

새벽공원에 내리는 빗소리,천둥번개,폭우 ASMR 8시간 잠 잘오는 비오는소리- 숙면유도,심신안정,휴식,명상 Heavy Rain, white noise

새벽공원에 내리는 빗소리,천둥번개,폭우 ASMR 8시간 잠 잘오는 비오는소리- 숙면유도,심신안정,휴식,명상 Heavy Rain, white noise

새벽 작은 공원에 내리는 빗소리입니다.
비오는 소리,백색소음은 휴식,명상,공부집중,숙면,심신안정에 도움을줍니다.

영상이 도움이 되셨다면 '구독'과'좋아요''알람설정'을 해주세요.
저에게 큰 힘이 됩니다.
(If the video helps, please set up 'subscribe' and 'like' and 'alarm'.
It is a great strength for me.)

채널의 영상들은 잠을 잘 못주무시는분, 심신의 안정이 필요하신분, 휴식이나 명상이 필요하신분,
공부나 독서할때 집중이필요하신분들을위해 조금이나마 도움을 드리고자 제작되었습니다.
주무시기전 빗소리를 들으면 좀더 쉽게 깊은수면에 들수있게 도움이 될것입니다.
앞으로도 더 좋은 영상을 꾸준히 업로드할예정이니 많은 관심 부탁드립니다.
(The channel's video shows the person who's not sleeping well,If you need a mental and physical rest,
If you need rest or meditation,It was designed to help a little bit for those who need to concentrate on studying or reading.
Listening to the rain before you sleep will help you sleep a little deeper.
It is a great strength for me.
I am going to upload better images steadily in the future, so please pay attention.
Thank you.)

#빗소리 #폭우 #잠잘오는소리

* 채널의 모든 영상과 소리는 직접 촬영,녹음,편집하였습니다.
( All images and sounds of the channel were filmed, recorded and edited directly.)

*Copyright©2020 'Pure Nature Sketch'. All rights reserved.

천둥 소리 빗소리 숙면 수면을 위한 한강의 비 1분 후 블랙스크린 10+ 시간 THUNDER and RAIN Sounds Sleeping 10+ HOURS BLACK SCREEN

천둥 소리 빗소리 숙면 수면을 위한 한강의 비 1분 후 블랙스크린 10+ 시간 THUNDER and RAIN Sounds Sleeping 10+ HOURS BLACK SCREEN

잠이 안 올 때 빗소리 천둥소리를 들으면 잠이 잘 오는 경우도 있습니다. 서울의 아름다운 한강에 떨어지는 빗소리를 자연소리 그대로 10시간 이상 들으며 잠을 청하여 보세요. 불면증 때문에 고생이라면 비 소리와 천둥 소리를 들으면 도움이 될 수도 있습니다. 1분 동안은 한강에 떨어지는 영상을 함께 제공하며, 1분 후 BLACK SCREEN이 되어 빛이 사라져 숙면을 취할 수 있습니다. 한강의 아름다운 모습을 상상하며 깊은 수면의 세계로 빠져들어가 보세요.

Rain Sounds & Thunderstorm - Cozy Cabin and Sleep Ambience

Rain Sounds & Thunderstorm — Cozy Cabin and Sleep Ambience

Расслабляйтесь в этой уютной атмосфере кабины под звуки сильной грозы. Успокаивающие звуки дождя ночью служат для сна и учебы. Сегодня позвольте мне познакомить вас с одной из моих последних любимых атмосфер. На крышу уютного домика идет дождь, а рядом слышны звуки грозы. Для меня это может быть идеальный рецепт снотворного белого шума и идеальный звук для учебы. 3 часа чистого расслабления от дождя с грозой. Уютный звук дождя. Белый шум создает естественную маскировку звука, которая блокирует другой шум, помогая вам заснуть и спать всю ночь, или вы также можете использовать его для учебы. Выспитесь сегодня ночью под мягкие звуки дождя и грома! Эта уютная кабина, которую я создал, выглядит относительно темной, что помогает сохранить темноту в комнате, пока вы спите. Если вы боретесь с бессонницей, звук дождя может помочь, создав расслабляющую атмосферу в вашей комнате. Естественный звук уютного дождя также поможет вам сосредоточиться. Это поможет вам повысить концентрацию внимания, стать более продуктивным учеником и лучше учиться в школе.

Надеюсь, вам понравится эта уютная атмосфера кабины так же, как мне понравилось ее создавать.

Посетите наш веб-сайт и проверьте свои любимые звуки сна, доступные для покупки:
3D-модель здесь:
Посмотрите, как я делаю свои видео:

Пожалуйста, проверьте мой любимый плейлист, вы можете найти другие звуки, например:

Атмосфера дождя:
Снежная атмосфера:
VR360 Атмосфера

Вся наша атмосфера, анимация и звуки оригинальны.
Пожалуйста, дайте мне свое мнение, лайк, комментарий и подпишитесь, чтобы узнать больше.

Иллюстрации и анимация © 2020 Cosy Rain

3 HOURS of Gentle Night RAIN, Rain Sounds for Relaxing Sleep, Beat Insomnia with Rain

3 HOURS of Gentle Night RAIN, Rain Sounds for Relaxing Sleep, Beat Insomnia with Rain

Спите с нашими 3 часами нежного ночного дождя — звуки дождя для расслабляющего сна. Избавьтесь от бессонницы с помощью нашего естественного дождя. Для спокойного сна загрузите БЕСПЛАТНУЮ медитацию для сна!

# 3 часа #gentlenightrain #jasonstephenson

3 ЧАСА Нежного ночного дождя, Звуки дождя для расслабляющего сна, бессонница, Медитация, Обучение, ПТСР. Дождь ☔

3 ЧАСА | Новые начинания | Фокус | Расслабиться | Исследование | Концентрат Спа

RAINING IN NAGOYA (Lofi HipHop) Extended Version

RAINING IN NAGOYA (Lofi HipHop) Extended Version

Original Video —
credits — Bootleg Boy

Lo-fi/Vaporwave beats mix
Sleep & Rain mix

☔ Listen to more Rain mixes here —

0:00 greenface — I love you

2:01 RONINCLOUD — Grey

4:34 Ooi