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Cozy Crackling Fireplace with Christmas Decorations (Tree, Garland, Lights)

Cozy Crackling Fireplace with Christmas Decorations (Tree, Garland, Lights)

Download/purchase: gum.co/PjnhY & gum.co/zqInv (audio only)
Enjoy this ambient relaxing holiday fireplace scene, whilst being among family and friends, unwrapping Christmas present or having Christmas dinner together! If you don't have a fireplace yourself, streaming this video on a big screen TV or other media device, is the next best thing. You can play this for 8 hours long, without putting a single log on the fire! If you're lucky Santa Claus might join you, as he leaves Rudolf Rednose Reindeer outside near the Nativity scene ;)

A great Christmas Gift Idea: www.sleepphones.com/?aff=202
We wish you a merry Christmas with lots of snow and fun! :)

You can find us here:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/virtual_fireplace/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/virtualfireplace/?ref=hl
Twitter: twitter.com/Virtl_Fireplace
For licensing requests (or other questions), contact us at: www.virtual-fireplace.net/contact.html

Second channel: www.youtube.com/c/VirtualAmbiance

Copyright Virtual Fireplace: www.virtual-fireplace.net

Relaxing Snowfall - Sound Falling Snow / СНЕГОПАД. Снег идет.

Relaxing Snowfall — Sound Falling Snow / СНЕГОПАД. Снег идет.

Relaxing Snowfall — Sound Falling Snow. Heavy snowfall hit the city. Snow sounds for a wonderful Christmas atmosphere. The pleasant sounds of snow falling on glass are ideal for study, sleep, meditation, relaxation. And also ideal for creating a cozy atmosphere at home and relaxation.
#snowfall #FallingSnow #soundsofnature #снегидет
Сильный снегопад обрушился на город. Звуки снега для прекрасной атмосферы Рождества. Приятные звуки падающего на стекло снега идеально подходят для учебы, сна, медитации, отдыха. А также идеально для создания уютной атмосферы дома и расслабления.

Castle Rain Sounds for Sleeping - Dimmed Screen | for Relaxing Sleep - Dark Screen Rain

Castle Rain Sounds for Sleeping — Dimmed Screen | for Relaxing Sleep — Dark Screen Rain

This video is an experiment, because I created this Castle Rain Sounds for Sleeping composition as a Dimmed Screen Video. To describe it in short words, after the intro the video will be dimmed, so you are not distracted by the visuals, but they will still be there. Therefore it works similar to my other Dark Screen Rain Videos for Relaxing Sleep, Meditation, ASMR Sleep, Tinnitus Relief, against Sleeping Problems and for Stress Reduction, but without turning the Screen into complete darkness. I decided to publish this dimmed screen video, because I just love making the visuals and I think that your relaxation will also benefit from it.

As always I put much effort into the visual composition combining different videos and graphics that I had recorded earlier on. the sound layers consist of 4 different recording, combining them to one harmonic pattern. I mixed the sounds over my surround system, therefore I would be really pleased if you could write me a comment on how you like the audio/visual layers.



This is a 10 hour, black screen video of roaring waterfall sound that is great for sleeping, concentration, or relaxation. The waterfall produces a steady white noise that is very effective at blocking out other distracting or bothersome sounds. It also has an intense calming effect, and its ability to help people focus is very powerful!

A black screen was used for this video so that your room stays dark for sleeping. The black screen will also prevent \«screen burn-in\» on your devices and reduce battery and data usage.

Do you have tinnitus (chronic ringing in the ears)? The white noise effect that this large waterfall produces is very effective at masking ear-ringing.

Please adjust the volume to your liking.

SleepFix publishes videos of all kinds designed to help you sleep better fast. These videos can also be used as relaxing background music for work, study, and meditation. It’s amazing how beautiful music and the daily sounds of life (e.g., white noise from fans) and nature (e.g., water-falls or rain drops) can be used for healing, restoration, sleep, and even focus and concentration. Our videos combine the sounds of life so that they can be used conveniently when really needed. Give them at try! And don’t forget to Subscribe so that you can enjoy better sleep fast on a regular basis!

Some of our other videos include:

Deep Sleep Music

A Beautiful Crackling Fire

Gentle Rain and Thunder

Calming Fan Sound

Beautiful Romantic Piano Love Songs - Soft Piano Music For Relaxation | Piano Music For Relaxing

Beautiful Romantic Piano Love Songs — Soft Piano Music For Relaxation | Piano Music For Relaxing

Beautiful Romantic Piano Love Songs — Soft Piano Music For Relaxation | Piano Music For Relaxing
Beautiful Romantic Piano Love Songs — Soft Piano Music For Relaxation | Piano Music For Relaxing

Title: Soft Piano Music For Relaxation
Artist: Various Artists
Genre: Piano Covers

Video by Relax Music Meditation: youtu.be/r6VkCdQQdG0

► Invite you to watch:

THE WOLF SONG - Nordic Lullaby - Vargsången

THE WOLF SONG — Nordic Lullaby — Vargsången

This is my version of the lullaby from \«Ronja Rövardotter / Ronia the robbers daugther\» written by our most loved Swedish writer, Astrid Lindgren, whose books have been read for children all over the world. This song from the movie has always been very dear to me, especially as I was a child. But still now, as an adult, I feel so much for this song.
For a long time now I wanted to make my own version of it, and make some small changes in the melody. What do you think? :)

I really hope you will enjoy my version of this song!
The Swedish lyrics and translation can be found both further down here in the description, or in the subtitles of the video.


If you want to listen to the original song \«Vargsången\» you can find the link here:

► Lyrics in Swedish + English translation (Text: Astrid Lindgren)

Vargen ylar i nattens skog
(The wolf is howling in the forest of the night)
Han vill men kan inte sova
(He wants to, but cannot sleep)
Hungern river i hans varga buk
(The hunger tears his wolven stomach)
Och det är kallt i hans stova
(And it's cold in his burrow)

Du varg du varg, kom inte hit
(Wolf, wolf, don't you come here)
Ungen min får du aldrig
( I will never let you take my child)

Vargen ylar i nattens skog
(The wolf is howling in the forest of the night)
Ylar av hunger o klagar
(Howling out of hunger and moaning)
Men jag ska ge'n en grisa svans
(But I will give him a pig tail)
Sånt passar i varga magar
(Which suits a wolven stomach)

Du varg du varg, kom inte hit
(Wolf, wolf, don't you come here)
Ungen min får du aldrig
( I will never let you take my child)

...(First verse again)

• My art & jewelry webshop: jonnajintonsweden.com
• Merch shop — teespring.com/stores/jonna-jinton-sweden
• Instagram: @jonnajinton www.instagram.com/jonnajinton
• Wallpaper collection: www.photowall.com/designers/jonna-jinton
• Facebook Page — www.facebook.com/jonnajinton
• Patreon — www.patreon.com/jonnajinton
• Blog: www.jonnajinton.com

► MY CAMERA EQUIPMENT (affiliate links)
My main camera: amzn.to/2KIJYYZ
My best lens for cinematic filming: amzn.to/3bI5itL
My wide angle lens: amzn.to/3bCNkZz
Memory card for main camera: amzn.to/3aGiHRC
My vlog camera: amzn.to/3eTquyQ
Memory card for vlog camera: amzn.to/3cUSkZV
My drone kit: amzn.to/3eTQBFZ
Tripod for main camera: amzn.to/2S9fDas
Tripod for vlog camera: amzn.to/2yPiKgE

►STUDIO & MUSIC EQUIPMENT (affiliate links)
Microphone kit for recording nature sounds/ice/etc: amzn.to/3cSeSui
Microphone I use for singing: amzn.to/3cJlJGi
Microphone for voiceover on videos: amzn.to/2yQpNWI

Северный Кавказ | Правила жизни 100-летнего человека

Северный Кавказ | Правила жизни 100-летнего человека

Все новинки канала смотри в приложении \«Моя планета\»: App Store — bit.do/planet_ios, Google Play — bit.do/planet_android

Кавказ. Один из крупнейших горных массивов на земле. Среди этих снежных хребтов находится высочайшая точка России и Европы — Эльбрус.
Подпишись на \«Наука 2.0\»: www.youtube.com/c/naukatv?sub_confirmation=1
Этот рекордный пятитысячник — самый известный символ небольшой Северо-Кавказской республики Кабардино-Балкарии. Начиная с 2012 года в ее столице, городе Нальчике, пытаются раскрыть секрет знаменитого кавказского долголетия.

Авторы программы вместе с российскими учеными отправляются в уникальную кругосветную экспедицию, чтобы изучить вопросы долголетия. Их цель – исследовать территории, где люди живут дольше обычного и составить свод правил столетнего человека.

Смотрите все выпуски подряд: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS93_pp5BAdW4jqL7Nplpq2AiOw9sCS9K

Наши ресурсы:
Официальный сайт: www.naukatv.ru/
ВК: vk.com/tv_nauka
Facebook: www.facebook.com/nauka20
ОК: ok.ru/group/52977282973900

Наши ресурсы:
Официальный сайт: www.naukatv.ru/
ВК: vk.com/tvnauka20
Facebook: www.facebook.com/nauka20
ОК: ok.ru/group/52977282973900

Официальный канал \«Наука 2.0\».
Научно-популярный познавательный канал о достижениях российской и мировой науки: человек, техника, технологии и космос. Специальные проекты и программы.
\«Наука 2.0\» – канал для тех, кто интересуется настоящим и хочет знать, каким будет наше будущее.
Большинство зрителей даже не представляет, что такое современная наука и над чем сегодня работают ученые всего мира. Наша основная задача – рассказывать о значимых изобретениях, технологиях и открытиях. Ведь в 21 веке развитый интеллект, эрудированность и способность к нестандартному мышлению — настоящий ключ к успеху.

Смотрите передачи:
Агрессивная среда — bit.ly/AggressiveEnvironment
Анатомия монстров — bit.ly/MonstersAnatomy
Бионика — bit.ly/ScienceBionics
Большой скачок — bit.ly/GreatLeapForward
Британские ученые доказали — bit.ly/BritishScientists
Год на орбите — bit.ly/AYearInSpace
Градусы риска — bit.ly/DegreeOfRisk
Джуманджи. Животные в мегаполисе — bit.ly/JumanjiAnimals
EXперименты — bit.ly/EXperiments
На пределе — bit.ly/OnTheLimit
НЕпростые вещи — bit.ly/NONsimpleThings
Опыты дилетанта — bit.ly/AmateurExperiments
Правила жизни 100-летнего человека — bit.ly/How2Live100
Тайны мозга — bit.ly/BrainSecrets
Химия вкуса — bit.ly/ChemistryOfTaste

Heavy Rain with Thunderstorm | Rain Sounds for Sleeping, Relaxing, Studying, Rain 24/7

Heavy Rain with Thunderstorm | Rain Sounds for Sleeping, Relaxing, Studying, Rain 24/7

Heavy rain sounds with heavy thunderstorm 24/7 for sleeping, Relaxing and Studying to assist your creativity, rest and sleep.
The natural sound of rain has the intention of providing good moments of tranquility, relax and calm… Heavy rain with thunder, creates a white noise effect that helps to block distractions transmiting good feelings and vibrations to make sure that we can assist you in many aspects like relaxation, sleep, study.

Please visit our website and check out your favorite soundscapes available to purchase:

— ► Preparation of this Ambience:

All of New Bliss content including the Scenario, Animation and Audio are completely original resulting in weeks of preparation and work.
At first stage, this ambience was made in 3D, after that painted and animated on Adobe After Effects.
The soundscape, created apart is added on the final rendering.
This is a 3d mock-up of the occlusion pass scene that I´m showing you, before the painting and animation:

Software used:
— Blender 3D
— Adobe Photoshop
— Adobe After Effects
— Da Vinci Resolve

Link of this ambience: youtu.be/Kl2v9ydanrI

Interested to see all the creating process?
► Check out and see how I make my videos:

— ► Check out my Playlists:

Rain Ambiences: bit.ly/2Mm3Lyf
Snowing Ambiences: bit.ly/2zLWwgI
Relaxing Music: bit.ly/2zM7m6n

— ► Follow New Bliss on…
Facebook: www.facebook.com/newblissrelaxing
Twitter: twitter.com/NewBliss3
Tingles: bit.ly/2U57yUZ
Website: gumroad.com/newbliss

► If you would like to support me and see Sneak-Peaks of the ambiences join my Patreon:

Many thanks to everyone for listening and for leaving your comment.

If you want to make suggestions please feel free to do so in the comments

After Effects, Artwork and Animations by New Bliss ©

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