Rainy Night at the Coffee Shop Ambience — 8 Hours of Rain Sounds, Jazz Music, Background Chatter
Relax with this Rainy Night at the Coffee Shop Ambience while listening to rain sounds, background jazz music, and ambient coffee shop chatter. The Calmed By Nature Cafe will be open for 8 hours of heavy rain and coffee shop sounds for sleep, study, and relaxation.
My cozy ASMR ambience videos are designed to be an audio and visual experience to help reduce stress and anxiety. Additionally, many people find that playing the sound of ambient rain and soft music in the background helps them fall asleep, focus, and relax. #ASMRAmbience #CalmedByNature
This is an 8 hour ASMR ambience video designed for relaxation, sleep, focus, or reading. Relaxing white noise videos like this are created by editing many layers of ambient audio tracks together to create an original background soundscape to help reduce stress and anxiety. All sounds and images were created by Calmed By Nature or used with permission.
VICTORIAN ERA AMBIENCE: Soft Rain Sounds, Horses, Crows, Bell Sounds
A huge thank-you to to the super talented Michael Andrews for giving me permission to use his beautiful artwork for this Victorian ambience. Everyone go have a look at his ArtStation here: www.artstation.com/michaelandrews
Welcome to this week's cozy ambience, which is set in the Victorian era (so June 20, 1837 – January 22, 1901). In it you'll hear calming rain sounds, horses clopping by, people walking in gravel, crows cawing, and some relaxing nighttime sounds. I loved making this ambience because I love history (particularly the Victorian era, the Edwardian era and the 20s!), and so it was nice to imagine what it might've sounded like back then. There was more I wanted to add, but I was short on time this week. I'll do more videos set in the Victorian era eventually!
Hope you enjoy this cozy ambience, and I'll see you next week for another!
Поезд едет ночью под стук колес, звуки поезда для сна
Если вы хотите расслабиться, послушать стук колес и окунуться в уютную атмосферу поезда дальнего следования, тогда это видео для вас.
На протяжении 14 минут вы наслаждаетесь ритмичным стуком колес пассажирского поезда, следующего по звеньевому пути, и чувствуете романтику путешествия поездом, не выходя из дома. Своего рода железнодорожная медитация.
Пассажирский поезд стучит колесами. Под такую \«железнодорожную мелодию\» хорошо засыпать, стук колес расслабляет и восстанавливает энергию организма.
Участок Муром-1 — Навашино из окна скорого поезда Москва — Улан-Удэ, Владимирская и Нижегородская области, Россия. 28.10.2018.
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Девушка у окна поезда под Шум дождя и Стук колес. Girl on the Train with Ambient Sounds & Rain
Анимированный поезд запущен в другую вселенную…
Overnight on the train. Rain on the road. Falling asleep in a train under the unobtrusive knock of wheels and the noise of raindrops is especially easy and pleasant. Hour on the train to get enough sleep and start a new day with a clean slate and in a good mood! Our train will proceed without stops.
Ночь в поезде. Дождь в дорогу. Засыпать в поезде под ненавязчивый стук колес и шум капель дождя особенно легко и приятно. Часов в поезде, чтобы успеть выспаться и начать новый день с чистого листа и с хорошим настроением! Наш поезд проследует без остановок.
4K Maui Tropical Island. Part #1 — Calm Nature Sounds — 3 HOUR Relaxаtion Video
More than 3 hours of relaxing views and stunning panoramas from Maui Island, Hawaii. Peaceful nature sounds, sounds of the wind and crashing waves will bring positive and harmony into your day. You will see stunning views of the tropical beaches, cozy Hawaiian bays, explore amazing parks that are located on Maui Island and relax staying at home, just enjoying all this beauty in your cozy environment. Admire the endless Pacific Ocean and other incredible natural wonders that are easily found on Maui. Enjoy 4K relaxation video that gives a unique opportunity to experience Maui.
Here are the attractions you will enjoy while watching this 4K UHD nature video from www.beautifulwashington.com and www.proartinc.net
Download the video for your private use any time you need to relax from proartinc.net/shop/nature-relaxation/maui-relax-4k-hdr/
Video from: Maui, Hawaii, USA
Video resolution: 4K UHD
Video type: relaxation video
Baldwin Beach Park (00:39)
Garden of Eden (15:33)
Olivine Pools (53:27)
Hana Road (1:00:19)
Makena Beach (1:01:23)
view from Kahekili Highway (1:02:32)
Waianapanapa Black Sand Beach (1:04:09)
Kula Highway (1:06:05)
Lahaina Banyan Tree (1:13:17)
Polo Beach (1:19:16)
Iao Valley State Park (1:35:32)
Maluaka Beach (1:52:00)
Kapalua Bay (2:05:20)
Launiupoko Beach Park (2:36:04)
Baby Beach (3:07:48)
Makaluapuna Point (3:35:16)
1. Explore the most diverse landscapes of Maui.
2. Use this 4K video as relaxing 4K TV screensaver
3. Reunite with nature and stay relaxed.
4. Use this 4K relaxation video with soothing nature sounds as a lovely background video, 4K TV Screensaver and video walls for study, work, sleep, yoga, healing therapy, reading, etc.
5. Take a moment and experience nature in glorious 4K by simply watching it.
Soak in the dramatic vistas in 4K on your Oled TV, Samsung 4K HDR TV, Sony 4K TV, LG 4K TV, etc.
uses of our 4K Relaxation Videos.
— for any waiting room, office, hospital, dental clinic
— for any spa, resort, lobby, restaurant, lounge
— for any public transport, gym, picture gallery, library.
You can use our 4K relaxation videos as a beautiful background video, screensaver or video walls.
Calming River Flow on the Rocks. Relaxing Nature Sounds — (1 Hour) White Noise
This is such a perfect display of how beautiful nature can be, with this stunning visual of water flowing over the rocks in the heart of New Zealand. I hope you all enjoy this fabulous content.
Relaxing Music with Gentle Ocean Sounds, Soothing Waves and Peaceful Music
8 hours of relaxing music on the tropical castaway beach with soothing gentle ocean sounds of waves. Escape now!!!
You may find this and other beach scenes without the music in full HD quality with 5.1 surround sound without watermarks in \«Caribbean Lounge\» 3.5 Hour film collection with over 150 stunning tropical views. www.LoungeV.com/caribbean-lounge/