Warnung: Zirbeldrüse aktivieren & entkalken in 45 Minuten

Warnung: Zirbeldrüse aktivieren & entkalken in 45 Minuten

♫ Get your free neowake session now & boost your brain power:

♫ Buy this track (high quality version):

◎ About this neowake session:

Activating and opening the pineal gland is an important undertaking in the 21st century, because it is through the pineal gland (also known as the epiphysis) that we perceive our world. As a gland it controls our aging process, as well as our sleep and is involved in the formation of thought structures and sensations.

An open pineal gland functions better than a closed pineal gland, on a mental, spiritual and physical level. Many people equate opening the third eye with opening the pineal gland.

We recommend listening to this session several times for about 7 days to achieve breakthrough results. Listen to the session only when you are really strong. Alternatively, you can listen to our session for the root chakra here to help you become more stable in life.

At best use headphones for this process.

◎ Safety instructions:

Our neowake sessions work best when you listen to the music through headphones while sitting or lying down in a relaxed way. Please do not listen to this music while driving or doing anything that requires your full attention.

The neowake sessions do not replace a recommendation of your doctor. Brain wave stimulation does not correspond to any diagnostic procedure and should not be used exclusively for the treatment of diseases.

◎ Our promise:

Trust our original neowake technology and feel the difference. We are constantly developing our neowake session to provide you with unique and mind-expanding experiences.

◎ The neowake difference:

Our listening sessions are fundamentally different from traditional YouTube relaxation music. We use innovative audio frequencies and create interactive sessions that are optimally adapted to the programming of your consciousness.

We only use high-quality compositions and produce the neowake session in our own laboratory. Through this research and intensive testing, we develop the highest efficiency for you. Whether you want to relax, be productive or go into a deep sleep. With our neowake session you can do this within a few minutes.

neowake.com/ — Change at the push of a button

Copyright ⓒ neowake. All Rights Reserved.

Activate Your Higher Mind for Success, Binaural Beats, Relaxing Music.

Activate Your Higher Mind for Success, Binaural Beats, Relaxing Music.

Для этого трека мы использовали тэта-волны. Среди особенностей этих частот есть творчество и вдохновение. Успех является следствием правильного выбора, сделанного в нужное время. Правильный выбор иногда бывает без сознания. Тета-волны управляют той частью нашего разума, которая лежит между сознательным и бессознательным. Мы рекомендуем прослушивать этот трек не менее 30 минут в состоянии бодрствования. Это поможет вам сделать правильный выбор для вашего успеха.

Вы можете купить этот трек с названием «Activate Your Higher Mind for Success» здесь:

Google Play bit.ly/2m9Z5li
Amazon amzn.to/2keEFXM
или слушать это на
Spotify spoti.fi/2kJkq4F
Deezer bit.ly/2keET14
YouTube Music bit.ly/2TwfJZn
Napster bit.ly/2TxKk8T
Akazoo bit.ly/2VFv4tx
Tidal bit.ly/39iFF1x

Этот трек содержит бинауральные частоты, мы рекомендуем использовать наушники или наушники.
Для тестирования этого трека мы использовали эти наушники www.sleepphones.com/?aff=105
Они имеют высокое качество звука и очень удобны.
Активируйте уведомления, чтобы вы могли быть в курсе последних новостей. Мы публикуем в понедельник и среду.

Канал «Music for Body and Spirit» включает в себя также:

Рейки Музыка:
Здесь вы можете найти музыку для ваших процедур Рейки с звонком каждые 3 минуты или без звонка. Треки со звонком меняются на каждую позицию с мелодиями и гармониями, детально изученными для облегчения лечения.

Музыка для медитации и йоги:
Для ваших коротких или долгих сеансов медитации или йоги, чтобы сбалансировать свое тело и дух. Здесь вы можете найти музыку, подходящую на ваш вкус.

Звуки медитации
Музыка в этом плейлисте имеет общую характеристику: отсутствие гармонических изменений и очень тонкие мелодии, которые делают эти песни идеальными для глубокой медитации.

Чакра медитация музыка с тибетскими чашами
Мы создали новый плейлист, который собирает треки медитации чакры. Особенностью этих композиций является то, что они были составлены только с тибетскими колоколами. Звук абсолютно естественный, вы будете чувствовать их рядом с собой.
Мы предлагаем вам прослушать этот трек на низкой громкости.

Расслабляющая музыка:
Эти треки можно использовать в любой ситуации: в качестве фона во время работы, в моменты релаксации после напряженного дня или просто когда вы хотите.

Короткая медитация и расслабляющий трек:
Короткие треки от 4 до 10 минут для короткой медитации или для релаксации. Их можно слушать последовательно, чтобы получить длинный и разнообразный трек по желанию.

Бинауральные ритмы:
Это определенно самый особенный плейлист. Каждый трек составлен для определенной цели.
Используя наушники или наушники, вы обнаружите очень очень скрытые звуки…

Спящая музыка:
Сон очень важен для здоровья человека. Эти композиции предназначены для сопровождения вас на время сна или просто для засыпания.


℗ 2020 Music for Body and Spirit – Meditation Music All rights reserved.
Buy our music:
Google Play: goo.gl/Vw9oXN
Amazon: goo.gl/y9Dvag
7 Digital: bit.ly/2RkItUZ

Streaming music:
Spotify: goo.gl/3p2Rme
Deezer: goo.gl/FeJfXz
YouTube Music: bit.ly/37nR5zT
Napster: bit.ly/2GgexmN
Akazoo: bit.ly/2sWG49W
Tidal: bit.ly/2RJBCUf
Find us with the name “Music Body and Spirit”
℗ 2020 Music Body and Spirit All rights reserved.
Our site: www.musicforbodyandspirit.com/

Follow Music for Body and Spirit social pages:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/musicforbodyandspirit/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/musicforbodyandspirit/?hl=it
Twitter: twitter.com/musicbodyspirit
Pinterest: www.pinterest.it/3ebaafd872bfd93/

For business enquiries: info@musicforbodyandspirit.com

Спокойный сон под расслабляющий шум дождя у моря A calm sleep under the relaxing sound of rain

Спокойный сон под расслабляющий шум дождя у моря A calm sleep under the relaxing sound of rain

Спокойный сон под расслабляющий шум дождя у моря / 6 hours! A calm sleep under the relaxing sound of rain by the sea

Шум океанского дождя Капли стучащие по стеклу Завывание ветра Спать под звуки природы rain: www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bx0ris28Dw

Шум дождя Сильный дождь для сна и релаксации Rain Heavy rain noise for sleep and relaxation: www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxZEJJHTev8

Ruhiger Schlaf unter dem entspannenden Rauschen des Meer Regen

Sommeil paisible sous le bruit relaxant de la pluie de la mer

Был долгий сон под шум дождя,
И не хотелось просыпаться.
Сказало сердце, уходя:
«Прощай, счастливо оставаться!»

И дверь не скрипнула за ним,
И только дождь рыдал простецки,
Что мир мой пал, как Древний Рим,
И я больна тоской недетской.

А я спала, как спит зерно
В земле до нового рожденья.
Без сердца было всё равно,
Когда наступит пробужденье.

Эта мантра даст вам энергию и усилит иммунитет

Эта мантра даст вам энергию и усилит иммунитет

Садхгуру дает простую мантру, повторение которой поднимет энергию и усилит ваш иммунитет. Что особенно актуально во время мировой пандемии коронавируса.

Садхгуру в непростые времена. Садхгуру будет с нами в это непростое время глобального кризиса, с которым сейчас столкнулось человечество.
Смотрите премьеру нового видео Садхгуру на YouTube ежедневно с 18:00 до 18:40 МСК, начиная с 23 марта. На русском языке.
Задайте свой вопрос Садхгуру в комментариях, используя хэштэг #BeatTheVirus.

Садхгуру предлагает простую, но действенную Садхану для укрепления жизнестойкости, достижения внутреннего баланса, здоровья и благополучия, чтобы мы могли проявить себя наилучшим образом в это непростое для всех время.

8 Hours Relaxing Nature Sounds Calming Birdsong Sound of Water Relaxation Meditation

8 Hours Relaxing Nature Sounds Calming Birdsong Sound of Water Relaxation Meditation

Downloadable ‘Nature Sounds’ DVD’s (mp4) & CD’s (mp3) at gumroad.com/relaxingnaturevideos & gumroad.com/relaxingnaturesounds.
Direct link to this video as a 1hr. mp4 download:- gum.co/tinywaterfallandbirdsong
Direct link to this soundscape as a 1hr. or an 8hr. download:- gum.co/mp3tinywaterfallandbirdsong

I have a large selection of my work in the store already and will soon have all of my ‘Nature Sounds videos’, including, birdsong, forest, waterfall, lapping waves, river & stream soundscape videos available to download as hour long mp4’s. These are easily stored on a hard drive for play back on your computer or a large screen tv or even projected onto a wall. If you do purchase any of my videos, thank you very much. Please leave a rating in the store as this will help my store be seen in gumroads internal search engine.

Your favourite soundscapes as mp3’s:- gumroad.com/relaxingnaturesounds
12 of the most popular in a discount bundle:- gum.co/mostpopularsoundscapecollection

Nature sounds, with the soothing sound of a waterfall, forest sounds or birdsong are relaxing to our minds and help us to sleep, study or for meditation. We are able to relax with these peaceful sounds of nature which have accompanied us since the dawn of time, we are familiar with natures rhythms. They are part of our own rhythms, we feel safe and comfortable with the sounds of nature. We find nature sounds to be very therapeutic and stress relieving. Natures relaxing sounds can heal many disorders and illnesses, particularly those imposed by the stress of modern societies. All we have to do is simply listen to these healing sounds of nature regularly. Forest sounds, birdsong and waterfall sounds are perfect for improving and accompanying a relaxation, meditation or mindfulness program.

The calming sounds of nature are a natural tonic for mind and body. Relaxation and meditation are very important to ones wellbeing. Take time with these relaxing nature sounds, sounds of the forest, waterfalls and birdsong. Permit yourself to relax and de-stress.

Take a few moments out of your busy day for relaxation and or meditation, sit or lie in a relaxing position and let these calming nature sounds and images melt away your stress and tension. It is a good idea to, everyday take some time away from your normal hectic schedule for quiet relaxation. Let the soothing nature sounds of this natural scene, relax and calm you.

As you listen to these soothing sounds of the forest, lake, sea, river, waterfall or birdsong, breath in a relaxed manner, feel positive energy travel throughout your mind and body. This meditation will rejuvenate you and help you to replenish your energy to face the rest of your day or help you to sleep better.

Study after study has proven that the healing sounds of the forest, lake, sea, river or waterfall and birdsong help people to find a peace within themselves which assists healing of many conditions and illnesses. These soothing sounds of nature videos have helped literally hundreds of thousands of people across the world with finding an inner calmness to help them with study, getting to sleep, relaxing, meditating and fighting off illness, alleviating depression and stress in their lives.

Insomnia can be helped with relaxation techniques and a practice of meditation aided by the calming sounds of nature. Take time to relax with these soothing images and nature sounds. This peaceful natural soundscape has been created specifically to help you in your life, take advantage of it's healing energy and relax with it daily, play it during the day as you work, study or relax, play it at night to help you get a better sleep. Share with friends, they will thank you for it.

A great way to share and promote positivity across youtube and the world is to create 'Public playlists' on your channel, even if you don't upload any videos yourself you can still make a positive impact on youtube. Create playlists on your channel to help spread and promote positive videos. Collect all those wonderful positive helpful videos you would like others to see into various playlists. This would also help promote your favourite positive channels. Let us be the change we want to see in the world.

Here are a few playlists you may find interesting:-

Relaxation, 8 Hours of Nature Sounds

Natural Sleep Aid Sounds

Natural Recordings of Birds Singing

Recordings of Natural Water Sounds

Sounds of the Sea

#naturesounds #relaxingsounds #forestsounds

Relaxation-8 Hours Nature Sounds-Ambient Birdsong-Relaxing Sound of Water-Meditation

Relaxation-8 Hours Nature Sounds-Ambient Birdsong-Relaxing Sound of Water-Meditation

Downloadable ‘Nature Sounds’ DVD’s (mp4) & CD’s (mp3) at gumroad.com/relaxingnaturevideos & gumroad.com/relaxingnaturesounds.
Direct link to this video as a 1hr. mp4 download:- gum.co/babblingbrookandbirdsong
Direct link to this soundscape as a 1hr. or an 8hr. mp3 download:- gum.co/mp3babblingbrookandbirdsong

I have a large selection of my work in the store already and will soon have all of my ‘Nature Sounds videos’, including, birdsong, forest, waterfall, lapping waves, river & stream soundscape videos available to download as hour long mp4’s. These are easily stored on a hard drive for play back on your computer or a large screen tv or even projected onto a wall. If you do purchase any of my videos, thank you very much. Please leave a rating in the store as this will help my store be seen in gumroads internal search engine.

Your favourite soundscapes as mp3’s:- gumroad.com/relaxingnaturesounds
12 of the most popular in one discounted bundle:- gum.co/mostpopularsoundscapecollection

Nature sounds, with the soothing sound of a waterfall, forest sounds or birdsong are relaxing to our minds and help us to sleep, study or for meditation. We are able to relax with these peaceful sounds of nature which have accompanied us since the dawn of time, we are familiar with natures rhythms. They are part of our own rhythms, we feel safe and comfortable with the sounds of nature. We find nature sounds to be very therapeutic and stress relieving. Natures relaxing sounds can heal many disorders and illnesses, particularly those imposed by the stress of modern societies. All we have to do is simply listen to these healing sounds of nature regularly. Forest sounds, birdsong and waterfall sounds are perfect for improving and accompanying a relaxation, meditation or mindfulness program.

The calming sounds of nature are a natural tonic for mind and body. Relaxation and meditation are very important to ones wellbeing. Take time with these relaxing nature sounds, sounds of the forest, waterfalls and birdsong. Permit yourself to relax and de-stress.

Take a few moments out of your busy day for relaxation and or meditation, sit or lie in a relaxing position and let these calming nature sounds and images melt away your stress and tension. It is a good idea to, everyday take some time away from your normal hectic schedule for quiet relaxation. Let the soothing nature sounds of this natural scene, relax and calm you.

As you listen to these soothing sounds of the forest, lake, sea, river, waterfall or birdsong, breath in a relaxed manner, feel positive energy travel throughout your mind and body. This meditation will rejuvenate you and help you to replenish your energy to face the rest of your day or help you to sleep better.

Study after study has proven that the healing sounds of the forest, lake, sea, river or waterfall and birdsong help people to find a peace within themselves which assists healing of many conditions and illnesses. These soothing sounds of nature videos have helped literally hundreds of thousands of people across the world with finding an inner calmness to help them with study, getting to sleep, relaxing, meditating and fighting off illness, alleviating depression and stress in their lives.

Insomnia can be helped with relaxation techniques and a practice of meditation aided by the calming sounds of nature. Take time to relax with these soothing images and nature sounds. This peaceful natural soundscape has been created specifically to help you in your life, take advantage of it's healing energy and relax with it daily, play it during the day as you work, study or relax, play it at night to help you get a better sleep. Share with friends, they will thank you for it.

A great way to share and promote positivity across youtube and the world is to create 'Public playlists' on your channel, even if you don't upload any videos yourself you can still make a positive impact on youtube. Create playlists on your channel to help spread and promote positive videos. Collect all those wonderful positive helpful videos you would like others to see into various playlists. This would also help promote your favourite positive channels. Let us be the change we want to see in the world.

Here are a few playlists you may find interesting:-

Relaxation, 8 Hours of Nature Sounds

Natural Sleep Aid Sounds

Natural Recordings of Birds Singing

Recordings of Natural Water Sounds

Sounds of the Sea

#naturesounds #relaxingsounds #forestsounds

Омоложение Как По Волшебству, МАГИЧЕСКАЯ Музыка, Янгмей

Омоложение Как По Волшебству, МАГИЧЕСКАЯ Музыка, Янгмей

Для пожертвований каналу: www.donationalerts.com/r/energia_life

Полезные каналы которые я рекомендую:
☘ Канал Мощного Омоложения www.youtube.com/channel/UCrYr85J7FDD_Ah67asmr..
☘ МОГУЩЕСТВЕННЫЕ Мантры И Молитвы www.youtube.com/channel/UCP6McCiO32ZebngePNBY..
☘ Белый кролик — Бинауральные ритмы и ОЗДОРОВИТЕЛЬНЫЕ медитации www.youtube.com/channel/UC6UjobtEMBCUP-lAb8-L..
☘ Медитации Сэнсэя- vk.com/senseimeditation
☘ КЛУБ ВЕСЁЛЫХ МУДРЕЦОВ-: vk.com/bestmantra

Янгмей мягко и точно ведёт человека к волшебному долголетию и процветанию. Дарит заново молодость, красоту и изящество. Помогает широко мыслить и Творить. Заново открывает как в сказке все двери Изобилию. Радость, мир в семье, взаимопонимание. Удача во всех делах. Гармония в душе и настоящий юношеский задор! Сила. Благоденствие. Отличные перспективы будущего!

639 Гц - Гармонизация отношений: Привлечение любви и позитивной энергии-Убрать отрицательную энергию

639 Гц — Гармонизация отношений: Привлечение любви и позитивной энергии-Убрать отрицательную энергию

НАШ МАГАЗИН ОДЕЖДЫ: vk.cc/98jg7q

FA — частота сольфеджио 639 Гц от священной шкалы сольфеджио. Она позволяет создать гармоничное сообщество и гармоничные межличностные отношения. Тон «Fa» можно использовать для решения проблем в отношениях — в семье, между партнерами, друзьями или социальными проблемами. Говоря о клеточных процессах, можно использовать частоту 639 Гц, чтобы побудить клетку общаться с окружающей средой. Эта древняя частота сольфеджио усиливает общение, понимание, терпимость и любовь. Она может быть использована для усиления вашей положительной энергии и подключения вас к вечному огню любви. Вы начнете излучать мощную энергию, с которой люди захотят соединиться.

Вы можете ПОБЛАГОДАРИТЬ меня в виде ФИНАНСОВОЙ поддержки, в размере той суммы которую можете себе позволить. Все деньги идут на развитие канала: www.donationalerts.com/r/nvb2019
Яндекс Деньги: 410011990312180

Подкасты: www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKtPaIBpi_k&list=PL-joIppaqtdodTx7cmpA8cTh9gIcul3_v&index=1

Медитации, мантры, бинауральные ритмы (новое видео каждую среду): www.youtube.com/watch?v=wD5H8kVAh_0&list=PL-joIppaqtdpTskE3IeUEh33sMQxAOQon

ПОСМОТРИ — Фильмы, меняющие сознание, мировоззрение и жизнь: www.youtube.com/watch?v=of6TlPk-gE0&list=PL-joIppaqtdr0YZjFJlMmfSKTym5NKpnM&index=1

Частоты сольфеджио: www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKX011mOXEo&list=PL-joIppaqtdr98MgsuaOdeHVCBFAtbydC&index=1

Красивая Природа в Осеннем Лесу под музыку Для Релаксации и для Души | Золотая Осень | 4K Ultra HD

Красивая Природа в Осеннем Лесу под музыку Для Релаксации и для Души | Золотая Осень | 4K Ultra HD

Подпишитесь на нас: www.youtube.com/channel/UC_r8muXkU0B_ppx30IST1kQ?sub_confirmation=1

4K Drone Footage - Bird's Eye View of Croatia, Europe - 3 Hour Ambient Drone Film

4K Drone Footage — Bird's Eye View of Croatia, Europe — 3 Hour Ambient Drone Film

Dream, travel, enjoy and discover the most amazing places of the world while watching our 4K UHD aerial drone film from www.beautifulwashington.com and www.proartinc.net
Download this wonderful aerial footage for your collection at proartinc.net/shop/4k-aerial-footage/aerial-croatia/

Have you ever dreamed to be a bird that you could explore the world and fly whenever you like? Dreams come true. You don’t even need to leave your house! Just watch this majestic 4K UHD ambient drone film about Croatia from the bird's eye view and enjoy you virtual tour! It’s fantastic! Every time planning your trip you want to find out as more as possible about the country you are going to visit. This 4K video will help you see the country from a new perspective, enjoy and relax!

Take in the breathtaking views and listen to amazing music! Watching this video you will be enchanted by the magnificent waterfalls, views of the sea, islands, harbors, medieval buildings, ships, bridges and all things that a bird can see flying in the sky. Feel yourself free and let your imagination soar!

Use this 4K video as gorgeous video walls for any waiting room, lobby, relax room, spa center, hair salon, nail salon, airport, public transport, restaurant, shopping center, souvenir shop, gym, hotel, lounge, office, hospital, nursing house, dental clinic, picture gallery, home, car wash, book shop, supermarket and more.
Music by ambient/electronic recording artist David Helpling

Download this video at proartinc.net/shop/4k-aerial-footage/aerial-croatia/

Watch Online: 4krelax.com
Install Our ROKU App: goo.gl/tEyJQW
Install Our Android App: goo.gl/BFMznj
Install Our IOS App: itunes.apple.com/us/app/4k-nature-relax-tv/id1403683336?mt=8
Install Our Amazon Fire TV App: goo.gl/9TGEkm

Instagram: www.instagram.com/roman.filmmaker/
Visit my Travel Blog: goo.gl/AluKHt
For licensing questions: goo.gl/i0VUj6
Please SUBSCRIBE goo.gl/PZTVzf to my RELAXATION CHANNEL so you do not miss anything.