Звуки поезда для Сна 8 часов / Сон в поезде / Train Sounds Ambient White NoiseSoundscape

Звуки поезда для Сна 8 часов / Сон в поезде / Train Sounds Ambient White NoiseSoundscape

Ночь в поезде. Засыпать в поезде под ненавязчивый
стук колес особенно легко и приятно. В поезде вас
не будет мучить бессонница. Ложитесь, включайте
шум поезда для быстрого и приятного сна — и очень
скоро вас начнет клонить ко сну. Расслабление
придет, окутывая ваши веки тяжелой и приятной
дремой. От депрессии, от стресса после тяжелого
дня, для успокоения и расслабления нервов. Для вас
звучат звуки поезда на всю ночь! Целых 8 часов в
поезде, чтобы вы успели выспаться и начать новый
день с чистого листа и с хорошим настроением! Наш
поезд проследует без остановок.

To fall asleep on the train under the unobtrusive knocking
of the wheels is especially easy and pleasant. In the train
you will not suffer from insomnia. Lie down, turn on the
noise of the train for a quick and pleasant sleep
very soon you will begin to tend to sleep. Relaxation will
come, enveloping your eyelids with a heavy and pleasant
nap. From depression, from stress after a hard day, to
calm and relax the nerves. For you, the sounds of a train
sound all night long! As many as 8 hours on the train,
so you can get enough sleep and start a new day with a
clean slate and with a good mood! Our train will continue
without interruption.

Ocean Waves Black Screen | White Noise for Sleep 10 Hours

Ocean Waves Black Screen | White Noise for Sleep 10 Hours

For a night of great sleep, try this ocean waves white noise with a black screen. The ocean sounds create a peaceful ambience while blocking out extraneous noise. The black screen keeps your bedroom dark while you sleep. The dark screen also helps by saving battery life, reducing data usage and not having to worry about screen burn-in. Let the water sounds white noise help you fall asleep and remain sleeping all night long.

For more white noise videos with a black screen, please check out:
White Noise Black Screen: youtu.be/nMfPqeZjc2c

For more ocean sounds, please check out:
Ocean Waves Relaxation 10 Hours: youtu.be/WHPEKLQID4U
Ocean Waves Seaside Ambience: youtu.be/WxfmULzzKoU

Ocean waves audio recorded in Hawaii.

#whitenoise #blackscreen #oceansounds


Relaxing White Noise is the number one destination on YouTube for white noise and nature sounds to help you sleep, study or soothe a baby.

Please subscribe to our channel: www.youtube.com/relaxingwhitenoise
Please check out our website to buy MP3s of your favorite sounds: relaxingwhitenoise.com/


Remember that loud sounds can potentially damage your hearing. When playing one of our videos, if you cannot have a conversation over the sound without raising your voice, the sound may be too loud for your ears. Please do not place speakers right next to a baby’s ears. If you have difficulty hearing or hear ringing in your ears, please immediately discontinue listening to the white noise sounds and consult an audiologist or your physician.

The sounds provided by this Youtube channel are for entertainment purposes only and are not a treatment for sleep disorders or tinnitus. If you have significant difficulty sleeping on a regular basis, experience fitful/restless sleep, or feel tired during the day, please consult your physician.

© Relaxing White Noise LLC, 2019. All rights reserved. Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this video/audio is prohibited.

Rain and Trains Thunderstorm Sounds for Sleep Black Screen Relaxation Study or Restful Thoughts

Rain and Trains Thunderstorm Sounds for Sleep Black Screen Relaxation Study or Restful Thoughts

Rain and Trains by David A Keller (DreamWorld youtube channel)
Date Recorded:04/10/2019
I recorded this storm with a Tascam dr44 and 2 xlr blue 300 series microphones via phantom power. This storm was recorded on my property by the woodlands. I hiked a small distance to record sounds of trains at a railroad track( both commercial and travel trains). This is a rough draft so to speak of train sounds. I am dialing in the right distance to record these powerful trains. In the future I plan to record aboard as well as other sounds they make. I edited the storm in Sony Vegas and Audacity. Artwork(Illustration and logo) by David A Keller and Lia Smazik. All audio and video was recorded myself, David A Keller for the amazing subscribers on this channel(DreamWorld). Use this Black screen for sleep relaxation and mindful rest. Thunderstorm sounds for sleep meditation as well as noise blockage. Dark screen for sleep and soothing rest. Train sounds for an interesting relaxation sound to calm the mind.

Recorded Created and Produced by
David A Keller
Copyright © 2019 DreamWorld LLC
All rights reserved.
All original audio and video.

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Relaxing natural sound for relaxation, meditation, and sleep. Also, use it while doing your homework or just because. Rain sounds can be quite refreshing for your brain. It gives you that calm soothing feeling of relaxation and peace that makes you feel safe. I've been listening to rain since I was 16 yrs old and always felt a connection to its sound. When it first starts from the smell rain exudes to the symphony of distant thunder it emanates. The sound of water droplets falling into puddles and white noise that sends positive vibes throughout my body. Pure relaxation at its finest with deep concentration of thoughts blooming throughout your mind. The raindrops reach out and tickle your soul with each splash that lands. I sleep to it, write to it, use for deep moments of mindful rest, and just as a background ambiance in my every day life. Sleep well everyone.

© DreamWorldcreate, 2019. All rights reserved. Any reproduction of all or part of this video/audio/illustration/animation is prohibited.

12 Hours Black Screen Creaky Wooden Pirate Ship Rain Sounds in a Thunderstorm - Pirate Ship Ambience

12 Hours Black Screen Creaky Wooden Pirate Ship Rain Sounds in a Thunderstorm — Pirate Ship Ambience

Climb into your bunk and let the sounds of the sails and the wind lull you to sleep.

Get your very own I Speak Pirate, What's Your Superpower? T-Shirt!

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► COSY TRAINRIDE AT NIGHT FOR 8 HOURS (sounds for relaxing, meditation and sleeping)

► COSY TRAINRIDE AT NIGHT FOR 8 HOURS (sounds for relaxing, meditation and sleeping)

Enjoy eight hours full of relaxing trainride sounds. Ideal for meditation, sleeping, yoga or sound therapies.

► Visit and suscribe our channel RELAX and MEDITATION for more great sounds and videos


10 Hours Relaxing Night Train Sounds For Deep Sleep | Fade To Black Dark Screen | Train Sleep Sounds

10 Hours Relaxing Night Train Sounds For Deep Sleep | Fade To Black Dark Screen | Train Sleep Sounds

10 Hours Of Relaxing Night Train Sounds For Deep Sleep | Fade To Black Dark Screen | Train Sleep Sounds

Enjoy 10 hours of relaxing night train sounds for deep sleep. Video fades to black for a completely dark screen to help you fall asleep fast and sleep deeply all night long.

Soft, relaxing long night train sounds for sleep or relaxation with a fade to black dark screen. The soothing train sounds will also help you focus and concentrate as the calm relaxing white noise helps to block out any unwanted noise at work or at home.

Listen to the calm, peaceful night train sounds any time you need to concentrate, stay focused, and study without interruption.

Gentle, relaxing long train white noise with a fade to dark black screen. Perfect for deep sleep, insomnia, meditation, study, spa, stress relief as well as simple rest and relaxation day or night.

The hours of soothing night train sounds for deep sleep and the dark fade to black screen will help you relax quickly, meditate more effectively, and even get your baby to go to sleep faster!

Thank you so much for checking out our channel!

Please comment below to let us know what you like about the video and make sure to SUBSCRIBE for more relaxing audios from Hours Of Relaxing Soothing Sounds.

Rest Easy!


10 Hours Heavy Rain And Thunderstorm Sounds For Deep Sleep | Fade To Black Dark Screen | Rain Sounds

10 Hours Wind Chimes And Ocean Waves | Deep Sleep Fade To Black Dark Screen | Relaxing Sleep Sounds

10 Hours Relaxing Ocean Waves And Seagulls For Deep Sleep | Fade To Black Dark Screen | Sleep Sounds

10 Hours Relaxing Airplane Sounds For Deep Sleep | Fade To Black Dark Screen | Airplane White Noise

10 Hours Heavy Thunder And Rainstorm Sounds For Deep Sleep | Fade To Black Dark Screen | Sleep Noise

10 Hours Of Relaxing Shower Sounds White Noise | Deep Sleep Fade To Dark Black Screen | Sleep Sounds

10 Hours Television Static White Noise For Deep Sleep | Fade To Black Dark Screen | TV Static Noise

10 Hours Grandfather Clock Ticking Sounds For Deep Sleep | Fade To Black Dark Screen | Sleep Sounds

8 Hours Relaxing Cello Sleep Music | Deep Sleep Fade To Black Dark Screen | Cello Meditation Music

10 Hours Of Baby Lullaby Songs To Go To Sleep | Bedtime Baby Sleep Music | Fade To Black Dark Screen

10 Hours Of Thunder And Rain In The Jungle For Deep Sleep | Fade To Black Dark Screen | Sleep Sounds

10 Hours Relaxing Piano Music And Water Sounds | Deep Sleep Fade To Black Dark Screen | Sleep Sounds

10 Of Hours Relaxing Fan White Noise For Sleep | Deep Sleep Fade To Black Dark Screen | Sleep Sounds

10 Hours Heavy Rain And Thunder On A Tin Roof | Deep Sleep Fade To Black Dark Screen | Sleep Sounds

10 Hours Thunder And Flute Music For Sleep | Fade To Black Dark Screen | Native American Flute Music

10 Hours Ocean Sounds For Deep Sleep Dark Screen | Relaxing Ocean Waves With Black Screen For Study

10 Hours Of Calm Relaxing Fish Aquarium With Music | Coral Reef Aquarium With Soothing Sleep Music

10 Hours Relaxing Train Sounds For Sleep | Soothing Night Train White Noise | Peaceful Sleep Sounds

10 Hours Of Calming Train Sounds For Deep Sleep And Relaxation | Soothing Ambient Train White Noise

10 Hours Of Bamboo Water Fountain Sounds | Healing Relaxation For Meditation Or Sleep | Water Sounds

8 Hours Of Baby Sleep Music White Noise | Calm Relaxing Lullaby Sleep Music For Babies | Baby Mobile

10 Hours Of Relaxing Underwater Ocean Sounds For Deep Sleep | Deep Sea Sounds For Study & Meditation

10 Hours Epic Thunder And Rain | Calming Rainstorm Sounds For Relaxation & Deep Sleep | White Noise

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10 Hours Of Relaxing Night Train Sounds For Deep Sleep | Fade To Black Dark Screen | Train Sleep Sounds
© Hours Of Relaxing Soothing Sounds 2020
#TrainSounds #BlackScreen #SleepSounds

Звуки холодильника, шум холодильника в кухне, белый шум

Звуки холодильника, шум холодильника в кухне, белый шум

Звуки холодильника, шум холодильника в кухне, белый шум — Подпишитесь на этот канал для получения дополнительных видеороликов!

Каждую неделю я публикую несколько видео с расслабляющей музыкой и звуками. Помогите мне создать больше таких видеороликов и поддержать меня в Patreon на patreon.com/musicandsounds! На моей странице Patreon вы можете помочь поддержать мои видеоролики и помочь мне создать больше видео, подобных этому.

Это необязательно, и я ценю любую поддержку! Спасибо!


этикетки: холодильник, холодильник, белый шум, звуковой эффект,

8 Hours Refrigerator Noise,Fridge Fan sound,White Noise,Fridge House Sounds

8 Hours Refrigerator Noise,Fridge Fan sound,White Noise,Fridge House Sounds

(8 Hours Request)
Sound Relaxing Fridge Fan White Noise.Simple and Beautiful Fridge sound for meditation, rest, sleep, relaxation, study, spa or yoga.
Calming sounds and soothing music to focus and centre the mind.
Video to relax the mind and body,suitable for children,adolescent and adults who require a slow music,nice,soft and reassuring,that can help them sleep deeply.

— — — — — — — — — — — Relaxing sounds.

Use headphones for best results. There is no music in this video, only sounds for sleeping.

— — — — — — — — — — — Please like, subscribe and comment if you enjoyed this video.
Thanks for listening!

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— — — — — — — — — — — Photo is public domain.
Sounds are public domain.(freesounds.org)
