10 hours of Gentle, Soothing, Relaxing Acoustic Guitar Music: Black Screen

10 hours of Gentle, Soothing, Relaxing Acoustic Guitar Music: Black Screen

10 hours of Gentle, Soothing, Relaxing Acoustic Guitar Music: Calm Music to help you for quality of sleep. The Black screen is essential to avoid any ray of light.

ACT Musics aims to calm you which will raise your sleep quality, reduce stress, and above all, improve your mental health.

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Starry Night • 12 Hours of Ambient Sleep Music | Black Screen

Starry Night • 12 Hours of Ambient Sleep Music | Black Screen

Фоновая музыка для сна с черным экраном (\«Starry Night\» ), создана композитором Peder B. Helland. Слушайте больше музыки для сна в этом плейлисте: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQ_PIlf6OzqINm_c12CjzmdRcIbMEUr9T Яндекс.Музыка: soothingrelaxation.lnk.to/listenYL/yandexmusic
Скачать музыку или слушать онлайн на канале «Soothing Relaxation»: soothingrelaxation.lnk.to/listenYL

8 hours of Deep Sleep , Black Screen, Sleep music, insomnia, tinnitus, delta waves, white noise

8 hours of Deep Sleep, Black Screen, Sleep music, insomnia, tinnitus, delta waves, white noise

If you suffer from Insomnia or Tinnitus, this is for you. The delta waves will help ease your thoughts and put you in a deep sleep.

Close your eyes, feel the energy at your core radiate out and breath slowly.

Many phones can not play youtube with the screen off, so I made this all black video so you can keep your phone on without any bright light. Also can be used as a screen saver.

Magical pink noise. Pink noise. Angel's breath. Волшебный pink noise. Розовый шум. Дыхание Ангела.

Magical pink noise. Pink noise. Angel's breath. Волшебный pink noise. Розовый шум. Дыхание Ангела.

Волшебный pink noise. Розовый шум. Дыхание Ангела.
Magical pink noise. Pink noise. Angel's breath.


После нескольких минут погружения в розовый шум ты ощутишь как по твоему лбу и вискам пробежал свежий прохладный ветерок… это твой Ангел Хранитель явился поцеловать тебя… как сильно вы соскучились друг по другу… теперь вы навсегда вместе… вы одно целое…

BABY SLEEP MIRACLE | Pink Noise Calms Crying Baby, Colic

BABY SLEEP MIRACLE | Pink Noise Calms Crying Baby, Colic

Buy Baby Sleep Miracle MP3: goo.gl/SWcKCU
Is your baby crying uncontrollably? Try putting him or her to sleep with the soothing sound of pink noise. It's a sleep-trick miracle! The sound of pink noise is similar to what a baby hears in the womb and is peaceful and calming. You and your infant will both enjoy some quiet time when playing this video. Great for new mothers and fathers.

© Relaxing White Noise LLC, 2014. All rights reserved. Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this video/audio is prohibited.

Tropical Rainforest Sounds with Rain 10 Hours Black Screen Relaxing Sleep Dark Screen

Tropical Rainforest Sounds with Rain 10 Hours Black Screen Relaxing Sleep Dark Screen

Relax with our long 10 Hour Tropical Rainforest with Raining Sounds. This video has a Black Screen that helps you keep distracting light to a minimum when falling asleep or relaxing.

This rain forest with waterfall and rain sounds is ideal for anyone wishing to create an ambient atmosphere for Sleeping, Relaxing, Studying, Meditating or White Noise.

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Ocean Waves for Deep Sleep with Dark Screen - Sleep and Relaxation - Black Screen

Ocean Waves for Deep Sleep with Dark Screen — Sleep and Relaxation — Black Screen

This black screen recording of ocean waves for Deep Sleep with Dark Screen featuring the natural ocean sounds reduces the blue-spectrum light waves-known to inhibit REM sleep.

This Ocean Waves for Deep Sleep video has a dark/black screen so you don't have to deal with any unnecessary light from the screen when attempting to sleep/relax.

Buy the Footage and Music here: bit.ly/33JhPZm

Ocean Waves Sounds for Deep Sleep Black Screen 12 hours

Ocean Waves Sounds for Deep Sleep Black Screen 12 hours

Relaxing ocean sounds of waves for deep sleeping. Ocean waves against the shore create a relaxing ambiance that is great for sleep. The dark screen of the video don't disturb your eyes and keep a low luminosity in your room.
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