Дмитрий Маликов, Дайкири - Снежинка

Дмитрий Маликов, Дайкири — Снежинка

Дмитрий Маликов, Дайкири — Снежинка

Следуй за ДЖЕМ jamgroup.ru
Youtube goo.gl/p5MfB5
Instagram www.instagram.com/jam.label/
Одноклассники ok.ru/jam1994
ВКонтакте vk.com/jamrussia
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DailyMotion dailymotion.com/jamrussia
Telegram t.me/jamlabel
Tik-Tok vm.tiktok.com/ZSuuq72G/

Технология - Странные танцы

Технология — Странные танцы

Клип на песню \«Странные танцы\» альбом \«Всё, что ты хочешь\», 1991 год
музыка и слова — Роман Рябцев
Скачай в iTunes — itunes.apple.com/ru/album/vse-cto-ty-hoces/id1081032591

Следуй за ДЖЕМ jamgroup.ru
Youtube goo.gl/p5MfB5
Instagram www.instagram.com/jam.label/
Одноклассники ok.ru/jam1994
ВКонтакте vk.com/jamrussia
Facebook facebook.com/jamrussia
Twitter twitter.com/jamgroup1994
DailyMotion dailymotion.com/jamrussia
Telegram t.me/jamlabel
Tik-Tok vm.tiktok.com/ZSuuq72G/

© 2003 Издательство ДЖЕМ / JAM PH

Новогодние песни для детей

Новогодние песни для детей

Новогодние песни для детей

00:00 Чудесам откройте двери
04:07 Время верить в чудеса
07:53 В рождество
12:59 Новогодняя ночь
16:07 Белый шар
17:45 Снег идет
21:12 Рождественский романс

Правообладатель — ДЖЕМ

Следуй за ДЖЕМ jamgroup.ru
Youtube goo.gl/p5MfB5
Instagram www.instagram.com/jam.label/
Одноклассники ok.ru/jam1994
ВКонтакте vk.com/jamrussia
Facebook facebook.com/jamrussia
Twitter twitter.com/jamgroup1994
DailyMotion dailymotion.com/jamrussia
Telegram t.me/jamlabel
Tik-Tok vm.tiktok.com/ZSuuq72G/

Мираж - Падал белый снег

Мираж — Падал белый снег

Падал белый снег — группа \«Мираж\»
музыка и слова Андрей Литягин, гитара Алексей Горбашов
продюсер Андрей Черкасов
режиссер-постановщик Денис Разумный
операторы — Денис Разумный, Виталий Дорохов, Михаил Кувшинов
образы, make up Тимофей Яковлев

Следуй за ДЖЕМ jamgroup.ru
Youtube goo.gl/p5MfB5
Instagram www.instagram.com/jam.label/
Одноклассники ok.ru/jam1994
ВКонтакте vk.com/jamrussia
Facebook facebook.com/jamrussia
Twitter twitter.com/jamgroup1994
DailyMotion dailymotion.com/jamrussia
Telegram t.me/jamlabel
Tik-Tok vm.tiktok.com/ZSuuq72G/

Спасибо за предоставленное оборудование студии Лига и лично Алексею Дементьеву.

© 2017 Издательство ДЖЕМ

Стрелки - С Новым Годом,1998

Стрелки — С Новым Годом,1998

Стрелки — С Новым Годом,1998 (альбом \«Шипы и розы\»)

ITunes/AppleMusic: vk.cc/8IsSao

Следуй за ДЖЕМ jamgroup.ru
Youtube goo.gl/p5MfB5
Instagram www.instagram.com/jam.label/
Одноклассники ok.ru/jam1994
ВКонтакте vk.com/jamrussia
Facebook facebook.com/jamrussia
Twitter twitter.com/jamgroup1994
DailyMotion dailymotion.com/jamrussia
Telegram t.me/jamlabel
Tik-Tok vm.tiktok.com/ZSuuq72G/

© 2005 ДЖЕМ

Christmas Music ❅ Most Beautiful Christmas Songs and Carols ❅ Christmas Songs Playlist 2017❅

Christmas Music ❅ Most Beautiful Christmas Songs and Carols ❅ Christmas Songs Playlist 2017❅

Christmas Music-Traditional Christmas Songs Playlist 2017:
00:00 We Wish You a Merry Christmas
02:59 Silent Night
05:31 Jingle Bells
08:09 First Noel
10:49 Deck the Halls
13:02 What Child is This
15:31 Coventry Carol
17:56 Good King Wenceslas
20:01 Jesu Bambino
21:14 12 Days of Christmas
23:27 O Christmas Tree
26:06 Joy to the World
28:41 Hark the Herals Angels Sing
30:59 O Come All Ye Faithful
34:04 Oh Little Town Bethlehem
36:54 Up on tje Housetop
38:54 Jolly Old St Nicholas
41:41 End
Click Here To Subscribe! ► goo.gl/F8CSkV
Wishing you peace, joy, and all the best this wonderful holiday has to offer. May this incredible time of giving and spending time with family bring you joy that lasts throughout the year.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
Click Here To Subscribe! ► goo.gl/F8CSkV
music by audiomicro.com

Disney World Music & Ambience - Christmas on Main Street USA in the Magic Kingdom

Disney World Music & Ambience — Christmas on Main Street USA in the Magic Kingdom

#disney #disneyworld #magickingdom #christmas
I'm proud to present my first video in collaboration with the magically talented Disney Image Makers! To see more beautiful Disney photography, check them out on Facebook and Instagram! (https://www.facebook.com/disneyimagemakers/)

I hope these videos bring you joy! A very special thanks to each and every one of you who support my channel through Patreon and Paypal. Do you enjoy my channel? Please consider supporting me! I can’t earn revenue on YouTube due to copyright restrictions, so help the channel continue to grow by becoming a Patron or making a PayPal contribution today!

You know what's better than a Disney music and ambience video? Planning a trip for your family! Get some tickets to the magical place on earth: disneyparks.disney.go.com/disney-tickets/
Music in this video is from the London Symphony Orchestra!

Disclaimer #1: Please know that I do not place any of the ads on my videos. Since I use copyright protected music, YouTube has demonetized my channel. Ads are placed by YouTube automatically to generate revenue for the license holders of the music. My channel is best enjoyed with YouTube Premium!
Disclaimer #2: While I appreciate requests for future videos, please realize that my Patreon community and supporters are who I look to first to find out what content is best for my channel.

Harry Potter Music & Ambience | Gryffindor Common Room - Peaceful Fireside Relaxation & Rain Storms

Harry Potter Music & Ambience | Gryffindor Common Room — Peaceful Fireside Relaxation & Rain Storms

#harrypotter #gryffindor #harrypotterworld #hogwarts
I hope these videos bring you joy! A very special thanks to each and every one of you who support my channel through Patreon and Paypal. Do you enjoy my channel? Please consider supporting me! I can’t earn revenue on YouTube due to copyright restrictions, so help the channel continue to grow by becoming a Patron or making a PayPal contribution today!

The very talented Ahmed Iakhder has generously given me permission to use his artwork in this video. Please visit his portfolio and see more of his stunning work (https://www.artstation.com/artwork/BG4ak).

Disclaimer #1: Please know that I do not place any of the adds on my videos. Since I use copyright protected music, YouTube has demonetized my channel. Ads are placed by YouTube automatically to generate revenue for the license holders of the music. My channel is best enjoyed with YouTube Premium!
Disclaimer #2: While I appreciate requests for future videos, please realize that my Patreon community and supporters are who I look to first to find out what content is best for my channel.