J.S.Bach HARPSICHORD Concerto in D Minor BWV 1052 Polina Osetinskaya piano
The Mariinsky String Orchestra
Conductor: Anton Gakkel www.antongakkel.org/
St.Petersburg, Mariinsky Theatre, Concert Hall 29.03.2015
0:05 — 1mvt / 8:15 — 2mvt / 16:13 — 3mvt
The life of pianist Polina Osetinskaya can be divided into two stages. The first – that of “wunderkind” (a word that Polina herself cannot abide) – was when Polina performed as a girl in huge halls filled with excited sensationalists. The second, which has continued to the present day, is essentially her victory over the first. It is both a reference to serious performing and to exacting audiences.
Polina Osetinskaya began to perform at the age of five. At the age of seven she entered the Central School of Music of the Moscow Conservatoire. Polina gave her first concert at the age of six at the Great Hall of the Vilnius Conservatoire in Lithuania. Together with her father who accepted the role of manager, the young Polina began to undertake frequent tours throughout the former USSR to packed halls and ovations. In her own country Polina was possibly the most famous child of her time and her relationship with her father was portrayed by the mass media as some kind of soap opera after the thirteen-year-old Polina decided to leave her father and study music seriously at the school of the Leningrad Conservatoire under the acclaimed teacher Marina Wolf.
Polina began to tour once again while still a student at the St Petersburg Conservatoire. (The pianist subsequently completed a postgraduate course at the Moscow Conservatoire under Professor Vera Gornostayeva.) She has appeared with the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra, the Orchestra of the Weimar National Opera, the Academic Symphony Orchestra of the St Petersburg Philharmonic (Honoured Ensemble of Russia), the State Academic Svetlanov Symphony Orchestra, the Moscow Virtuosi and the New Russia orchestra among other ensembles.
Polina Osetinskaya’s onstage partners have included conductors Saulius Sondeckis, Vassily Sinaisky, Andrei Boreiko, Gerd Albrecht, Yan Pascal Tortelier and Thomas Sanderling. Polina Osetinskaya has performed at the Wallonie Festival in Brussels, the Mainly Mozart festival, the Frédéric Chopin Festival in Miami, the Stars of the White Nights festival and the December Evenings festival among numerous others.
The pianist has been awarded the Maly Triumph prize. In 2008 she wrote her autobiography Farewell, Sadness, which became a bestseller.
Polina Osetinskaya generally creates unusual and frequently paradoxical solo programmes. She almost always includes works by contemporary composers, frequently justaposing them with traditional classical works: “Contemporary music is not just a continuation of older music. It also helps us discover ideas and beauty in older music that have been lost over decades of the blind museum generation and mechanical and often soulless performing.”
Polina Osetinskaya often performs works by post-avant-garde composers such as Valentin Silvestrov, Leonid Desyatnikov, Vladimir Martynov, Georgs Pelēcis and Pavel Karmanov.
The pianist collaborates with many recording companies including Naxos, Sony Music and Bel Air.
#polinaosetinskaya #musicaaldente #полинаосетинская #бах
Омоложение шеи! Гимнастика. Урок 1. Смотри и повторяй!
Омоложение шеи! Смотри и повторяй!
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Друзья, смотрим, комментируем и берем себе на заметку идеи дизайна для ремонта, а мы с Алексеем с удовольствием ответим на ваши вопросы!)
А про умный дом Xiaomi мы подробно расскажем в следующем ролике
\«Counterpoint passes back and forth between the hands in a conversational and judiciously balanced manner, while a strong lyrical inlpulse informs the cross-handed variations' rapid, bravura passages (Vars 5 and 19, for example). Ishizaka's restrained and concentrated way with slow minor-key variations (Vars 15,21 and 25) lets the music's agonising harmonic tension speak softly for itself.\»
— Jed Distler, Gramophone Magazine
\«She has the fleet fingers to speed through the virtuoso variations with compelling clarity and the sensitivity to probe the dramatic potential of the slower, more profound numbers, pleasurably aided by her consistently lovely tone.\»
— Robert Schulslaper, Issue 36:1 (Sept/Oct 2012), Fanfare Magazine
\«The sound quality of the recording is top notch\»
\«In fact, the album's an audiophile gem.\»
— Reviewed by Christopher Lim in The Business Times, July 20, 2012.
J.S. Bach's \«Goldberg Variations\», BWV 988, recorded by Kimiko Ishizaka on a Bösendorfer grand piano, with score following provided by the iPad app from MuseScore. For more information on this project, see www.opengoldbergvariations.org