Positive Mood JAZZ - Sunny Jazz Cafe and Bossa Nova Music

Positive Mood JAZZ — Sunny Jazz Cafe and Bossa Nova Music

New summer single \«Positive Mood\» now on Spotify open.spotify.com/album/5pv0Fo4u5n0jlFLJHlQjFa
Apple music: music.apple.com/us/album/positive-mood-single/1522678077

The Best Playlist of Positive Mood JAZZ Music! Enjoy 10 Hours of Sunny Summer Jazz Cafe and Bossa Nova Music by Richard Freeman
#jazz #positivejazz #summerjazz

Cozy Winter Hut Ambience | Snowfall | Fireplace Sounds | Sleep Better

Cozy Winter Hut Ambience | Snowfall | Fireplace Sounds | Sleep Better

#cozycabin #ambience #snowfall #fireplace #sleep #sleepbetter
Cozy Winter Hut Ambience | Snowfall | Fireplace Sounds | Sleep Better

This chalet has the quiet crackling sound of the fireplace, a comfortable bed and a nice armchair in the tranquility corner. The glass room is large enough to cover almost a wall… In the middle of the forest, there is a wooden hut with a different cozy cabin ambience in the landscape…

When you enter cold air, hot air, or vice versa, you can smell both. This ambiance sends me the soothing scent of wood and the warm scent inside the cabin…
The bed looks very good for sleeping. I have no doubt that I will sleep with the warmth of the fireplace while looking at the view… I have a hard time choosing. Because the sofa also seems like an ideal place to read the rest of my book while having a coffee or tea. I've realized now. After sitting on the seat, I can design a mini seat that will lift my feet… I will not forget this next time :).
I think I will enjoy this environment in two different ways.

So which one do you prefer? Would you like to sleep in a cozy and comfortable bed with the sound of snowfall and fireplace, or would you like to read a book while sipping your coffee while feeling the snowfall in the heat of the fireplace?

I will be very happy if you share this with me :)


Subscribe: www.youtube.com/naturalrecorders

► Preparation of this Ambience:

Made by all Natural Recorders including scenario, Animation and Sound. This process takes days of preparation and work.
In the first stage, this ambiance is inspired by photography. It was painted with Adobe Photoshop and animated in Adobe After Effects, after the touches that add dimension to the photo.
The separately created landscape and fireplace image is added to the final display. Editing of the video was also done using Adobe Premiere Pro.

Software used:
— Adobe Photoshop
— Adobe After Effects
— Adobe Premiere Pro

— ► Check out my Cozy Cabin Ambience Playlist:
►Chech ouy my Halloween Ambience Playlist
►Chech ouy my Study Ambience Playlist

► Follow Natural Recorders on.

İnstagram: www.instagram.com/naturalreco...
Twitter: twitter.com/naturalrecorder
Spotify: open.spotify.com/artist/4jhOOhnHa3UCCrsUUUWvgg

►For Communication
Gmail: naturalrecorders@gmail.com

Many thanks to everyone for listening and for leaving your comment.
If you want to make suggestions please feel free to do so in the comments

Thanks for watching and reading :)

Heavenly Christmas Ambience, Fireplace Sounds, Relaxing Christmas Classic Music - 4 hours

Heavenly Christmas Ambience, Fireplace Sounds, Relaxing Christmas Classic Music — 4 hours

Небесная рождественская атмосфера, звуки камина, расслабляющая рождественская классическая музыка — 4 часа

Наслаждайтесь этой расслабляющей рождественской атмосферой для сна у камина или снежной бури на улице. Идеальный окружающий шум ASMR для глубокого сна и расслабления.

Рождество уже близко. Еще я сделала теплый камин и елку. На столе горячий шоколад, и вы наслаждаетесь этой прекрасной атмосферой, слушая рождественскую музыку. Попытайтесь почувствовать метель и завывающий ветер, слушая звуки.

Это 4-часовое атмосферное видео ASMR, предназначенное для расслабления, сна, сосредоточения внимания или чтения.

Надеюсь, тебе понравится!

Помните лайки, комментируйте и подписывайтесь!

Я вкладываю как минимум 20-30 часов работы (и любви) в каждое создаваемое мной видео, чтобы обеспечить высочайшее качество и самые креативные видео, на которые я способен.

Если вы хотите выразить свою благодарность или в целом поддержать этот канал, вы можете сделать это через PayPal здесь: www.paypal.com/paypalme/YBeser?locale.x=de_DE


► Создание этого видео / атмосферы:

Весь наш контент, включая сценарий, анимацию на зеленом экране и звук, является полностью оригинальным, что требует недель подготовки и тяжелой работы.
На первом этапе эта атмосфера была подготовлена ​​с помощью Affinity Photo, а затем полностью отредактирована в Adobe Premiere Pro CC.
Некоторые звуки и анимации Greescreen покупаются или создаются и добавляются при окончательной визуализации.


Используемое программное обеспечение:
— Cakewalk
— Единство 3D
— Affinity Photo
— Adobe Premiere Pro CC

► Проверьте мои плейлисты:

Потрескивание камина и расслабление: www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Vr41wIkkKw&list=PL4BzuD0CGftDrsyoEMRxbLjih19DOsDB-

Путешествие с Восточным экспрессом: www.youtube.com/watch?v=58wniWFGl7k&list=PL4BzuD0CGftCS5GKcTmwxHR1MG4N4DMnr

Звуки дождя: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4BzuD0CGftBdaxEZB6XiV4Evx-x0gsvR

Большое спасибо всем за то, что выслушали и оставили свой комментарий.

Если у вас есть идеи или предложения, дайте мне знать в комментариях

Создано компанией Nature and Relaxation ©

Мы желаем вам счастливого Рождества от Twin Musicom под лицензией Creative Commons \«Attribution 4.0\». creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Художник: www.twinmusicom.org/

Соответствующие хештеги:

# Рождество
# метель

Christmas Morning Ambience - Relaxing Christmas Music, Fireplace Sounds, Instrumental Christmas

Christmas Morning Ambience — Relaxing Christmas Music, Fireplace Sounds, Instrumental Christmas

Come join me on Christmas morning in this beautiful mountain cabin. The Christmas music is playing in the background and is accompanied by the relaxing sounds of crackling fire. There is presents under the Christmas tree and breakfast is ready on the table. What more can you ask for on Christmas Day? Merry Christmas everyone!

This gorgeous image that I animated was created by Oceana Dubouloz. Thank you Oceana for letting me animate this beautiful Christmas cabin! Please check out her portfolio here

For a Christmas Night Ambience check out my other video here www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dj1Brrpo5t0&t=2s

Software used:

-Adobe Photoshop
-Adobe After Effects
-Adobe Audition
-Adobe Premiere Pro

If you enjoyed my video, please support my Channel and subscribe!

#ChristmasAmbience #ChristmasMusic #Christmas

Rainy Night with Rain Sounds & Relaxing Jazz Music at Cozy Coffee Shop Ambience

Rainy Night with Rain Sounds & Relaxing Jazz Music at Cozy Coffee Shop Ambience

Enjoy this rainy night with rain sounds and relaxing jazz music at Cozy Coffee Shop Ambience and listening smooth jazz music playing in the background. This jazz music can be used to sleep, study, work, focus or reading. Take the opportunity to study, read a book or simply fall asleep in this cafe ambience with relaxing ambient music.

Please visit our website and check out your favorite sleep sounds available to purchase:
3D Model here: bit.ly/33MOrE0
Check out how I make my videos:

Please check my favorite playlist, you can find other sounds like:

Rain Ambiences:
Snow Ambiences:
VR360 Ambiences:
Rain & Thunderstorm Ambiences:
Coffee Shop Ambience:

You can see our playlist of the most popular videos on the channel:


All of our ambiences, animations, and sounds are original.
Please give me your Opinion, Like, Comment and Subscribe for more.

Artwork and Animations by © 2020 Cozy Rain

Night Rain Gentle Sounds with Thunder for Sleeping, Study, Insomnia, Soothing Rain 24/7

Night Rain Gentle Sounds with Thunder for Sleeping, Study, Insomnia, Soothing Rain 24/7

Enjoy and listening this beautiful relaxing night rain sounds with gentle thunder for sleeping, study and insomnia. This soothing rain video without music creates a white noise effect that is useful for tinnitus and blocking out strange noises. This gentle rain and thunderstorm were also carefully crafted to be used as a sleep ASMR. I hope you enjoy this 3D ambience that was made available to provide you with a relaxing moment while you sleep.

Please visit our website and check out your favorite sleep sounds available to purchase:
3D Model here: bit.ly/2yB9Wv2
Check out how I make my videos:

Please check my favorite playlist, you can find other sounds like:

Rain Ambiences:
Snow Ambiences:
VR360 Ambiences
Rain & Thunderstorm Ambiences

You can see our playlist of the most popular videos on the channel:


All of our ambiences, animations, and sounds are original.
Please give me your Opinion, Like, Comment and Subscribe for more.

Thunder & Indoor Rain | Heavy Thunderstorm Sounds for Relaxing, no Lightning & Rain Sounds 24/7

Thunder & Indoor Rain | Heavy Thunderstorm Sounds for Relaxing, no Lightning & Rain Sounds 24/7

Thank you for listening this relaxing rain sounds with thunderstorm for sleep, study, focus, insomnia, concentration and stress relief. Did you know that this ambience of heavy rain sounds and thunder sounds creates a perfect atmosphere for relaxation.
The sounds of nature create a completely natural white noise, that help drown background noise that ends up disturbing and causing distractions, that's why this thunderstorm environment will help you fall asleep all night.
I don't think I have explained it yet, but the thunderstorm sounds also help to relieve the symptoms of ringing in the ears, as they can help to mask irritating frequencies and reduce the associated stress and anxiety.

I hope you enjoy this ambience as much as I enjoyed creating it.

Please visit our website and check out your favorite sleep sounds available to purchase:
3D Model here:
Check out how I make my videos:

Please check my favorite playlist, you can find other sounds like:

Rain Ambiences:
Snow Ambiences:
VR360 Ambiences
Rain & Thunderstorm Ambiences

You can see our playlist of the most popular videos on the channel:


All of our ambiences, animations, and sounds are original.
Please give me your Opinion, Like, Comment and Subscribe for more.

Artwork and Animations by © 2020 Cozy Rain

Christmas Song on a Cozy Village, Christmas Ambience w/ Istrumental Christmas Music, Merry Christmas

Christmas Song on a Cozy Village, Christmas Ambience w/ Istrumental Christmas Music, Merry Christmas

Enjoy this Christmas song on a cozy village with istrumental Christmas music on this Christmas ambience. Merry Christmas guys.
This christmas ambience is perfect to assist you in stress relief or anxiety and fall asleep into a deep and peaceful sleep.
Enjoy this cozy atmosphere, listening to the snowstorm and blizzard falling in this cozy village, very comfortable drink a coffee or reading a book.

Please visit our website and check out your favorite sleep sounds available to purchase:
3D Model here: bit.ly/2ViNZsv
Check out how I make my videos:

Please check my favorite playlist, you can find other sounds like:

Rain Ambiences:
Snow Ambiences:
VR360 Ambiences
Rain & Thunderstorm Ambiences

You can see our playlist of the most popular videos on the channel:

Please give me your Opinion, Like, Comment and Subscribe for more.

Artwork and Animations by © 2020 Cozy Rain