Kojący dla noworodka dźwięk pralki utuli każde dziecko do snu — sprawdź jak działa biały szum. Niesamowity trick pozwalający uśpić dziecko. #Białyszumpralki to wspaniały dźwięk do uspokojenia dzieci. #Kojącydźwiękpralki bardzo szybko usypia dzieci. #Białyszumdlaniemowląt zapewni zdrowy i głęboki sen dziecka. Dodatkowo dzieci przy tym dźwięku czują się bardzo bezpiecznie, ponieważ przypomina im się okres pobytu w brzuszku mamy. #Dźwiękpralki to odgłos uwielbiany przez dzieci na całym świecie. Taki odgłos posiada każdy z nas w domu więc maluszki bardzo miło na niego reagują. Szum pralki to jeden z najpopularniejszych białych szumów. #sendziecka z tym szumem jest spokojny i nieprzerwany. Białe szumy pomagają #nauczyćdzieckosamodzielnegozasypiania.
Pralka frania dźwięk 1h / old washing machine sound 1h
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additionally it allow to listen to YT with turned off screen ( smartphone ) just turn on the option \«films in background\»
Washing machine sound can be helpful if you are looking for relaxing sounds, sleep sounds or concentration sounds.
Washing machine white noise can be an alternative to relaxing music, sleep music or concentration music.
Visit my channel and listen to other relaxing sounds — white noise and nature sounds.
The main theme of my channel are relaxation recordings, which are a mix of white noise, nature, ambience and ASMR sounds. These recordings are an alternative to such popular music genres as ambient, chillout, or relaxing music.
My videos may be useful for you in a few cases. They can help you:
— calm down and relax
— reduce stress and anxiety
— fall asleep and reduce insomnia
— increase concentration during study or work
— mask the symptoms of tinnitus
— calm and lull the babies
Every audio track I used on the channel comes from my own albums, which I released through the CD Baby music distributor. Link to my artist profile: store.cdbaby.com/Artist/Relaxator
These albums can be found on most of the available music streaming services like Apple iTunes, Spotify, YouTube Music, etc.
The whole final effect of the visual part of my videos is the result of my ideas and work. I try to keep my videos in a homogeneous style and make them recognizable to my channel.
As one of the elements of the visual part of my videos, I use graphic icons to which I have bought the right to commercial use. I bought them through the The Noun Project website. thenounproject.com/
In the process of creating my videos, I have changed the size, shape, colour and texture of these icons. I care about creating a new unique graphic for my videos in this way. I use for this PhotoScape and VSDC Video Editor software.