Native American Flute Music Live, Sleep Music, Relaxing Music, Meditation Music, Calm, Healing

Native American Flute Music Live, Sleep Music, Relaxing Music, Meditation Music, Calm, Healing

24/7 Live Stream of Native American Flute Music, sleep music, canyon flute and nocturnal canyon sounds. Relaxing video of nature, mountain river and beautiful sounds of water, birds and flute. Native American flute music you can use as study music, focus or concentration music, background music for any mind and creative work, to think, read, code, daydream or simply to enjoy. 24Relax’s relaxing flute music videos are instrumental music videos that offer you beautiful relaxing music to help you relax. It is soothing relaxation music to help you de-stress. Our flute meditation music videos use Tibetan flute music or Native American Flute that can be used as yoga music for yoga, spa music in a spa or as massage music. This spiritual and uplifting amazing music video is made to fit your daily after work Relax, deep sleep, stress relief, massage, sound healing, mind concentration.

Native American Flute Playlist:

With this beautiful video you can fall asleep fast. The Native American Flute can transport one to a more relaxed and calm state, especially after listening for 10 minutes or more. This feeling is known as the alpha state, a state during which your brain is pulsing at a lower rate than your mental and emotional fluctuations.


Native American Flute Music & Rain - Relaxing Music, Meditation Music, Deep Sleep Music, Calm Music

Native American Flute Music & Rain — Relaxing Music, Meditation Music, Deep Sleep Music, Calm Music

10 hours of Native American Indian Flutes and Rain. You can use it as sleep music, meditation music, focus music, deep sleeping music, calm music, relaxation music background music for any mind and creative work or simply to enjoy… Relaxing video of nature, mountain river and beautiful sounds of water, rain and flute.

With this beautiful video you can fall asleep fast. The Native American Flute can transport one to a more relaxed and calm state, especially after listening for 10 minutes or more. This feeling is known as the alpha state, a state during which your brain is pulsing at a lower rate than your mental and emotional fluctuations.

Native American Flute Playlist:

24Relax’s relaxing flute music videos are instrumental music videos that offer you beautiful relaxing music to help you relax. It is soothing relaxation music to help you de-stress. Our flute meditation music videos use Tibetan flute music or Native American Flute that can be used as yoga music for yoga, spa music in a spa or as massage music. This spiritual and uplifting amazing music video is made to fit your daily after work Relax, deep sleep, stress relief, massage, sound healing, mind concentration.

Visit the 24Relax website to find out more about our selection of Relaxing Music:
Be sure to visit and subscribe to 24Relax:

Native American Flutes - Sleep Meditation Music, Relaxing Music

Native American Flutes — Sleep Meditation Music, Relaxing Music

Native American flute music you can use as sleep music, meditation music, healing music.
24Relax’s relaxing flute music videos are instrumental music videos that offer you beautiful relaxing music to help you relax. The Native American Flute can transport one to a more relaxed and calm state, especially after listening for 10 minutes or more. This feeling is known as the alpha state, a state during which your brain is pulsing at a lower rate than your mental and emotional fluctuations.

This spiritual and uplifting music is made to fit your daily after work relax, deep sleep, stress relief, massage, sound healing, fall asleep fast. Our music videos have been specifically created as relaxation music videos and are suitable for all ages, who need soothing relaxation from soft, peaceful music to help them go to sleep.

Thanks for watching the video! Comment to let us know what you like about the videos, and if there’s anything you’d like to see us do differently.

Visit the 24Relax website to find out more about our selection of Relaxing Music:

Be sure to visit and subscribe to 24Relax:

Falcon Heavy. Большим амбициям - большую ракету

Falcon Heavy. Большим амбициям — большую ракету

SpaceX Falcon Heavy — сверхтяжелая ракета-носитель, разработанная фирмой SpaceX в конце 2010-хх.
Имея теоретическую возможность выводить на низкую околоземную орбиту полезные нагрузки массой до 63 тонн, является самым мощным носителем из ныне эксплуатируемых и уступает только ракетам Saturn V и Энергия.
Первый испытательный пуск был выполнен 6 февраля 2018 года, в качестве имитатора полезной нагрузки был использован автомобиль Tesla Roadster.

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Канал SpaceX по-русски:

Канал Alpha Centauri:

Launch of Worlds Largest Rocket Delta IV Heavy with NROL-37

Launch of Worlds Largest Rocket Delta IV Heavy with NROL-37

The worlds currently largest rocket active has successfully launched with the top secret NROL-37 payload for the United States. The Delta IV Heavy launched from Space Launch Complex 37B at 17:51 UTC, June 11th 2016. This was the 32nd Delta IV launch, and the 9th Delta IV Heavy launch.

Blue Origin NS-12 New Shepard Rocket Flight and Landing

Blue Origin NS-12 New Shepard Rocket Flight and Landing

This mission was another step towards verifying New Shepard for human spaceflight as we continue to mature the safety and reliability of the vehicle.

This was the 6th flight for this particular New Shepard vehicle. Blue Origin has so far reused two boosters five times each consecutively, so today marks a record with this booster completing its 6th flight to space and back.

This particular rocket has been an operational payload vehicle for several flights, meaning there are no more updates to the system.

This was also the 9th commercial payload mission for New Shepard, and we are proud to be have flown our 100th customer on board.

Also on the vehicle were thousands of postcards from students around the world for our nonprofit Club for the Future. The Club's mission is to inspire future generations to pursue careers in STEM and help visualize the future of life in space.

SpaceX Launch Starship on First 12.5km Flight

SpaceX Launch Starship on First 12.5km Flight

SpaceX have successfully launched their Starship SN8 prototype on a 12.5km flight for the first time. Whilst the landing did not successfully land, we are calling this test a massive success due to the wealth of information and data gleamed, Congratulations SpaceX!

Video Credit: SpaceX

#SpaceX #Starship #Launch

Complete Guide To Starship: Falcon 9 VS Starship. What's new? What's different?

Complete Guide To Starship: Falcon 9 VS Starship. What's new? What's different?

SpaceX is taking everything up a notch with Starship. This thing is the ultimate challenge in aerospace engineering, a FULLY and rapidly reusable super heavy lift launch vehicle, capable of taking 150 metric tonnes to low Earth orbit.

But Starship’s ultimate goal goes way beyond just terrestrial orbital ambitions, Starship is the first vehicle designed to actually take human beings to Mars and back again.

In order to achieve this absolutely bonkers goal, SpaceX has had to employ a litany of new technologies, use new materials, develop the most advanced rocket engines ever made and come up with some wild ideas that have never been tried before… and maybe for good reason.

So today I wanted to go over all of these new technologies and compare it to SpaceX’s Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy to help point out what things are new, what things are different and what they’ve learned from the Falcon family that will apply to Starship in order to really understand just how ambitious this project is.

We won’t be just scratching the surface here, in fact we’ll actually be taking you inside the rockets and showing you basically every single part and going over all of them with a fine tooth comb so you can learn as much as possible and have a definitive guide to Starship.

Article version —

Starship Playlist —
Is SpaceX's Raptor engine the king of rocket engines? —
A conversation with Elon Musk about Starship —
SLS Vs Starship: Why does SLS still exist? —
Why won't Starship have an abort system? —
Why SpaceX switched to stainless steel —
Why SpaceX's Starship will fall like a skydiver and not fly —
Will Starship make Artemis better than Apollo? —
Why Starship will only have 2 rear fins instead of 3 —
How much do rockets pollute? —

00:00 — Intro
05:05 — What's the same
06:00 — What’s Different // Engines and Fuels
23:05 — What's Different // Size, Capabilities, Construction, Costs
32:15 — What's Different // First Stage Reuse
41:50 — What's Different // Second Stage Reuse
53:40 — Conclusion

— Special thanks to Caspar Stanley, subscribe to his channel! —

Want to support what I do? Consider becoming a Patreon supporter for access to exclusive livestreams, our discord channel and subreddit! —

Extra special thanks to my Mission Directors who are producers for these videos! — Matthew Rutledge, Jeff Hutchinson, Ruben Maier-Gerber, Austin Murnane, Frans de Wet, Chad Souter, Sam Fisher, Jason Kelnhofer, pexis petersons, Eric Beavers, Arthur Carty, Lawrence Mansour, DLB,Joshua Rule, David Glover, Scott G Raderstorf, Nicholas T. Gallman, Max Haot, John Malkin, TTTA, Jared smith, Simon Pilkington, Héctor Ramos, Tomdmay and Mac Malkawi

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All music is original! Check out my album \«Maximum Aerodynamic Pressure\» anywhere you listen to music (Spotify, iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, etc) or click here for easy links —

I'm the cohost of an awesome podcast where we talk all about current technologies and how they shape our future! or here on YouTube

New: Mars In 4K

New: Mars In 4K

Первый в мире. Новые кадры с Марса представлены в потрясающем разрешении 4K. Мы также поговорим о камерах на борту марсианских роверов и о том, как мы делали видео.

Камеры на борту роверов были высшей технологией, когда запускались соответствующие миссии.

Часто задаваемый вопрос:
\«Почему у нас на самом деле нет живого видео с Марса?\»

Несмотря на высокое качество камер, скорость, с которой роверы могут отправлять данные на Землю, является самой большой проблемой. Любопытство может отправлять данные прямо на Землю только со скоростью 32 килобита в секунду.

Вместо этого, когда ровер может подключиться к орбитальному аппарату Mars Reconnaissance, мы получаем более благоприятные скорости в 2 мегабайта в секунду.

Тем не менее, эта ссылка доступна только в течение примерно 8 минут каждый Сол или Марсианский день.

Как и следовало ожидать, отправка HD-видео на этих скоростях займет много времени. Поскольку на Марсе ничего не происходит, имеет смысл брать и отправлять изображения обратно.

Предоставлено: НАСА.
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