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Красивое осеннее море, релакс, шум ветра и бакланы | Затока | Затонувший корабль | Акула и Друзья

Красивое осеннее море, релакс, шум ветра и бакланы | Затока | Затонувший корабль | Акула и Друзья

#SharkandFriends #АкулаиДрузья #Шаркендфрендс
Красивое осеннее море, релакс, шум ветра и бакланы | Затока | Затонувший корабль | Акула и Друзья

Сентябрьское море в Затоке — закрытие сезона. Отдых в Затоке одесской области узкое место 2020 год.

Уважаемый зритель, — если вам понравилось данное видео, поставьте

Море ✔ Рассвет ☀ лёгкий бриз морских волн ▶ релакс ▶ лёгкая музыка для медитации, звуки природы.

Море ✔ Рассвет ☀ лёгкий бриз морских волн ▶ релакс ▶ лёгкая музыка для медитации, звуки природы.

Море Рассвет в Затоке, лёгкий бриз морских волн успокаивает и дает прилив сил от восходящего солнца, релакс и лёгкая музыка для медитации, чудные звуки природы.

▶ Море это как настоящий целитель. Природа, звуки природы, морской бриз, и звуки моря успокаивают нервную систему, придают сил, дают энергию на целый день.

▶ Морской бриз, морской ветер, — волны разбиваются о берег, шум ракушек, которые от напора волн двигаются в такт прибою, — несут в себе терапевтический эффект, эффект релакса, восстанавливается нервная система.

▶ Морской прибой, звуки моря, крики чаек, звуки волн, — можно слушать перед сном, для медитации и занятий йоги.

▶ Спокойное Море и расслабляющий звук прибоя, звук морской волны, — природа поможет освободиться от стресса, депрессии, головной боли, и проблем со сном, и успокоит центральную нервную систему.

— Уважаемый зритель, — если вам понравилось данное видео, поставьте

10 Hrs Rainforest & Rain for Relaxing, Nature Sounds for Sleep, Meditation, Insomnia, SPA, Study

10 Hrs Rainforest & Rain for Relaxing, Nature Sounds for Sleep, Meditation, Insomnia, SPA, Study

This 10 Hour Rainforest Nature Video contains a waterfall background, relaxing rain with rainforest ambiance sounds. This video is good for Relaxing, Meditation, Insomnia, Study, Sleep, Massage & Spa. I hope you enjoy my video. Sit back and reeelax.

Equipment used to create this video: After effects & Premiere Pro

Do you suffer at night and need good comfortable headphones? SleepPhones are perfect for light sleepers, people who suffer from ‘ringing in the ears’ or people with a snoring bed partner. Also great for travel, listening to podcasts, audiobooks, nature sounds, binaural beats, and so on.
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*= Affiliate Link. I get a small commission for linking Sleepphones when making a purchase. There are NO additional costs for you!
We only recommend products which we tested ourself first.

❤ Leave a tip: www.tipeeestream.com/realrelaxnightandday/tip

Relax Night and Day Places:

➡️ teespring.com/stores/relax-night-and-day

➡️ www.spoonflower.com/profiles/relax_night_and_day

— Our youtube channel Relax Night and Day
➡️ www.youtube.com/user/aufstieg5dimension

— Video: © 2019 Relax Night and Day — Youtube Channel
Do not copy and upload this video, sound / images and footages and music has copyright. Video is for viewing pleasure only. Copying any part of this video footage will result in a whole big mess of copyright striking. Background footage is licensed via Envato. Video is created by Relax Night and Day. Soundscape is also created by Relax Night and Day. — I have all licenses to use pictures, footage and sound — Love, light & peace
Relax Night and Day

Schlager - Discofox Sommer 2020 - Hit Mix Radio by DJ Calle

Schlager — Discofox Sommer 2020 — Hit Mix Radio by DJ Calle

Hurra! Hurra! der Sommer ist da. und mit ihn ein neuer Mix, der euch den Sommer noch schöner macht.
100% Tanzbar. Ich selbst bin ein leidenschaftlicher Discofox und Discochart Tänzer, und habe so das richtige gefühl für diese Musikrichtung. Probiert es aus!
Neues von den Amigos und Fantasy ist mit dabei.
und natürlich viel Passendes dazu. Viel Spass bei diesen Player.
schaut doch auch mal in meinen Playlisten nach. da könnt ihr dann auch einen Titel weiter drücken. zbs. habe ich die Amigos, das neue Album, Tausend Träume mit dabei.
in diesen Sinne. bis nächste woche, beim nächsten Mix
euer Calle

Bald nun ist Weihnachtszeit (das komplette Album)

Bald nun ist Weihnachtszeit (das komplette Album)

Bei Amazon laden: snip.ftpromo.net/baldnunistweihnachtszeitamazon
Bei iTunes laden: snip.ftpromo.net/baldnunistweihnachtszeititunes
Bei Google Play laden: snip.ftpromo.net/baldnunistweihnachtszeitgoogle

Frohe Weihnachtszeit!

00:00 Bald nun ist Weihnachtszeit
01:22 Vorfreude, schönste Freude
03:58 Morgen, Kinder, wirds was geben
05:54 Oh, es riecht gut
08:04 So viel Heimlichkeit
09:19 Schneeflöckchen, Weißröckchen
10:19 Süßer die Glocken nie klingen
13:03 Laßt uns froh und munter sein
14:59 Morgen kommt der Weihnachtsmann
16:20 O Tannenbaum
18:02 Am Weihnachtsbaum die Lichter brennen
20:27 Ihr Kinderlein kommet
23:33 Es ist ein Ros entsprungen
26:38 Fröhliche Weihnacht überall (a cappella)
28:35 Guten Abend, schön Abend
30:14 Kling, Glöckchen, klingelingeling
31:40 Alle Jahre wieder
33:04 Sind die Lichter angezündet
35:10 Der Christbaum ist der schönste Baum
37:35 Leise rieselt der Schnee
39:43 Tausend Sterne sind ein Dom
41:23 O Tannenbaum, du trägst ein grünes Kleid
42:43 Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht
45:28 O du fröhliche

J.S.Bach Concerto no.1 in D Minor BWV 1052 Polina Osetinskaya Anton Gakkel

J.S.Bach Concerto no.1 in D Minor BWV 1052 Polina Osetinskaya Anton Gakkel

youtu.be/ZCPWPh06FwE — Benjamin Britten
youtu.be/BK3aTsBKj9M — Arshia Samsaminia
youtu.be/_h2-h831iLw — Roberto Di Marino

J.S.Bach HARPSICHORD Concerto in D Minor BWV 1052 Polina Osetinskaya piano
The Mariinsky String Orchestra
Conductor: Anton Gakkel www.antongakkel.org/
St.Petersburg, Mariinsky Theatre, Concert Hall 29.03.2015
0:05 — 1mvt / 8:15 — 2mvt / 16:13 — 3mvt
The life of pianist Polina Osetinskaya can be divided into two stages. The first – that of “wunderkind” (a word that Polina herself cannot abide) – was when Polina performed as a girl in huge halls filled with excited sensationalists. The second, which has continued to the present day, is essentially her victory over the first. It is both a reference to serious performing and to exacting audiences.
Polina Osetinskaya began to perform at the age of five. At the age of seven she entered the Central School of Music of the Moscow Conservatoire. Polina gave her first concert at the age of six at the Great Hall of the Vilnius Conservatoire in Lithuania. Together with her father who accepted the role of manager, the young Polina began to undertake frequent tours throughout the former USSR to packed halls and ovations. In her own country Polina was possibly the most famous child of her time and her relationship with her father was portrayed by the mass media as some kind of soap opera after the thirteen-year-old Polina decided to leave her father and study music seriously at the school of the Leningrad Conservatoire under the acclaimed teacher Marina Wolf.
Polina began to tour once again while still a student at the St Petersburg Conservatoire. (The pianist subsequently completed a postgraduate course at the Moscow Conservatoire under Professor Vera Gornostayeva.) She has appeared with the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra, the Orchestra of the Weimar National Opera, the Academic Symphony Orchestra of the St Petersburg Philharmonic (Honoured Ensemble of Russia), the State Academic Svetlanov Symphony Orchestra, the Moscow Virtuosi and the New Russia orchestra among other ensembles.
Polina Osetinskaya’s onstage partners have included conductors Saulius Sondeckis, Vassily Sinaisky, Andrei Boreiko, Gerd Albrecht, Yan Pascal Tortelier and Thomas Sanderling. Polina Osetinskaya has performed at the Wallonie Festival in Brussels, the Mainly Mozart festival, the Frédéric Chopin Festival in Miami, the Stars of the White Nights festival and the December Evenings festival among numerous others.
The pianist has been awarded the Maly Triumph prize. In 2008 she wrote her autobiography Farewell, Sadness, which became a bestseller.
Polina Osetinskaya generally creates unusual and frequently paradoxical solo programmes. She almost always includes works by contemporary composers, frequently justaposing them with traditional classical works: “Contemporary music is not just a continuation of older music. It also helps us discover ideas and beauty in older music that have been lost over decades of the blind museum generation and mechanical and often soulless performing.”
Polina Osetinskaya often performs works by post-avant-garde composers such as Valentin Silvestrov, Leonid Desyatnikov, Vladimir Martynov, Georgs Pelēcis and Pavel Karmanov.

The pianist collaborates with many recording companies including Naxos, Sony Music and Bel Air.
#polinaosetinskaya #musicaaldente #полинаосетинская #бах

Омоложение шеи! Гимнастика. Урок 1. Смотри и повторяй!

Омоложение шеи! Гимнастика. Урок 1. Смотри и повторяй!

Омоложение шеи! Смотри и повторяй!
Эффект просто шикарный! youtu.be/MNFSYcsuv3s
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