№7 Стиральная машина - 2 часа. Звуки для сна. Белый шум. Sleep sounds. Sound of Washing machine.

№7 Стиральная машина — 2 часа. Звуки для сна. Белый шум. Sleep sounds. Sound of Washing machine.

Звук стиральной машины — 2 часа. Звуки для сна. Белый шум. Sleep sounds. White noise. Sound of Washing machine.

Монотонный звук стиральной машины, поможет Вам расслабиться и быстро и крепко заснуть! Приятных сновидений!

Bomber sound / Bomber Geräusch / Bruit bombardier / Sonido de bombardeo

Bomber sound / Bomber Geräusch / Bruit bombardier / Sonido de bombardeo

Bomber sound / White noise / Plane noise

White Noise Playlist: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpGECAvGnKueBqavZN4NLfriwnsiy1fAB
Spotify: open.spotify.com/track/1fmtoPuohVam1ZjLnHLe0O
Apple Music / iTunes: itunes.apple.com/us/album/bomber-sound/1411836601
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Relaxator/747142962033069?sk=timeline
Twitter: twitter.com/RelaxatorRS
Patreon: www.patreon.com/relaxator

Bomber sound effect can be helpful if you are looking for relaxing sounds, sleep sounds or concentration sounds.

Bomber noise can be an alternative to relaxing music, sleep music or concentration music.

Visit my channel and listen to other relaxing sounds — white noise and nature sounds.


The main theme of my channel are relaxation recordings, which are a mix of white noise, nature, ambience and ASMR sounds. These recordings are an alternative to such popular music genres as ambient, chillout, or relaxing music.

My videos may be useful for you in a few cases. They can help you:
— calm down and relax
— reduce stress and anxiety
— fall asleep and reduce insomnia
— increase concentration during study or work
— mask the symptoms of tinnitus
— calm and lull the babies

Every audio track I used on the channel comes from my own albums, which I released through the CD Baby music distributor. Link to my artist profile:

These albums can be found on most of the available music streaming services like Apple iTunes, Spotify, YouTube Music, etc.

Each of my audio tracks was recorded and processed by me personally. I use the ZOOM H1 recorder and the Audacity software. Here you can find a real photo of my equipment:

The whole final effect of the visual part of my videos is the result of my ideas and work. I try to keep my videos in a homogeneous style and make them recognizable to my channel.

As one of the elements of the visual part of my videos, I use graphic icons to which I have bought the right to commercial use. I bought them through the The Noun Project website. thenounproject.com/

In the process of creating my videos, I have changed the size, shape, colour and texture of these icons. I care about creating a new unique graphic for my videos in this way. I use for this PhotoScape and VSDC Video Editor software.

Here you can find all the licenses I bought for the icons I used:

Here you can find the terms of use:


Bomber Geräusch / Weißes Rauschen

Bomber Geräusch kann hilfreich sein, wenn Sie entspannende Geräusche, Schlafgeräusche oder Konzentrationsgeräusche suchen.

Bomber Geräusch kann eine Alternative zu Entspannungsmusik, Schlafmusik oder Konzentrationsmusik sein.

Besuchen Sie meinen Kanal und hören Sie andere entspannende Geräusche — Weißes Rauschen und Naturgeräusche.

Bruit bombardier / Bruit blanc

Bruit bombardier peut être utile si vous recherchez des sons relaxants, des sons pour dormir ou des sons pour concentration.

Bruit bombardier peut être une alternative à la musique relaxante, à la musique pour dormir ou à la musique pour concentration.

Visitez ma canal et écoutez d’autres sons relaxants — bruit blanc et bruit de la nature.

Sonido de bombardeo / Ruido blanco

Sonido de bombardeo aereo puede ser útil si está buscando sonidos relajantes, sonidos para dormir o sonidos para concentrarse.

Sonido de bombardeo puede ser una alternativa a la música relajante, la música para dormir o la música para estudiar.

Visita mi canal y escucha otros sonidos relajantes: ruido blanco y sonidos de la naturaleza.

Rumore bombardiere / Rumore bianco

Rumore bombardiere può essere utile se stai cercando suoni rilassanti, suoni per dormire o suoni per concentrarsi.

Rumore bombardiere può essere un'alternativa alla musica rilassante, alla musica per dormire o alla musica per studiare.

Visita il mio canale e ascolta altri suoni rilassanti: rumore bianco e suoni della natura.

Bommenwerper geluid / Witte ruis

Bommenwerper geluid kan nuttig zijn als u op zoek bent naar ontspannende geluiden, slaapgeluiden of concentratie geluiden.

Bommenwerper geluid kan een alternatief zijn voor ontspannende muziek, slaap muziek of concentratie muziek.

Dźwięk bombowca / Biały szum

Dźwięk bombowca może być pomocny jeżeli szukasz dźwięków relaksacyjnych, dźwięków usypiających lub dźwięków do nauki.

Dźwięk bombowca może być alternatywą dla muzyki relaksacyjnej, muzyki do snu lub muzyki do nauki i koncentracji.

Washing machine noise / Waschmaschine Geräusch / Bruit machine à laver / Ruido lavadora

Washing machine noise / Waschmaschine Geräusch / Bruit machine à laver / Ruido lavadora

Washing machine noise / White noise

White Noise Playlist: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpGECAvGnKueBqavZN4NLfriwnsiy1fAB
Spotify: open.spotify.com/track/28AsnUpKZpHVlWgMkRpYGD
Apple Music / iTunes: itunes.apple.com/us/album/washing-machine-sound/1410759069?i=1410759192
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Relaxator/747142962033069?sk=timeline
Twitter: twitter.com/RelaxatorRS
Patreon: www.patreon.com/relaxator

Washing machine sound can be helpful if you are looking for relaxing sounds, sleep sounds or concentration sounds.

Washing machine white noise can be an alternative to relaxing music, sleep music or concentration music.

Visit my channel and listen to other relaxing sounds — white noise and nature sounds.


The main theme of my channel are relaxation recordings, which are a mix of white noise, nature, ambience and ASMR sounds. These recordings are an alternative to such popular music genres as ambient, chillout, or relaxing music.

My videos may be useful for you in a few cases. They can help you:
— calm down and relax
— reduce stress and anxiety
— fall asleep and reduce insomnia
— increase concentration during study or work
— mask the symptoms of tinnitus
— calm and lull the babies

Every audio track I used on the channel comes from my own albums, which I released through the CD Baby music distributor. Link to my artist profile:

These albums can be found on most of the available music streaming services like Apple iTunes, Spotify, YouTube Music, etc.

Each of my audio tracks was recorded and processed by me personally. I use the ZOOM H1 recorder and the Audacity software. Here you can find a real photo of my equipment:

The whole final effect of the visual part of my videos is the result of my ideas and work. I try to keep my videos in a homogeneous style and make them recognizable to my channel.

As one of the elements of the visual part of my videos, I use graphic icons to which I have bought the right to commercial use. I bought them through the The Noun Project website. thenounproject.com/

In the process of creating my videos, I have changed the size, shape, colour and texture of these icons. I care about creating a new unique graphic for my videos in this way. I use for this PhotoScape and VSDC Video Editor software.

Here you can find all the licenses I bought for the icons I used:

Here you can find the terms of use:


Waschmaschine Geräusch / Weißes Rauschen

Waschmaschinengeräusche können hilfreich sein, wenn Sie entspannende Geräusche, Schlafgeräusche oder Konzentrationsgeräusche suchen.

Waschmaschine Sound kann eine Alternative zu Entspannungsmusik, Schlafmusik oder Konzentrationsmusik sein.

Besuchen Sie meinen Kanal und hören Sie andere entspannende Geräusche — Weißes Rauschen und Naturgeräusche.

Bruit machine à laver / Bruit blanc

Bruit de machine à laver peut être utile si vous recherchez des sons relaxants, des sons pour dormir ou des sons pour concentration.

Bruit lave linge peut être une alternative à la musique relaxante, à la musique pour dormir ou à la musique pour concentration.

Visitez ma canal et écoutez d’autres sons relaxants — bruit blanc et bruit de la nature.

Ruido lavadora / Ruido blanco

Sonido lavadora puede ser útil si está buscando sonidos relajantes, sonidos para dormir o sonidos para concentrarse.

Sonido de lavadora puede ser una alternativa a la música relajante, la música para dormir o la música para estudiar.

Visita mi canal y escucha otros sonidos relajantes: ruido blanco y sonidos de la naturaleza.

Rumore lavatrice / Rumore bianco

Rumore della lavatrice può essere utile se stai cercando suoni rilassanti, suoni per dormire o suoni per concentrarsi.

Suono lavatrice può essere un'alternativa alla musica rilassante, alla musica per dormire o alla musica per studiare.

Visita il mio canale e ascolta altri suoni rilassanti: rumore bianco e suoni della natura.

Wasmachine geluid / Witte ruis

Geluid van een wasmachine geluid kan nuttig zijn als u op zoek bent naar ontspannende geluiden, slaapgeluiden of concentratie geluiden.

Wasmachine geluid kan een alternatief zijn voor ontspannende muziek, slaap muziek of concentratie muziek.

Dźwięk pralki / Biały szum

Szum pralki może być pomocny jeżeli szukasz dźwięków relaksacyjnych, dźwięków usypiających lub dźwięków do nauki.

Odgłos pralki może być alternatywą dla muzyki relaksacyjnej, muzyki do snu lub muzyki do nauki i koncentracji.

Малыш уснет за 5 минут! ❤ Спокойная Музыка для Сна ❤ Колыбельные песни слушать онлайн ❤

Малыш уснет за 5 минут! ❤ Спокойная Музыка для Сна ❤ Колыбельные песни слушать онлайн ❤

Малыш уснет за 5 минут! ❤ Спокойная Музыка для Сна ❤ Колыбельные песни слушать онлайн ❤
✔Приятного вам дня и прослушивания!
✔Делитесь этим видео с друзьями!
✔Также не забудьте нажать на колокольчик чтобы знат о всех новинках!

Подписывайтесь На Канал ►►► bom.to/IsxkZ

Déšť Zvuky pro hluboké spaní , búrka, vítr . Zvuky deště

Déšť Zvuky pro hluboké spaní, búrka, vítr. Zvuky deště

relaxační hudba bouřka dážď búrky zvuky pre spánok, zvuk k uspávání rain sounds thunderstorm sound wind noise
i repeated this video for change language in Czech
this video is useful for people, helps you sleep, treats stress and insomnia
i used pic pixabay pixabay.com/it/fulmine-tempesta-arizona-monsone-1158027/ effect of audio gallery youtube for do this video

Piosenka dla dzieci - Stary niedźwiedź mocno śpi

Piosenka dla dzieci — Stary niedźwiedź mocno śpi

Stary niedźwiedź mocno śpi to klasyczna piosenka dla dzieci, śpiewajcie ją razem z kolegami i koleżankami z przedszkola, szkoły, z braćmi i siostrami i wraz z rodzicami.

Nasze piosenki dla dzieci są już dostępne na Spotify — serdecznie zapraszamy :)

Więcej o tej piosence możesz przeczytać tutaj

Relaxing Music with Beautiful Nature - Peaceful Piano & Guitar Music by Soothing Relaxation

Relaxing Music with Beautiful Nature — Peaceful Piano & Guitar Music by Soothing Relaxation

Relaxing music with beautiful nature videos for ultimate relaxation. Peaceful piano & guitar music (\«Happy Times ★152\») with ocean waves that can be used as study music, sleep music, music during work or as background music during the day. Instrumental music composed by Peder B. Helland for Soothing Relaxation. Listen to more ► www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Q634rbsypE&index=1&list=PLQ_PIlf6OzqIbDAB-ErHx6LYIsseKs8Eg
Download on Bandcamp: soothingrelaxation.bandcamp.com/track/happy-times-152-short

— ~Recommended playlists from Soothing Relaxation~
Piano Music ► www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCOF9LN_Zxs&index=1&list=PLQ_PIlf6OzqIbDAB-ErHx6LYIsseKs8Eg
Sleep Music ► www.youtube.com/watch?v=MN_JP4gyBNI&index=2&list=PLQ_PIlf6OzqIeQygYMd8DccQ3XnJlSGcG
Celtic Music ► www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiqlZZddZEo&list=PLQ_PIlf6OzqLhEYzczrT-qGZy2lhx_Gga&index=1
Romantic Music ► www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXYtJB7Qslk&list=PLQ_PIlf6OzqI5e0fYBXTN8cSjgEBD-Seh&index=1
Harp Music ► www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TO_oHxuk6c&list=PLQ_PIlf6OzqIhLKzweFz88-N8zntaZm-K&index=1

— ~My social links~
Instagram ► www.instagram.com/PederBHelland/
Facebook ► www.facebook.com/PederBHelland
Twitter ► twitter.com/PederBHelland
Snapchat ► @PederBHelland
Soothing Relaxation on Facebook ► www.facebook.com/SoothingRelaxation

— Music by Peder B. Helland.
Stock media provided by Pond5.

— I am a composer from Norway and I started this channel with a simple vision: to create a place that you can visit whenever you want to sit down and relax. I compose music that can be labeled as for example: sleep music, calm music, yoga music, study music, peaceful music, beautiful music and relaxing music. I love to compose music and I put a lot of work into it.

Thank you very much for listening and for leaving feedback. All your warm support really inspires me to work even harder on my music. If you enjoy my work, I would be very happy if you decided to subscribe and join our community. Have a wonderful day or evening!

~Peder B. Helland

— ~Places to download my music~
Itunes ► itunes.apple.com/us/artist/peder-b.-helland/id670633352
Bandcamp ► soothingrelaxation.bandcamp.com
Amazon ► www.amazon.com/s/ref=ntt_srch_drd_B00FGLK06C?ie=UTF8&field-keywords=Peder%20B.%20Helland&index=digital-music&search-type=ss
Google Play ►https://play.google.com/store/music/artist/Peder_B_Helland?id=Aknsdtud7aeouew6ny2zv5d3xhq
Soothing Relaxation ►https://soothingrelaxation.com/

— ~My other channels~
Peder B. Helland ► www.youtube.com/user/MusicLoverOriginals
Soothing Lullabies ► www.youtube.com/channel/UC5bksAOJAJtF0IWMXTokvIA
Soothing Tutorials ►https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMKyhgW30pNIBu9NMeiGf9Q


10 Hours of Relaxing Music - Sleep Music, Piano Music for Stress Relief, Sleeping Music (Sean)

10 Hours of Relaxing Music — Sleep Music, Piano Music for Stress Relief, Sleeping Music (Sean)

Calm piano music for sleeping, relaxation and studying. This soft piano music can improve quality of sleep for people with insomnia. Instrumental music is called \«Sean\». Fall asleep with this 10 hours of beautiful sleep music from OCB Relax Music.

The OCB (One Conscious Breath) relaxing music series help you calm down. These music are great for relaxing, meditation, yoga, massage, studying, reading, sleeping, working and more. Original, calming and peaceful tunes created and uploaded to YouTube every week.

Title: Sean
Artist: OCB Relax

Instagram • www.instagram.com/ocbrelax/
Facebook • www.facebook.com/ocbrelax/
Twitter • twitter.com/ocbrelaxmusic

Music and footage: OCB Relax
Thumbnail picture — edited — licensed from Kelly VanDellen via 123rf.com
Copyright © 2020 OCB Relax. All rights reserved. Video reference number: 231
#relaxingmusic #sleepmusic #piano