GET 16HOURS TRACK for BUSINESS:Cafe Music Jazz & Bossa!!
GET 16HOURS TRACK for BUSINESS:Cafe Music Jazz & Bossa!!!
The paid content feature on YouTube has been discontinued.
Therefore, we can not purchase this movie at present.
For those who use business, please go to the following site.
As I've received many inquiries, I've created a 16hours track for business use!
You can use this music at your restaurants, shops, hospitals, offices, parties, etc…
*Reselling is prohibited
Music by BGM channel Group has provided music to many business scenes such as restaurants, bars, cafes, shops, department stores, parties, weddings, salons, schools, hospitals in many countries such as the US, Germany, France, HongKong, Korea, and Taiwan.
Of course, you can listen to this longer version for non-business use too.
Please Subscribe!
The paid content feature on YouTube has been discontinued.
Therefore, we can not purchase this movie at present.
For those who use business, please go to the following site.
As I've received many inquiries, I've created a 16hours track for business use!
You can use this music at your restaurants, shops, hospitals, offices, parties, etc…
*Reselling is prohibited
Music by BGM channel Group has provided music to many business scenes such as restaurants, bars, cafes, shops, department stores, parties, weddings, salons, schools, hospitals in many countries such as the US, Germany, France, HongKong, Korea, and Taiwan.
Of course, you can listen to this longer version for non-business use too.
Please Subscribe!