Christmas at Hogwarts Great Hall Ambience / Harry Potter ASMR, Relax & Study

Christmas at Hogwarts Great Hall Ambience / Harry Potter ASMR, Relax & Study

Hello everyone.❤️

It's the Christmas version of the Harry Potter ASMR series.
The version does not contain BGM.
This is Hogwarts Great Hall for Christmas.
The Hogwarts, beautifully decorated with Christmas lights, has snow falling from the ceiling and twinkling stars. During the holidays, people enjoy festive and peaceful evenings.
The video contains the sound of friends talking, the sound of writing Christmas cards to family or friends, the sound of reading books, and the sound of warm bonfires.
Have a relaxing and warm time at Hogwarts.

Skyrim - Music & Ambience - Day [10 Hours]

Skyrim — Music & Ambience — Day [10 Hours]

A very long day trip through the woods and mountains of Skyrim.

© 2011 Bethesda Softworks LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. The Elder Scrolls, Skyrim, Bethesda, Bethesda Game Studios, Bethesda Softworks, ZeniMax and related logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. All Rights Reserved.

Lord of the Rings Music & Ambience | The Shire, A Peaceful Night in Bag End - Relaxing Evening Rain

Lord of the Rings Music & Ambience | The Shire, A Peaceful Night in Bag End — Relaxing Evening Rain

#lotr #hobbit #lordoftherings #theshire
*reuploaded due to copyright issues
Imagine yourself sleeping peacefully by the window of your cozy bed in Bag End, just at the end of Bagshot Row in Hobbiton.
I hope these videos bring you joy! A very special thanks to each and every one of you who support my channel through Patreon and Paypal. Do you enjoy my channel? Please consider supporting me! I can’t earn revenue on YouTube due to copyright restrictions, so help the channel continue to grow by becoming a Patron or making a PayPal contribution today!
Check out my second channel:

Disclaimer #1: Please know that I do not place any of the adds on my videos. Since I use copyright protected music, YouTube has demonetized my channel. Ads are placed by YouTube automatically to generate revenue for the license holders of the music. My channel is best enjoyed with YouTube Premium!
Disclaimer #2: While I appreciate requests for future videos, please realize that my Patreon community and supporters are who I look to first to find out what content is best for my channel.

The Elder Scrolls - 'Tamriel Reborn' (Music Compilation)

The Elder Scrolls — 'Tamriel Reborn' (Music Compilation)

This music compilation includes tracks taken from The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and The Elder Scrolls: Online video games.

Composed by Jeremy Soule and Brad Derrick.


0:00 — Nerevar Rising (Morrowind)
2:26 — Through the Valleys (Oblivion)
6:02 — Awake (Skyrim)
7:24 — Dawn (Skyrim)
11:07 — Auridon Sunrise (ESO)
16:53 — South Wind's Prayer (Exploring 11) (Skyrim: Dragonborn)
20:19 — The Heart of Nirn (ESO)
26:26 — King and Country (Oblivion)
30:20 — Distant Horizons (Skyrim)
34:04 — Silt Sunrise (Morrowind)
37:05 — Magnus Smiles on Suran (ESO: Morrowind)
42:12 — Kyne's Peace (Skyrim)
45:50 — The City Gates (Skyrim)
49:28 — Y'ffre in Every Leaf (ESO)
54:52 — The Breath of Kynareth (ESO)
1:01:19 — Over the Next Hill (Morrowind)
1:04:19 — Grazelands Dawn (ESO: Morrowind)
1:09:11 — Ancient Stones (Skyrim)
1:13:41 — Solitude (Skyrim)
1:15:47 — The White River (Skyrim)
1:19:01 — Watchman's Ease (Oblivion)
1:20:57 — Dawn Gleams on Cyrodiil (ESO)
1:26:10 — Azura's Coast (ESO: Morrowind)
1:31:48 — The Jerall Mountains (Skyrim)
1:34:51 — Bruma Against the Jerrals (ESO)
1:40:26 — Stendarr's Mercy (ESO)
1:45:36 — Sun's Dusk (Exploring 8) (Skyrim: Dragonborn)
1:49:57 — Ascadian Idyll (ESO: Morrowind)
1:54:48 — Summerset Isle, Auridon (ESO: Summerset)
2:02:53 — Wings of Kynareth (Oblivion)
2:06:13 — Masser (Skyrim)
2:12:04 — Auriel's Ascension (Oblivion)
2:15:01 — Moons of Evening Star (ESO)
2:20:24 — The Legacy of Lorkhan (ESO)
2:25:29 — Yearning for Moonshadow (ESO)
2:31:37 — Forgotten Vale (Skyrim: Dragonborn)
2:35:50 — Restless, Tamriel Dreams (ESO)
2:42:32 — Dusk at the Market (Oblivion)
2:44:32 — All's Well (Oblivion)
2:46:52 — The Gathering Storm (Skyrim)
2:49:30 — Tundra (Skyrim)
2:53:07 — Unbroken Road (Skyrim)
2:59:24 — Currents of the Odai (ESO: Morrowind)
3:04:32 — The Road Most Travelled (Morrowind)
3:07:42 — Far Horizons (Skyrim)
3:12:57 — From Past to Present (Skyrim)
3:17:49 — The Blessing of Morwha (ESO)
3:24:04 — Caprice (Morrowind)
3:27:27 — Before the Storm (Skyrim)
3:28:25 — Dragonsreach (Skyrim)
3:30:39 — Secunda (Skyrim)
3:32:35 — Harvest Dawn (Oblivion)
3:35:18 — Northpoint Nocturne (ESO)
3:40:39 — Yearning for Moonshadow (ESO)
3:46:47 — So Many Pockets, So Little Time (ESO)
3:53:45 — Blessing of Vivec (Morrowind)
3:56:58 — Shadow of Baar Dau (ESO: Morrowind)
3:58:20 — Hinterlands (ESO: Morrowind)
4:05:30 — Shed Your Travails (Morrowind)
4:11:40 — Morning Star (Exploring 9) (Skyrim: Dragonborn)
4:18:33 — They Did Not Die in Vain (ESO)
4:19:50 — Greenheart (ESO)
4:24:40 — The Streets of Whiterun (Skyrim)
4:28:35 — Frostfall (Skyrim)
4:31:51 — Peaceful Waters (Morrowind)
4:34:53 — Anvil Sun and Shadows (ESO: Morrowind)
4:40:11 — Wind Guide You (Skyrim)
4:48:47 — Minstrel's Lament (Oblivion)
4:53:17 — Whispers of the Ancestors (ESO)
4:58:17 — Imperial Throne (Skyrim)
5:00:21 — Standing Stones (Skyrim)
5:06:44 — Under an Ancient Sun (Skyrim)
5:10:10 — Echoes of Aldmeris (ESO)
5:10:56 — The Brass Fortress (ESO)
5:16:17 — Unbroken Road (Skyrim)
5:22:30 — Glory of Cyrodiil (Oblivion)
5:24:49 — Arkay Watches (ESO)
5:26:05 — Moth, Butterfly and Torchbug (ESO)
5:31:40 — Journey's End (Skyrim)
5:35:35 — Rain's Hand (Exploring 10) (Skyrim: Dragonborn)
5:41:03 — Nerevar Rising (Reprised) (Morrowind)

— Commentary: This is my final Elder Scrolls music compilation (until The Elder Scrolls VI comes out!). This was requested a lot by fans of my other music compilations that either wanted longer compilations to listen to or have a mix with music from The Elder Scrolls Online included too.

I hope you enjoy!

— The Forge Network

Your continued support is much appreciated as I continue to grow this network of channels. If you enjoy the content that I have on the channel and want to see more please subscribe and check out my other videos.

Two Steps From Hell - 25 Tracks Best of All Time | Most Powerful Epic Music Mix [Part 1]

Two Steps From Hell — 25 Tracks Best of All Time | Most Powerful Epic Music Mix [Part 1]

This is the playlist of my most favourite epic music tracks from Two Steps From Hell. Hope you enjoy it!
Please subscribe for more epic music.

Genre: Trailer Music — Epic music — Emotional music — Choir/Orchestra/Vocal

00:00:00 Heart Of Courage
00:01:57 Protectors Of The Earth
00:04:48 Winterspell
00:08:09 Victory
00:13:30 Blackheart
00:17:55 El Dorado
00:22:09 Strength of a Thousand Men
00:24:28 Northern Pastures
00:26:39 After The Fall
00:29:06 Love & Loss
00:30:57 Birth of a Hero
00:33:10 Never Back Down
00:36:06 Secret Melody
00:39:51 Unleashed
00:44:42 Flight Of The Silverbird
00:48:36 Freedom Fighters
00:51:09 For The Win
00:53:20 Breathe
00:56:15 Black Blade
00:59:23 Invincible
01:02:16 Magika
01:04:15 Pegasus
01:08:45 Archangel
01:11:21 Riders
01:14:54 Compass
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

THANKS ALL THE ARTISTS FOR THEIR AMAZING MUSIC & ARTWORKS! You guys can find their information below, go check their sites and support them!

Music by Two Steps From Hell.
Follow them on Facebook:

You can buy more of TSFH music here:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Artworks list:
1. Farewell 2 by 88grzes:
2. Dragon's enemy by t1na:
(but she seems to delete it so the archive:
3. Viserion's Gate by AnthonyAvon:
4. Retribution by TamplierPainter:
5. Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm cinematic (screenshot).
6. Space Warp Machine Day by 2buiArt:
7. Warhammer: Mark of Chaos wallpaper —
8. Beginning Of A Great Journey by FrankAtt:
9. Starcraft 2 Loading screen:
10. Ash by wlop:
11. Red Dragon v2 by sandara:
12. Charge by JonasDeRo:
13. Wind Queen by rustikuz:
14. Gods Of Sound by JonasDeRo:
15. 空へ by 磯部トースト:
16. God of War Fan art by thiennh2:
17. Adventurers by sandara:
18. Temple by CordobezWeee:
19. Guild Wars wallpaper:
20. Leap of Faith by caiomm:
21. Blue Dragon by sandara:
22. The Guardian of the Stars by ryky:
23. Diablo III wallpaper:
25. God's Hourglass by ErikShoemaker:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Video edited by Long Phan Studio
Follow us on:

DISCLAIMBER: I do not own any of the materials (music/artworks). All rights belong to the original artists.
If you are the content owner and want to remove it, please contact me at Thank you!
#epicmusic #freyamusic #twostepsfromhell #epicmusic #freyamusic

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt | Full Soundtrack

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt | Full Soundtrack

RPG Legendary Soundtracks — The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Full OST (Original Soundtrack)
Developer: CD Projekt Red

Music by Marcin Przybyłowicz and Mikołaj Stroiński

0:00 — The Trail
2:51 — Geralt of Rivia
5:15 — Eredin, King of the Hunt
7:45 — Wake Up, Ciri
9:21 — Aen Seidhe
11:59 — Commanding the Fury
14:09 — Emhyr var Emreis
16:41 — Spikeroog
19:49 — King Bran's Final Voyage
22:03 — Silver for Monsters…
24:25 — Whispers of Oxenfurt
27:02 — The Nightingale
28:43 — City of Intrigues
30:52 — The Hunter's Path
33:46 — Widow-maker
35:58 — Kaer Morhen
38:35 — Eyes of the Wolf
40:41 — Witch Hunters
43:24 — ...Steel for Humans (Lazare)
44:53 — Fate Calls
46:53 — The Vagabond
49:43 — Cloak and Dagger
52:31 — Forged in Fire
54:37 — Yes, I Do…
56:13 — Welcome, Imlerith
59:00 — Drink Up, There's More!
1:00:38 — After the Storm
1:02:11 — Blood on the Cobblestones
1:04:16 — Farewell, Old Friend
1:07:10 — The Song of the Sword-Dancer
1:09:25 — The Hunt is Coming
1:11:32 — The Fields of Ard Skellig
1:14:44 — Ladies of the Woods
1:16:37 — Merchants of Novigrad
1:19:48 — Hunt or Be Hunted

Don't Forget to like, comment and subscribe! \o

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt — Complete Soundtrack

The Elder Scrolls Music & Ambience | 8 Hours, 4 Peaceful Scenes with Serene Music Mix

The Elder Scrolls Music & Ambience | 8 Hours, 4 Peaceful Scenes with Serene Music Mix

Enjoy the scenes of the night sky with a perfect mix of relaxing music from Skyrim, Oblivion, and The Elder Scrolls Online! This video is 8 hours long, the perfect length for a great night’s sleep. Get comfortable, relax, and drift into dream sleep under the stars.
0:00-2:50 — Auriel's Ascension, The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion
2:50-6:10 — Frostfall, The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim
6:10- 11:20 — Dawn Glams on Cyrodiil, The Elder Scrolls Online
11:20-15:15 — Peace of Akatosth, The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion
15:15-19:00 — Tundra, The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim
19:00- 25:20- Dusk Song of the High Elves, The Elder Scrolls Online — Summerset
25:20-27:45 — Alls Well, The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion
27:45-31:00- Frostfall, The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim
31:00-36:21 -Northpoint Nocturne, The Elder Scrolls Online
I hope these videos bring you joy! A very special thanks to each and every one of you who support my channel through Patreon and Paypal. Do you enjoy my channel? Please consider supporting me! I can’t earn revenue on YouTube due to copyright restrictions, so help the channel continue to grow by becoming a Patron or making a PayPal contribution today!
***Join our Discord community!
The very talented Ognyan Zahariev has generously given me permission to use his artwork in this video. Please visit his portfolio and see more of his work ( It's just stunning!
Copyright information: I do not own any of the visuals or audio in my videos and my channel is not monetized. All ads direct revenue to the respective copyright owners through the Content ID system. Please check out the copyright links to the original music in the links below. Videos on my channel are removed immediately upon request or claims from the copyright owners or YouTube. I have no control over when or where ads appear on my videos.

Relaxing Music Epic Fantasy [FULL EPİSODE]

Relaxing Music Epic Fantasy [FULL EPİSODE]

Relaxing Music Epic Fantasy
Relaxing Music Epic Fantasy
Relaxing Music Epic Fantasy [FULL EPİSODE]
Relaxing Music Epic Fantasy [FULL EPİSODE]
Relaxing Music Epic Fantasy [FULL EPİSODE]
Relaxing Music Epic Fantasy [FULL EPİSODE]
Watch Relaxing Music Epic Fantasy Online
Watch Relaxing Music Epic Fantasy Full Episode

Lord of the Rings Music & Ambience | Rohan Theme Music with Mountain Wind Ambience

Lord of the Rings Music & Ambience | Rohan Theme Music with Mountain Wind Ambience

I hope these videos bring you joy! A very special thanks to each and every one of you who support my channel through Patreon and Paypal. Do you enjoy my channel? Please consider supporting me! I can’t earn revenue on YouTube due to copyright restrictions, so help the channel continue to grow by becoming a Patron or making a PayPal contribution today!

Original footage by Behind the Door. Original video on this link:
Find more content on their YouTube Channel:
© Behind the Door — 2019

I'm dedicating this one to all of my Patreon supporters, and my sister in law Jessie, who loves Rohan and is a big fan of LOTR! Join the Ambient Worlds community on Patreon to support the channel and get early access to new videos!

Disclaimer #1: Please know that I do not place any of the adds on my videos. Since I use copyright protected music, YouTube has demonetized my channel. Ads are placed by YouTube automatically to generate revenue for the license holders of the music. My channel is best enjoyed with YouTube Premium!
Disclaimer #2: While I appreciate requests for future videos, please realize that my Patreon community and supporters are who I look to first to find out what content is best for my channel.

Jeremy Soule (Oblivion) — Auriel's Ascension [Extended - 2 Hrs. - With Mild \

Jeremy Soule (Oblivion) — Auriel's Ascension [Extended — 2 Hrs. — With Mild \«Mtn. Wind\» Ambience]



✪ Non-monetized video on a monetized account ✪
✪ Any ad revenue generated is property of: \«Bethesda\» ✪


✪ NOTE: \«Auriel's Ascension\» plays for 90 Minutes, then 30 minutes of wind ✪
✪ Shoutout to \«The Forge\», who looped this 1 month ago. This crossfade was the hardest I'd ever done, in recent memeory, so I want to give a big shout-out to him. His channel has great content, so, check him out:


Audio Credits:

Track: \«Auriel's Ascension\» (Also known as: \«Atmosphere 6\»)
Artist: Jeremy Soule
Album: Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion Soundtrack, The
Track: 18 of 26
Original Track Length: 3:05
Label: © 2006, Bethesda


Audio Credits (Wind Ambience)

© 2015, Alen AxP
Original Video: [8 hrs.]
Official Channel:


Audio Details:

Volume: Reduced by 60% and mixed

Volume Leveled a total of 8 times in 4 places
Loop: 168 Seconds

Purchase Details:

iTunes Purchase Page:
(...Couldn't find it on Amazon)


Video Credits:

© 2017, \«Nature Relaxation\»
Original Video:
Official Channel:


Video Specs:

Kept OEM Frame rate of: 29 FPS
Kept OEM Frame rate of: 19 Mbps
Rendered in After Effects 1st with 2x \«Warming\» Filters
Then exported as H.264 in Premiere Pro



\«Clearing fog...morning...St. Helens\»
© 2017, steveschwindt


Please consider supporting our Patreon page & get rewards! :-)
(MP3s of the Loops, Footage, & more)

Either way,
Thanks for watching! & Enjoy!
