2Hours Relaxing Best Mozart Piano musicㅣlullaby ㅣPrenatal ㅣ집중력ㅣ모짜르트 피아노 음악 ㅣ태교 음악 ㅣモーツァルトㅣ子守唄ㅣलोरी

2Hours Relaxing Best Mozart Piano musicㅣlullaby ㅣPrenatal ㅣ집중력ㅣ모짜르트 피아노 음악 ㅣ태교 음악 ㅣモーツァルトㅣ子守唄ㅣलोरी


Play List

1 Mozart Sonate KV279 Allegro
2 Mozart Sonate KV280 Allegro assai
3 Mozart Sonate KV283 Allegro
4 Mozart Sonate KV309 Allegro con spirito-02
5 Mozart Sonate KV311 Allegro con spirito-01
6 Mozart Sonate KV330 Allegro moderato
7 Mozart Sonate KV331 Andanti grazioso
8 Mozart Sonate KV332 Allegro
9 Mozart Sonate KV545 Allegro
10 Mozart Sonate KV570 Allegro

Relaxation music for baby and mommy.
It's the best selling music for baby and now available on major mp3 stores.

Mozart for Baby — Baby Relax — Baby Soothing — Baby Music — Baby Sleep Music — Baby Sleeping Melodies — Baby Classical Music — Baby Songs — Lullabies — Lullaby — Bedtime music — Baby Musicbox — Twinkle Twinkle Little Star- Nursery Rhymes — Music for Babies to go to sleep — Bedtime Music — Baby Bach — Lullaby Brahms — Baby Mozart — Baby Einstein — Baby Lullaby — Baby Sleeping Music — 1 Hour — 2 Hours — 3 Hours — Classical Music For Babies — Slaapliedje — колыбельная — Relaxing music — Instrumental music — Long Music — Classical Music For Children — Soft Music For Babies — Baby Muziek — Baby Bedtime Sleeping Music — классика для детей — Canción de cuna — музыка для малышей — музыка для сна — musica per il sonno — Música para dormir — Musique pour les bébés — Berceuse — Musica per bambini — Musik für Babys — 嬰兒音樂 — 赤ちゃんのための音楽 — 아기를위한 음악 — музыка для младенцев — musiek vir babas — Musikk for babyer — Música para bebés — Canção de ninar — Nanas — Wiegenlied — 催眠曲 — 子守唄 — kehtolaulu — vuggevise — ninni — Baby Tv — BabyTV — Baby Video

Relaxing Music & Soft Rain Sounds - Peaceful Piano Music for Sleep & Relaxation

Relaxing Music & Soft Rain Sounds — Peaceful Piano Music for Sleep & Relaxation

Расслабляющая музыка и мягкие звуки дождя от Soothing Relaxation /Peder B. Helland. Эта спокойная фортепианная музыка для сна и расслабления называется \«Slow Day\». Яндекс.Музыка: soothingrelaxation.lnk.to/listenYL/yandexmusic
Скачать музыку или слушать онлайн на канале «Soothing Relaxation»: soothingrelaxation.lnk.to/listenYL

Mozart for Babies brain development -Classical Music for Babies-Lullabies for Babies

Mozart for Babies brain development -Classical Music for Babies-Lullabies for Babies

Mozart effect for Babies brain development -Classical Music for Babies-Lullabies for Babies Sleep Baby Songs-Efecto mozart para estimular la inteligencia de mi bebe-http://youtu.be/XjbJZ-8vH8Q

Follow me on twitter :D: twitter.com/amorycuidados

The Mozart effect was first reported in 1993 by scientists at the University of California at Irvine, and replicated by the same group in 1995. The study (which did not look at the effect of Mozart on babies) found that college students who listened to a Mozart sonata for a few minutes before taking a test that measured spatial relationship skills did better than students who took the test after listening to another musician or no music at all.

The effect in the students was temporary (it lasted only 15 minutes) and has always been controversial. Nonetheless, the media and politicians hopped on the Mozart effect bandwagon, claiming that listening to the music offered numerous benefits and could alleviate physical and mental health problems.

The notion that babies would be smarter if they listened to classical music was born out of this hype. One year, the governor of Georgia mandated that a classic music CD — which contained the sonata and other pieces and was donated by Sony — be given to all new babies when they left the hospital.

Despite popular sentiment, the evidence that listening to classical music made anybody smarter was tenuous at best. The lead researcher in the original U.C. Irvine study himself said in a Forbes article that the idea that classical music can cure health problems and make babies smarter has no basis in reality, even though he believes that listening to a Mozart sonata can prime the brain to tackle mathematical tasks.

The researchers at Appalachian State University were unable to duplicate the original \«Mozart effect\» results and found that the presence or absence of classical music didn't significantly affect student performance on tests. Their results were published in the July 1999 issue of the journal Psychological Science.

Black Screen Snow Storm At Night | How To Fall Asleep Faster sleep aid | Blizzard, Windy, Cold Night

Black Screen Snow Storm At Night | How To Fall Asleep Faster sleep aid | Blizzard, Windy, Cold Night

Snow Storm at night with blizzard winds to fall asleep faster. Please be sure to like and subscribe to this video if you'd like us to make more! Bookmark our black screen playlist so you can get better sleep every night with our sleep aid videos: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSoUEF1rpqNaDhFp5fEDeExIbrxzabAJt

Our snow storm at night dark black blank screen deep sleep video is great for saving bandwidth while drifting off to sleep. Great for deep relaxation, meditation, insomnia relief, sleep hypnosis, and lucid dreaming.

This video has been put together with a black screen to save you bandwidth and keep your room dark to provide you with a meditation, deep relaxation, and insomnia relief video that will let your mind and body relieve all the daily stresses in life. Windy blizzard storm sounds on a cold night is perfect for deep sleep hypnosis and lucid dreaming.

Our deep relaxation video is great for soothing people of all ages including newborn babies, infants, children, teens, and adults. Perfect for baby calming and nap time too.

Meditating to this is a great way to get your mind into deep relaxation without having to leave the comfort of your home. This video is also a great source for focused studying as it provides an ambient area for a calming and relaxed study session.

Our meditation and deep relaxation video is great for meditation, deep relaxation, deep sleep, deep sleep hypnosis, studying, yoga, tai chi, background music, insomnia relief, baby calming, concentration, lucid dreaming and, stress relief.

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Try our other deep sleep, meditation, relaxation, and work/study videos:

3 hour Crackling bonfires with crickets downtempo music youtu.be/pQ30qzZkeNI
1 hour Dark starry night skies with spacey downtempo music youtu.be/xJZXVK6ASZU
30 min City at night with thunder, rain, and some sweet Brahms youtu.be/r3cKAYS0Za8
3 hour Dark HD lighting effects with great Brahms youtu.be/VrpqDvWMo5o
1 hour Waterfalls and streams with birds and downtempo music youtu.be/hRQeCnxBQ8Q
1 hour Black screen with nature sounds and chillout music youtu.be/H9vf7FvNCWQ
8 hour Deep Sleep Hypnosis video with soothing smoke and downtempo music youtu.be/D-4r3VDvtJQ


[ Insomnia - Stress ] This is the Soothing Music to lull you to Deepest Sleep

[ Insomnia — Stress ] This is the Soothing Music to lull you to Deepest Sleep

«Теперь я собираюсь сказать то, что я никогда не думал, что буду: вчера вечером я хорошо выспался. И в ночь перед этим.
Всю неделю, по сути, я наклонился в постель, послушал музыку HungEker, и в этот момент мои мысли опустились в темный бархатистый сон.
Полный ночной сон никогда не мог произойти несколько лет назад, без музыки. Моя бессонница, в моей самой мучительной, была мучительно шумной. Я чувствовал, как мой мозг перевернулся ночью и начал болтать, разобравшись с вещами, на которые я не дал времени подумать.
Эта музыка начала отбрасывать шум. Моя ночная рутина также стала менее регламентированной, и я почувствовал, как что-то сломалось в порочном круге.
Это было чудесно. Бессонница не вернулась, и я был вне себя от радости. Я люблю музыку.\"
— Музыка, составленная Hungeker
Привет всем, я Хенгер.
✔ Я композитор сделать этот канал YouTube, чтобы поделиться моей фоновой музыкой для сна.
✔ Некоторые слова о моих музыкальных продуктах: сглаживание, сонливость и мир.
✔ Это помогает вам получить более глубокий сон, снятие стресса, медитацию, исцеление и радость. Вы можете слушать много раз, не скучно, каждую ночь.

«Это песня, которую я провожу много времени, чтобы писать.

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6 HOURS - Relaxing - Piano, violin, guitar - Study music , focus, concentration, memory

6 HOURS — Relaxing — Piano, violin, guitar — Study music, focus, concentration, memory

6 HOURS — Relaxing study music, concentration, focus and memory — Piano, violin, guitar instrumental mix for exam, reading and working, study English, math and other like biology, physics or project for long motivation. Soothing, quiet, light and calm instrumental music for kids and adults to increase brain power and positive energy.