Der BigBoy lebt wieder!

Der BigBoy lebt wieder!

Mit einer 33-köpfigen Reisegruppe waren wir vom 03.-15.05.2019 in der USA, hauptsächlich um den BigBoy UP 4014 während seinen Fahretappen von Cheyenne WY nach Ogden UT und zurück zu erleben, fotografieren und filmen. Die Standorte wurden mit einem großen Reisebus angefahren, was unserem Fahrer Clay einiges abverlangte. Weiterhin waren wir auf dem großen Volksfest anläßlich des 150. Golden Spike-Jubiläums in Promontory Summit.
Auch der Wettergoot war uns gnädig gestimmt :-)
Diese Fahrt wird allen Teilnehmern unvergesslich bleiben.
Kleine Korrektur: 2:50 ist nicht Rawlins, sondern Granger UT

Winter Trains

Winter Trains

These video clips were taken during the coldest and snowiest February in decades in the Pacific Northwest. We had planned a nice snowy getaway to the Izaak Walton Inn to get a nice winter get a way since winter this year (2019) had not been much in the Wenatchee, Washington area. November, December and January had ben very warm due to the El Nino effect. Boy, were we in for a big surprise!
Heavy snow, high winds and bone chilling temps. It adds up to some great train viewing but also some challenges in videoing.
Snow berms make pulling over while driving difficult, snow grooming meant hours with no trains and then hours with almost to many to count. Not enough time to set up the tripod was the most difficult situation. Many times a handheld shot was all that could be had. My apologies for some of the shaky videos. All in all though, my wife and I had a great time getting the footage for this video with only a bit of frostbite to damper things (cold winds at Cut Bank was the culprit but only on our camera hands). So, we hope you enjoy.

Brooks Falls - Katmai National Park, Alaska powered by

Brooks Falls — Katmai National Park, Alaska powered by

**Chat rolls are on 10 am — 7 pm PT. Help us learn about the Bear Cam audience.

Brooks Falls in Alaska's Katmai National Park is the best place in the world to watch brown bears feasting on salmon as they swim upstream to spawn. Find out the best time to watch live and learn more about Katmai and its brown bears on @

EXPLORE is the largest live nature cam network on the planet. We bring nature to you, raw, unscripted, and unedited. Enjoy the natural world as it unfolds in real time in front of our cameras. takes you from Kenya, Africa to the riverbanks of Katmai, Alaska and everywhere in between.

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Aurora Borealis / Northern Lights LIVE!

Aurora Borealis / Northern Lights LIVE!

Welcome to Finlands first ever live Aurora Borealis youtube channel! Running since 2017. You can watch the majestic Northern Lights from the comfort of your sofa. Located near Kaamanen in Lapland, Finland.

If you would like to come here and stand under the aurora with us in person, like Chris did in the thumbnail picture, check out our tours:

Clear skies,


This camera is based at 69°N latitude in the northern part of Lapland, Finland.

The time is displayed on the bottom right of the screen in 24 hour format.

!when (does the aurora show up)
The aurora does not show up at the same time every day. It varies, depending on the solar wind characteristics. But usually it is between 9pm and midnight (but can occur outside of these times).

!where (is the aurora)
The aurora does not come at a set time, it is different every day. It is dependent on the solar wind conditions and the local weather conditions. If you don't see it, please check back later.

CABVIEW: Xmas winter train

CABVIEW: Xmas winter train

Xmas winter train! Drivers cab view from the Bergen Line and Flåm Railway in Norway. Rated as two of the most scenic and breathtaking railways in the world.

I'm taking you on a Virtual train travel view from the cab where you get to chat with like minded people.

You can find my videos from all seasons in 4K resolution here: Http://

The stream runs 24/7 and is updated with new videos.

Please be nice to each other!


— English is preferred
— The Youtube Community Guidelines
— Do not ask for subs
— Refrain from discussing politics and religion, the world is polarized enough
— Harassment, racism, bigotry and condescending behavior does not fly here, this includes usernames
— Do not spam/flood the chat
— Be nice, laid back and respectfull to eachother!

The Bergen Line from Oslo to Bergen consist of:
The Drammen Line (Oslo — Drammen)
The South Line (Drammen — Hokksund)
The Randsfjord Line (Hokksund — Hønefoss)
The Bergen Line (Hønefoss — Voss)
The Voss Line (Voss — Bergen)

Watch other videos like this summer and winter:
○ CAB VIEW Bergen Line (Oslo — Bergen) summer and winter:
○ CAB VIEW Flåm Railway:
○ CAB VIEW Commuter Trains (Bergen — Voss — Myrdal):

The famous and scenic Flåm Line branches off the Bergen Line at Myrdal and goes down to Flåm. It's the steepest adhesion normal gauge railway in Northern Europe with a grade of 55‰ (1:18).