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Kittens Falling Asleep to Box Fan Sound = Fan White Noise Sleep Sounds

Kittens Falling Asleep to Box Fan Sound = Fan White Noise Sleep Sounds

Enjoy these Kittens falling asleep to my favorite painted box fan sound for 10 hours, so you can sleep all night long to the fan white noise for sleeping. Have a goodnight and enjoy these custom sleep sounds.

Subscribe for more relaxing videos: www.youtube.com/randallsrestrelaxation?sub_confirmation=1

For this video we went to the McMinn Regional Humane Society and into their \«kitten den\» where we were allowed to set up multiple cameras. I placed my favorite painted box fan on two chairs in the back of the room. We then placed three of their sleeping pods ( which were all around the room in different forms ) just below the chairs with the fan.

I set one camera up down low so you could see the kittens sleeping up close. The second camera was from further away, so you could see the entirety of what was going on. The kittens are quite curious about what is going on, and move around for about the first 20 minutes. They enjoy checking out the fan and the camera. At just a few minutes in you'll see one kitten bump into one of the GoPros and knock it over on an angle. That is ok! We just kept filming and let the footage role.

Once I was finished setting everything up, I left the room and at about 15 to 20 minutes into the video the kittens are fast asleep! Mission accomplished. They loved the box fan sound. I just wish I had more cameras to set up, as they fell asleep all around the room. For the two cameras I did have rolling, we split the screen so you could see both views. I hope you enjoy the kittens sleeping to the box fan sounds and I wish you many nights of sleep to this restful sleep video.

In thanks for allowing me to film this awesome video, I donated to the McMinn Regional Humane Society. If you are motivated to do so and would like to donate to them, click here to go to their website. www.mrhumane.org/ or just search for them on FB and they pop right up. Perhaps throw them a like and a donation there so they can keep up the good work!

0:00 Introduction
1:17 Screen dims for relaxation
3.15 Kitten hits camera
21:33 Kittens fall asleep

I release 10 hour long relaxing videos every Sunday evening. Please take a moment to tune in and comment if you have any great suggestions what we could create next. I reply to each and every comment on my channel as I appreciate the subscribers that have helped create this collective artwork. This channel wouldn't be possible without you, the viewer! Thank you for being part of this co-creation. If you'd like to reach me directly just sent me an email. Go to the channel page and click the about section. I look forward to hearing from you!

Here is a short equipment list that we use to create all of these relaxing sleep videos which includes, but is not limited too the following. Go Pro's, A Nikon 7500, A Mavic Pro Drone, a trusty Tascam DR-100 Mk3 for most of the audio recordings in mp3 format at 320 kbps, a range of microphones including a Sure 57 for that nice low end sound. For the final production of both video and audio I exclusively use Adobe Premiere Pro. If you have any questions about how I recorded something, feel free to send me a message and i will reply.

If you'd like to show your support for this channel on Patreon:

Here are some of my most popular videos:

Shower and Fan Sounds: ► youtu.be/05r8wU4y8qY

Bubbling Dry Ice Sounds + White Noise: ►https://youtu.be/JTkF8AOrjXM

Deep Fan White Noise: ► youtu.be/3rZO3O3lOYg

Heater Sounds w/ Black Screen: ► youtu.be/ph9GgHJMqXg

Fan and Rain Sounds: ► youtu.be/SK-ANvYxII8

I make these videos for you, the subscribers while I absolutely love the process of creation. I enjoy every morning waking up and and drinking my coffee as I respond to every comment left on my channel. I love this opportunity I have to help you relax and get a good nights sleep. Sleep is paramount to well being, and a healthy life. My job would not be possible without you friends. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your healthy lifestyle.

#kittens #fansounds #sleepvideo

Always listen to any sound at a safe volume. You should still be able to speak over one of my relaxing videos. If you can't, you should turn the volume down to a reasonable level until you can. The relaxing sounds provided by Randall's Rest & Relaxation are for entertainment purposes only and are not a treatment for sleep disorders, sleep problems, tinnitus or other health concerns. © Randall's Rest & Relaxation LLC, 2020.

Luxury Cruise Ferry (VIP Deck) - 8 Hour Audio

Luxury Cruise Ferry (VIP Deck) — 8 Hour Audio

Luxury Cruise Ferry (VIP Deck)

8 Hour Audio for Sleep,Relaxation,Meditation,Study

The purpose of this channel is to provide ASMR & Ambient Audio without narration to help people sleep, relax, study, block unwanted noise, meditate, reduce stress and anxiety.

Due to the nature and purpose of these videos i believe adding narration or commentary would be impractical, distracting, and unnecessary.
I create all the videos myself using images and audio samples from public domain and creative commons sources which are free for commercial use.

I use Audacity software to clean, trim, edit, boost, and loop the audio samples. Filmora and Cyberlink Power Director to create the visuals. Also MP4box, MKVToolNix, and Handbrake to create the final video.

If you enjoy this content and want to help me create more, you can now offer your support using the links below!


Message me on Twitter:

Check the links below for the images and audio used to create this video…

Audio: (Free Download)
back of ferry boat by mrmayo
CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0)

Image: (Free Download)

Channel Icon:
Background vector created by kjpargeter — www.freepik.com

Channel Art:
Credit: NASA

The videos on this channel should not be used to replace any medical or psychological treatment.
Please Do not drive or operate heavy machinery while listening to this audio.

Звук и шум для автомобильного двигателя для детского сна, успокаивающий, расслабляющий, тихий, стоп

Звук и шум для автомобильного двигателя для детского сна, успокаивающий, расслабляющий, тихий, стоп


Звук и шум для автомобильного двигателя для детского сна, успокаивающий, расслабляющий, тихий, стоп-крик, новорожденный, младенец — 30 минут.

For more relaxing sounds & videos, please subscribe to this channel! — Do you want to start painting like a pro? Free video painting tutorials on this channel (https://www.youtube.com/user/liyndahandmade/videos). Subscribe to receive weekly video tutorials.
— DIY ideas from all fields and multiple languages on this channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi7NEe3ppsYLbIDgwOB3_2A/videos). Subscribe to receive free video tutorials and ideas.

Поршневые и турбовинтовые двигатели | в чем разница?

Поршневые и турбовинтовые двигатели | в чем разница?

Огненные сердца самолетов и вертолетов весьма разнообразны и представлены множеством двигателей, которые довольно легко узнать. Однако, наблюдая за авиационной индустрией можно заметить определенное замешательство, возникающее при сравнении двигателей поршневых и турбовинтовых, ведь и те и другие вращают винт. Споры об их сходствах и различиях ведутся не одно десятилетие даже среди специалистов, а большинство обывателей с трудом отличает их даже внешне — винт есть винт. Но эти различия есть и они вносят множество нюансов во все аспекты: от стоимости до возможностей, достоинств и недостатков.
Сегодня мы попытаемся разобраться в перепетиях битв поршня и турбины.

Приятного просмотра!

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Вступайте в Air Public — одну из самых активных страниц, посвященных авиации Вконтакте: vk.com/air_public


7 HOUR 4K DRONE FILM: \«Earth from Above\» + Music by Nature Relaxation™ (Ambient AppleTV Style)

*NEW* \«ISLANDS FROM ABOVE\» (8 HR) @ youtu.be/b7Cl7S0pLRw | 10 HOUR MIX @ youtu.be/683p4Ubg2NU | BUY/DOWNLOAD @ www.naturerelaxation.com/products/earth-from-above-7-hour-aerial-drone-film-music-4k | WATCH (No Watermark) @ watch.naturerelaxation.com/videos/earth-from-above-7-hour-drone-mix-w-music-hd-28gb-1 | iOS / AppleTV App @ www.NatureRelaxation.com/iOS | ABOUT: Soar over many of the world's most breathtaking natural paradises for SEVEN full hours of original AppleTV-style ambient relaxation, thanks to this new extended-length drone film by Nature Relaxation™. This isn't just a 15 minute loop that lasts 7 hours; every scene is unique! Viewers of \«Earth From Above\» will enjoy pristine 4K views of exotic places such as Norway, Maui, Fiji, the Spanish Islands, Banff Alberta, California & Australia's southern coasts — paired with healing ambient music to aid in achieving a state of deep and tranquil relaxation. Similar in style to the AppleTV default screensavers, this film was designed for all-day uninterrupted playback and to aid in falling asleep. The musical score and scenery graciously flows in a dynamic fashion, changing locations around every 20 to 30 minutes. MORE INFO / CREDITS:

Fiji, Maui & America footage: David Huting
Norway & Spanish Islands: Stefan Zimmerman
Australia (windmills & coast): Cast Adrift Productions
Banff National Park: Provided to us anonymously

Most of the music in this film was written by the Cynic Project (https://www.NatureRelaxation.com/cynicmusic) in addition to tracks by Fade, Ocean Starfield, Dominic Stone & Michael St Laurent.

Like this film? Here are a few new amazing playlists with more content like this for you to enjoy:
4K DRONE FILMS: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdhB2hC90YEtJ4_9Eo9rETRtNtGMbwtlE |
SIGNATURE COLLECTION w/ MUSIC: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdhB2hC90YEtJ4_9Eo9rETRtNtGMbwtlE |
SIGNATURE COLLECTION (No Music): www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zg46yi9KL6s&list=PLdhB2hC90YEtzqvf0Tg1yX9WqsRQpUzd4 |

iOS App: www.naturerelaxation.com/ios
ANDROID App: www.naturerelaxation.com/Android
ROKU App: www.naturerelaxation.com/Roku
APPLETV: Search for Nature Relaxation on the Apple TV store
ANDROIDTV app: www.naturerelaxation.com/AndroidTV
AMAZON Fire TV App: www.naturerelaxation.com/AmazonFire
SAMSUNG TV: www.NatureRelaxation.com/Samsung

*BEST WAY TO ENJOY NATURE RELAXATION* If you are truly looking to relax while watching this, I strongly recommending leaving YouTube and watching via Nature Relaxation On-Demand, where you will enjoy zero ads, a much cleaner, distraction free viewing experience (no permanent clock when fullscreen, no clickbait videos, etc). Learn more / try free at www.NatureRelaxation.com/ondemand. Subscribe to start your 30 DAY FREE TRIAL unlock ad & watermark-free access plus an amazing suite of apps for all devices. https:/www.NatureRelaxation.com/freetrial

In case you wonder why I run ads on the videos, it's so that I can continue to develop better ways to bring Nature Relaxation™ into your world, allowing you to relax and connect with nature on demand — and benefit from reduced stress, blood pressure mental fog, and a more positive mood & mental outlook — just from simply watching. Isn't Nature amazing? To date we offer a super-simple and high quality web streaming service plus apps on SEVEN platforms. TRY IT BEFORE YOU BUY IT at watch.naturerelaxation.com or on the app store link below:

Designed for therapeutic relaxation in patient care settings, such as hospitals, high stress workplaces, nursing homes, and for individuals at home that love Nature and are seeking enhanced vitality through their digital devices. Learn more about Nature Relaxation at www.NatureRelaxation.com/about

To request a free license quote to use these videos in your business or organization, visit: www.naturerelaxation.com/license

On top of being able to be streamed via Nature Relaxation On-Demand (https://watch.naturerelaxation.com), this film is available for 4K/HD download (h.264), on DVD or Blu-Ray.


Полёт над Швейцарией 11 Relax музыка

Полёт над Швейцарией 11 Relax музыка

Музыка: Cosmic House (Earth) — Pulsar,Dj Sveta and Dj Mixon — Chill at Home (2020),
Challenge- Ravil Aibylatov,Sadness -Ravil Aibylatov,
Alexander Yanchenkov — Chill night,D.I.M.A — Линия Грез,DeniM — Time of changes,
Edge of Town — Background world,GARRISON- Pulsar,Edge of Town — Melancholic decay,
GARRISON-Autumn fantasy,Igor Pumphonia — Romantic Walking,
TenSuns — Nothing Is Ever Lost (Original Mix),MDA — sad sky,
Sibewest x Sloati — Holodno,Travel to The Mountains-Ravil Aibylatov,
Wings of Maleficent -Vintage, Рождество -Vintage, УТРО- Ravil Aibylatov,
к тебе..-maxT

Самый классный клип !!! ЭНИГМАТИК – Zoom - Tears of Time (Новинка)

Самый классный клип!!! ЭНИГМАТИК – Zoom — Tears of Time (Новинка)

Энигматик – это уникальный, супер мощный, самый лучший, очень красивый, заслуживающий отдельного внимания музыкальный жанр. Сложно понять и тем более объяснить, что такое Энигматика, недаром с английского языка корень слова Enigmatic переводится как загадка, тайна. Этот стиль музыки, обладает мощным магнетизмом и оказывает странное воздействие, она также способна ввести своего слушателя в некий транс. Про музыку Enigmatic и за её таинственность поистине смело можно сказать – это самая мистическая, самая загадочная, самая яркая музыка. Энигматик — это высокий профессионализм, музыкальная интеллигентность, чистота и успешная попытка сделать наш мир светлее. Наверное, благодаря именно этим особенностям она стала так популярна во всём мире но несмотря на все сильные стороны данного жанра, воспринимайте музыку Энигматик, как нечто доброе светлое и красивое, ведь очень многие справедливо считают, что музыка Энигматик – лучшая музыка для души.

ОТ АВТОРА: Best Music Relax
Друзья мои, если вам нравится музыка, похожая на Энигму, то этот классический потрясающий chillout tume именно для вас. А для того чтобы полностью погрузиться в атмосферу, настроиться на \«нужную волну\» и обрести соответствующее мироощущение, достаточно посмотреть это видео.

Монтаж видео \«Самый классный клип!!! ЭНИГМАТИК – Zoom — Tears of Time (Новинка)\», был сделан мной лично, автором канала \«Best Music Relax\».
URL видео: youtu.be/JXbr1lofvr4

Если вы нашли эту музыку полезной, пожалуйста, поделитесь ею со своими любимыми и близкими людьми. Оставляйте свои комментарии и пожелания на будущие публикации.
Чтобы не потерять видео, которое вы смотрите, нажмите под роликом кнопку добавить в плей лист, и это видео появится на Вашем канале.

© Канал \«Best Music Relax\» имеет Лицензию на использование музыки
ZOOM Rec-независимый лейбл звукозаписи, подметка COF Recordings.
Трек: Zoom-Слезы Времени (Оригинальный Микс)

ОЧЕНЬ ВАЖНО! Все права на изображения в видео принадлежат авторам! Если Вам не нравится что мы используем какой-либо фрагмент — пожалуйста свяжитесь с нами, мы удалим это видео или укажем под ним информацию о вас.

Больше видео \«Best Music Relax\»
Music Video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjbDyVNhMko&list=PLVUp5hS4HCpajzrm1p3skgDdJA7qUJVFQ
Подписка на мой канал: www.youtube.com/channel/UCa89x38deIKOACbMyR4q8wA?sub_confirmation=1

Погрузитесь в самый невероятный, удивительный и волшебный мир музыки.
Пусть каждая минута, проведенная на канале, станет для вас приятным отдыхом.
С любовью к вам, автор канала \«Best Music Relax\», Евгения

#enigma #enigmatic #enigmatik #chill #chillout #бесконечная #вечная #красивая #лучшая #музыка #песни #мелодии #хиты #новинки #отдых #видео #клипы #премьера #мотивация #best #BestMusicRelax