Oscillating Fan (3 Hours)
Oscillating Fan (3 Hours)
The audio for this can now be download for free (and even re-uploaded to other sites so others may benefit) It is here:
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Why 3 hours? Tranquil nature soundscapes are excellent for relaxing, meditation, insomnia, studying, tinnitus sufferers.
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To see my entire playlist click here:
A fan produces a calming noise similar to white noise. White noise also masks ear ringing (aka tinnitus ). This fan oscillates (rotates) left and right in stereo.
The audio for this can now be download for free (and even re-uploaded to other sites so others may benefit) It is here:
Please support me on Patreon:
Why 3 hours? Tranquil nature soundscapes are excellent for relaxing, meditation, insomnia, studying, tinnitus sufferers.
Please SUBSCRIBE by clicking here:
To see my entire playlist click here:
A fan produces a calming noise similar to white noise. White noise also masks ear ringing (aka tinnitus ). This fan oscillates (rotates) left and right in stereo.