Best Relaxing Sleep Music Ever — Touching the Stars!
Отличная музыка, чтобы расслабиться и заснуть. Эта красивая расслабляющая музыка с нежным пением птиц написана Джеком Д.Т. и называется \«Into The Forest\». Стрим в iTunes и Spotify скоро будет доступен.
Very Delicate And Beautiful Music! Relaxing Sleep! Listen… (Jack DT — High Above)
Расслабьтесь, снимите стресс и легко засыпайте под эту красивую расслабляющую музыку. Эта расслабляющая музыка для сна была написана Джеком Д.Т., и она называется \«High Above\». Стрим в iTunes и Spotify скоро будет доступен.
Kl. 07:38 fra Trondheim 0:00:00 0km
KL. 08:11 fra Værnes Lufthavn
KL. 08:19 fra Stjørdal 0:39:00 34km
KL. 09:05 fra Levanger 1:24:00
KL. 09:45 fra Steinkjer 2:04:33 125 km
KL. 10:53 fra Grong 3:12:30 219 km
KL. 13:09 fra Mosjøen 5:30:30 406km
KL. 14:20 fra Mo i Rana 6:41:30 498km
Polarsirkelen/ polar circle 7:47:30
KL. 16:46 fra Fauske 8:54:30 673km
KL. 17:28 til Bodø 9:47:00 728 km
Den norske Broadcasting Corporation (NRK) har lavet endnu en spektakulær minut for minut dokumentarfilm, denne gang indspilning Norges northenmost jernbane forbinder Trondheim og Bodø. Vi har indspillet det fire gange — én gang for hver sæson, hvilket giver virkelig enestående optagelser af dette ti timers ride.
Du kan se det på nettet,
CABVIEW: Stormy winter conditions on the mountain pass (Bergen Line, Norway)
Stormy winter conditions on the mountain pass this day for the Regional Train between Bergen and Oslo. The trains on the Bergen Line travers one of the most inhospitable winter environments in Norway. The weather can go from pure sunshine to deadly winter storm in matter of minutes. The roads and air traffic usually stop long before the Railway is deemed too dangerous. This is thanks to the awesome people working day and night to keep the line open under these treacherous conditions.
For me the trip starts at Voss operating the train over the mountain pass to Ål in Hallingdal where another driver takes over.
0:00:00 Voss — Gjerdåker
0:04:10 Gjerdåker — Ygre (snow starts to stick Ygre station 168m above sea level)
0:06:02 Gjerdåker — Kløve
0:08:41 Kløve — Urdland
0:12:46 Urdland — Øyeflaten
0:14:31 Øyflaten — Skiple (Tracks are now almost covered with snow)
0:17:22 Skiple — Reimegrend (Tracks are now completely covered with snow)
0:20:00 Reimegrend — Mjølfjell (Looks like flying over carpet of snow and the plow starts to take)
— Start of mountain pass---
0:27:15 Mjølfjell — Ljosanbotn (Mjølfjell marks the start of the mountain pass. Plow tosses snow)
0:30:54 Ljosanbotn — Ørneberget (Headlights starts to get bad because they're covered with snow)
0:32:53 Ørneberget — Vieren (lots of snow and we're about 700m above sea level)
0:35:01 Vieren — Upsete (now the plow really starts to toss snow around)
0:37:00 Upsete — Myrdal (getting harder to see)
0:41:08 Myrdal — Hallingskeid (Very windy and snow starts to come over the front blinding us)
0:54:54 Hallingskeid — Finse (headlights almost useless, snow constantly coming over the front)
1:05:27 Finse — Haugastøl (Finse was the filming location for Hoth in Star Wars: Empire strikes back)
1:25:22 Haugastøl — Ustaoset (The sun is not big, it's the light that is reflecting on the ice crystals)
1:34:31 Ustaoset — Geilo (some EXTREME drift hitting snow plow action exiting Ustaoset)
— end of mountain pass — 1:43:52 Geilo — Ål (safe and sound down from the mountain pass)
Premiata Forneria Marconi — Maestro della Voce — Live @ Prog Exhibition, Roma 5/11/10
La PFM esegue \«Maestro della Voce\» al festival Prog Exhibition di Roma (Teatro Tendastrisce) il 5 novembre 2010.
Il video é stato estratto dal box set \«PROG EXHIBITION 40 anni di musica immaginifica\» (su etichetta Immaginifica by Aereostella/Edel): 9 ore di musica live in 7 cd e 4 dvd più un booklet ricco di foto esclusive. Un oggetto da collezione per tutti i cultori della musica immaginifica, un'occasione imperdibile per rivivere non un semplice concerto, ma un'indimenticabile mostra musicale live che può entrare di diritto nella storia della musica.
Смена колёсных пар поезда на границе Украина Румыния
Смена колёсных пар у вагонов поезда Москва — София на украино- румынской границе. Начало поездки по туру 10B-XL Отдых в Греции + Румыния + Болгария 11 августа 2012 года. Replacing wheels at the train at the border