3 HOURS Long Tibetan Singing Bowl Meditation Chakra Healing | Third Eye | Brow Chakra
3 HOURS Long Tibetan Singing Bowl Meditation Chakra Healing | Third Eye | Brow Chakra
3 HOURS Long Tibetan Singing Bowl Meditation Chakra Healing | Third Eye | Brow Chakra
New Channel Tibetan Singing Bowls: www.youtube.com/channel/UCw-yVibX0aU9aNRWIxVsbMg
New Video Full HD: www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJFbrRSurRA&feature=youtu.be
Exclusive Playlist on Spotify of Tibetan Singing Bowls here: spoti.fi/33A5eJH
Full album tibetan bowls: open.spotify.com/album/2rlQEMi1cQkTMNh84rngUL?si=jPTTvyqCQ_Wm3UQJUrHEhw
The Third Eye Chakra transcends time. It is located at the brow, above the base of the nose.
The gift of this chakra is seeing — both inner and outer worlds. The energy of this chakra allows us to experience clear thought as well as gifts of spiritual contemplation and self reflection.
Through the gift of seeing we can internalize the outer world and with symbolic language we can externalize the inner world.
The energy of Ajna allows us to access our inner guidance that comes from the depths of our being. It allows us to cut through illusion and to access deeper truths — to see beyond the mind, beyond the words.
The \«way of the third eye\» is seeing everything as it is from a point of \«witness\» or \«observer\», or from simply being mindful — moment by moment.
It means examining self-limiting ideas and developing wisdom that comes from a perspective that transcends the duality of good or bad, black or white. It means seeing and helping others to see the deeper meanings of the situations in their lives.
Sixth chakra is holistic in nature. When this chakra is fully activated, both hemispheres of the brain function in synchrony. The right hemisphere's creativity and synthetic thinking is integrated and balanced with left hemisphere's logical and analytical thinking.
The Third Eye is not only the seat of wisdom, but also a seat of conscience. This is where you not only see what is going on, but you also know what it means. This is where your sense of justice and your ethics originate. When your third eye is open, you not only see but you also understand.
by Sonic Yogi
is licensed under a Creative Commons Licence.
►For more relaxation and meditation music please subscribe my channel: bit.ly/1jvcMU8
Amazon / iTunes / Bandcamp:
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☯ Shamanic Healing Sounds: bit.ly/1N9Df1e
☯Reiki Zen Meditation Music: bit.ly/1rkCue7
☯Sleep Music Channel: bit.ly/1P2PWCJ
☯Extremely Powerful Brainwave Binaural Beats: bit.ly/1SQjAe1
☯Tibetan Singing Bowl Meditation: bit.ly/231Q21A
☯Relaxing Flute Music — Playlist: bit.ly/1nljZcv
3 HOURS Long Tibetan Singing Bowl Meditation Chakra Healing | Third Eye | Brow Chakra
New Channel Tibetan Singing Bowls: www.youtube.com/channel/UCw-yVibX0aU9aNRWIxVsbMg
New Video Full HD: www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJFbrRSurRA&feature=youtu.be
Exclusive Playlist on Spotify of Tibetan Singing Bowls here: spoti.fi/33A5eJH
Full album tibetan bowls: open.spotify.com/album/2rlQEMi1cQkTMNh84rngUL?si=jPTTvyqCQ_Wm3UQJUrHEhw
The Third Eye Chakra transcends time. It is located at the brow, above the base of the nose.
The gift of this chakra is seeing — both inner and outer worlds. The energy of this chakra allows us to experience clear thought as well as gifts of spiritual contemplation and self reflection.
Through the gift of seeing we can internalize the outer world and with symbolic language we can externalize the inner world.
The energy of Ajna allows us to access our inner guidance that comes from the depths of our being. It allows us to cut through illusion and to access deeper truths — to see beyond the mind, beyond the words.
The \«way of the third eye\» is seeing everything as it is from a point of \«witness\» or \«observer\», or from simply being mindful — moment by moment.
It means examining self-limiting ideas and developing wisdom that comes from a perspective that transcends the duality of good or bad, black or white. It means seeing and helping others to see the deeper meanings of the situations in their lives.
Sixth chakra is holistic in nature. When this chakra is fully activated, both hemispheres of the brain function in synchrony. The right hemisphere's creativity and synthetic thinking is integrated and balanced with left hemisphere's logical and analytical thinking.
The Third Eye is not only the seat of wisdom, but also a seat of conscience. This is where you not only see what is going on, but you also know what it means. This is where your sense of justice and your ethics originate. When your third eye is open, you not only see but you also understand.
by Sonic Yogi
is licensed under a Creative Commons Licence.
►For more relaxation and meditation music please subscribe my channel: bit.ly/1jvcMU8
Amazon / iTunes / Bandcamp:
Facebook /Twitter / Google +:
☯ Shamanic Healing Sounds: bit.ly/1N9Df1e
☯Reiki Zen Meditation Music: bit.ly/1rkCue7
☯Sleep Music Channel: bit.ly/1P2PWCJ
☯Extremely Powerful Brainwave Binaural Beats: bit.ly/1SQjAe1
☯Tibetan Singing Bowl Meditation: bit.ly/231Q21A
☯Relaxing Flute Music — Playlist: bit.ly/1nljZcv