Musica Relajante Para Dormir; Música Para Dormir Profundamente En Menos De 5 Minutos
Расслабляющая музыка для сна; Музыка для крепкого сна менее чем за 5 минут!
Музыка для расслабления, медитации, учебы, чтения, массажа, спа или сна. Эта музыка идеально подходит для борьбы с тревогой, стрессом или бессонницей, так как способствует расслаблению и помогает устранить плохие вибрации. Они также могут использовать эту музыку в качестве фона для занятий медитацией или расслабления во сне.
Добро пожаловать в новую прямую трансляцию расслабляющей музыки на канале Enlightenment Meditation Music. Они могут уменьшить громкость видео и начать делать что угодно, например, учиться, работать, читать… или просто расслабляться или крепко спать.
Музыка для:
Расслабление и медитация.
Управляемые медитации.
Расслабление сна.
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Засыпайте и лучше спите.
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— В нашем канале вы можете найти расслабляющую музыку для: сна, медитации, йоги, дзен, спа, массажа, учебы и концентрации…
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# Расслабление и медитация # Медитации под руководством # Расслабление сна
I have a large selection of my work in the store already and will soon have all of my ‘Nature Sounds videos’, including, birdsong, forest, waterfall, lapping waves, river & stream soundscape videos available to download as hour long mp4’s. These are easily stored on a hard drive for play back on your computer or a large screen tv or even projected onto a wall. If you do purchase any of my videos, thank you very much. Please leave a rating in the store as this will help my store be seen in gumroads internal search engine.
Nature sounds, with the soothing sound of a waterfall, forest sounds or birdsong are relaxing to our minds and help us to sleep, study or for meditation. We are able to relax with these peaceful sounds of nature which have accompanied us since the dawn of time, we are familiar with natures rhythms. They are part of our own rhythms, we feel safe and comfortable with the sounds of nature. We find nature sounds to be very therapeutic and stress relieving. Natures relaxing sounds can heal many disorders and illnesses, particularly those imposed by the stress of modern societies. All we have to do is simply listen to these healing sounds of nature regularly. Forest sounds, birdsong and waterfall sounds are perfect for improving and accompanying a relaxation, meditation or mindfulness program.
The calming sounds of nature are a natural tonic for mind and body. Relaxation and meditation are very important to ones wellbeing. Take time with these relaxing nature sounds, sounds of the forest, waterfalls and birdsong. Permit yourself to relax and de-stress.
Take a few moments out of your busy day for relaxation and or meditation, sit or lie in a relaxing position and let these calming nature sounds and images melt away your stress and tension. It is a good idea to, everyday take some time away from your normal hectic schedule for quiet relaxation. Let the soothing nature sounds of this natural scene, relax and calm you.
As you listen to these soothing sounds of the forest, lake, sea, river, waterfall or birdsong, breath in a relaxed manner, feel positive energy travel throughout your mind and body. This meditation will rejuvenate you and help you to replenish your energy to face the rest of your day or help you to sleep better.
Study after study has proven that the healing sounds of the forest, lake, sea, river or waterfall and birdsong help people to find a peace within themselves which assists healing of many conditions and illnesses. These soothing sounds of nature videos have helped literally hundreds of thousands of people across the world with finding an inner calmness to help them with study, getting to sleep, relaxing, meditating and fighting off illness, alleviating depression and stress in their lives.
Insomnia can be helped with relaxation techniques and a practice of meditation aided by the calming sounds of nature. Take time to relax with these soothing images and nature sounds. This peaceful natural soundscape has been created specifically to help you in your life, take advantage of it's healing energy and relax with it daily, play it during the day as you work, study or relax, play it at night to help you get a better sleep. Share with friends, they will thank you for it.
A great way to share and promote positivity across youtube and the world is to create 'Public playlists' on your channel, even if you don't upload any videos yourself you can still make a positive impact on youtube. Create playlists on your channel to help spread and promote positive videos. Collect all those wonderful positive helpful videos you would like others to see into various playlists. This would also help promote your favourite positive channels. Let us be the change we want to see in the world.
Here are a few playlists you may find interesting:-
Hot Tub Sleep Machine | White Noise for Sleeping or Studying | 10 Hours Ambience
Falling asleep to the sound of a hot tub — great idea. Falling asleep in a hot tub — highly not recommended. If you're like me and find the bubbling spa sounds soothing, this video will get you in the mood for some relaxation. Turn on the jacuzzi lights, set the jets to high and picture yourself feeling perfectly calm.
Say, who wants to have a hot tub with a view like that?
Play this sound for relaxation, sleep or to calm your mind for increased focus while studying.
Remember that loud sounds can damage your hearing. When playing one of our videos, if you cannot have a conversation over the sound without raising your voice, the sound may be too loud for your ears. Please do not place speakers right next to a baby’s ears. If you have difficulty hearing or hear ringing in your ears, please immediately discontinue listening to the white noise sounds and consult an audiologist or your physician.
The sounds provided by this Youtube channel are for entertainment purposes only and are not a treatment for sleep disorders or tinnitus. If you have significant difficulty sleeping on a regular basis, experience fitful/restless sleep, or feel tired during the day, please consult your physician.