

Hair Dryer Sound 12h фена белого шума , здоровый сон

Hair Dryer Sound 12h фена белого шума, здоровый сон

Сон со здоровым звуком фена. Этот звук называется белым шумом, потому что он содержит все возможные частоты, такие как звук дождя и шум моря. Как белый цвет содержит все цвета, так и белый звук содержит все частоты и, следовательно, также содержит противоположность каждой возможной частоты. Там, где все находится в одной точке, тоже ничего нет, что позволяет отменить любую частоту. В результате вы можете перестать думать. Его используют в терапии неврозов, потому что было обнаружено, что он позволяет вам перестать думать. Проблема сегодня, когда мы завалены уведомлениями, заключается в том, что мы не можем перестать думать, и это заставляет нас думать плохо. Потому что, чтобы хорошо думать, нам нужно хорошо отдыхать.
Приятного прослушивания.

Sleep with the healthy sound of the hair dryer. This sound is called white noise because it contains all possible frequencies, such as the sound of rain and the sound of the sea. As the white color contains all the colors, so the white sound contains all the frequencies and therefore also contains the opposite of each possible frequency. Where there is everything in the same point there is also nothing and therefore it allows you to cancel any frequency. The result is that you can stop thinking. It is used in the therapy of neuroses because it has been found to allow you to stop thinking. The problem today where we are inundated with notifications is that we can't stop thinking and this leads us to think badly. Because to think well we need to rest well.
Have a good listening.

Saç kurutma makinesinin sağlıklı sesi ile uyuyun.Bu sese beyaz gürültü deniyor çünkü yağmur sesi ve deniz sesi gibi olası tüm frekansları içeriyor. Beyaz renk tüm renkleri içerdiğinden, aynı şekilde beyaz ses de tüm frekansları içerir ve dolayısıyla olası her frekansın tersini de içerir. Her şeyin aynı noktada olduğu yerde hiçbir şey yoktur ve bu nedenle herhangi bir frekansı iptal etmenize izin verir. Sonuç, düşünmeyi bırakabilmenizdir. Nevrozların tedavisinde kullanılır çünkü düşünmeyi bırakmanıza izin verdiği bulunmuştur. Bugün bildirimlerle boğuştuğumuz sorun, düşünmeyi bırakamamak ve bu da bizi kötü düşünmeye sevk ediyor. Çünkü iyi düşünmek için iyi dinlenmemiz gerekiyor.
İyi dinler.

Dormi con il suono salutare dell'asciugacapelli, Questo suono è detto rumore bianco perchè contiene tutte le frequenze possibili, come il suono della pioggia e come il suono del mare. Come il colore bianco contiene tutti i colori, allo stesso modo il suono bianco contiene tutte le frequenze e quindi contiene anche il contrario di ogni frequenza possibile. Dove c'è il tutto nello stesso punto c'è anche il niente e quindi ti permette di annullare qualsiasi frequenza. Il risultato è che puoi smettere di pensare. Viene usato nella terapia delle nevrosi perchè è stato riscontrato che permette di smettere di pensare. Il problema di oggi dove siamo innondati di notifiche è che non riusciamo a smettere di pensare e questo ci porta a pensare male. Perchè per pensare bene abbiamo bisogno di riposare bene.
Buon ascolto.

Meereslärm | Schwarzer Bildschirm ⚫ [ASMR 10 Stunden] Weißes Rauschen

Meereslärm | Schwarzer Bildschirm ⚫ [ASMR 10 Stunden] Weißes Rauschen

Es ist eine erwiesene Tatsache: Das Meer vermittelt Ruhe und entspannt unsere Lebensgeister. Es ist sein Geruch, seine Farbe, seine Temperatur, seine Brise, die Unermesslichkeit der Wasseroberfläche,… Unsere Gehirne haben nur wenige sichtbare Elemente, und sie laden dazu ein, die Verbindung zu trennen. Das Rauschen des Meeres ruft also Emotionen hervor.

Darüber hinaus können Sie es mit einem 10-stündigen schwarzen Bildschirm optimal genießen. Sie werden sich fühlen, als stünden Sie am Strand im Sand und Ihr Körper entspannt sich, Ihre Atmung wird langsamer und Ihr Gehirn verlangsamt sich.

Der gesamte akkumulierte Stress, der in den meisten Fällen durch große städtische Räume verursacht wird, verschwindet auf einmal. Das Rauschen des Meeres lädt Ihre Kraft auf, gibt Ihnen Energie und beruhigt Ihren Geist.

Schall, der einem vorhersehbaren Wellenmuster folgt, der in regelmässigen Abständen in Lautstärke und harmonischen Frequenzen glatt ist, was die Angst- und Kortisolwerte reduzieren kann, die Großstädte, Verkehr, Ihre Arbeit oder akademische Routine für Sie erzeugen. Hinzu kommen die Ruhe, die die Meeresoberfläche vermittelt, und ihre bläuliche Farbe. Der Mensch fühlt sich ruhig und bewundert, wenn er unendliche Ausdehnungen beobachtet, wo keine aggressiven visuellen Veränderungen stattfinden und sein Horizont total ist, obwohl es auch wahr ist, dass viele Menschen davor wirkliches Unbehagen und Panik empfinden.

Das Meer hilft uns, diesen Teufelskreis von Sorgen und schädlichen Gedanken zu durchbrechen, der uns jeden Tag verfolgt. Es hilft uns auch, besser zu schlafen und das Gefühl der Zeit zu verlangsamen, als ob sie stehen geblieben wäre. Wir lassen Sie 10 Stunden lang mit einem schwarzen Bildschirm das Rauschen des Meeres mit seinen Wellen genießen.

#meereslarm #asmr #whitenoise #10stunden

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4K 10 hours - Black Screen, Jungle Stream, Rainforest, Nature, Stereo Mix - 1hour

4K 10 hours — Black Screen, Jungle Stream, Rainforest, Nature, Stereo Mix — 1hour

10 hours of Pure Black Screen with Audio Recording taken from a Jungle Stream in the Rainforest. You can hear birds tweeting and singing as well as the gentle running of the water. Very High quality binaural recording. No audio adverts will interfere during playback.

And it's in 4K!

(some find it useful for a screensaver, insomnia, focus, relaxation, calming meditation or a way to prevent a computer from going to sleep, white noise for sleeping baby, check the screen for backlight bleeding, broken pixels on the monitor etc.)

Cabin Airplane Sounds for Sleeping - Black Screen - 10 Hours - White Noise Dark Screen

Cabin Airplane Sounds for Sleeping — Black Screen — 10 Hours — White Noise Dark Screen

*No Adverts*
Relax with our extra long 10 hour Airplane sounds in dark screen.

This soothing video is ideal for anyone for help Sleeping, Relaxing, Studying or Focus.

We really hope you enjoy our Video :)

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Fan Sound Black Screen | Fall Asleep and Remain Sleeping | Dark Screen White Noise 10 Hours

Fan Sound Black Screen | Fall Asleep and Remain Sleeping | Dark Screen White Noise 10 Hours

Fan Sound Black Screen is a soothing white noise ambience to help you sleep. The fan audio creates a calming environment and the sound masking blocks out distracting noise. This is a reissue of one of our popular fan sounds, this time with a dark screen. With the black screen, you'll benefit by keeping the room dark while sleeping, saving battery life, reducing data usage and not having to worry about screen burn-in.

This relaxing white noise is also great for helping you focus while doing homework, office work, studying, reading, test prep, writing essays or any task that requires focus. To focus, you need to be in a peaceful environment. When playing the fan noise, sounds of people talking, tvs, other people's music, pets and other noises fade away into the background. Enjoy a moment of peaceful bliss.

For more white noise sounds with a black screen, please check out these videos:
White Noise Black Screen: www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMfPqeZjc2c&t=28952s
24 Hours of White Noise with Black Screen: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2hd3LaDSVk&t=742s

For more fan sounds, please check out these videos:
Really Awesome Fan Sound for Sleep: www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5Gm8UvxKlU&t=26163s
Fan White Noise: www.youtube.com/watch?v=qorkD6nPYQM&t=1s

#whitenoise #fansounds #sleepsounds #blackscreen


Relaxing White Noise is the number one destination on YouTube for white noise and nature sounds.

Please subscribe to our channel: www.youtube.com/relaxingwhitenoise
Please check out our website to buy MP3s of your favorite sounds: relaxingwhitenoise.com/


Remember that loud sounds can potentially damage your hearing. When playing one of our videos, if you cannot have a conversation over the sound without raising your voice, the sound may be too loud for your ears. Please do not place speakers right next to a baby’s ears. If you have difficulty hearing or hear ringing in your ears, please immediately discontinue listening to the white noise sounds and consult an audiologist or your physician.

The sounds provided by this Youtube channel are for entertainment purposes only and are not a treatment for sleep disorders or tinnitus. If you have significant difficulty sleeping on a regular basis, experience fitful/restless sleep, or feel tired during the day, please consult your physician.

© Relaxing White Noise LLC, 2019. All rights reserved. Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this video/audio is prohibited.