

Son aspirateur pour endormir bébé - bruit blanc ASMR pour la sieste et calmer

Son aspirateur pour endormir bébé — bruit blanc ASMR pour la sieste et calmer

➙ Endormez paisiblement bébé grâce à ce dispositif miracle: amzn.to/2tjRUuZ — Achetez-le Maintenant!

Il a été démontré que pour endormir votre bébé pour la sieste, le bruit blanc d'un aspirateur est l'idéal. Le sommeil de votre bébé pour la sieste seras retrouvé et il pourra s'endormir facilement et rapidement avec le son d'un aspirateur pour son dodo. Avec ce bruit d'aspirateur, le bébé retrouvera son calme et pourra enfin paisiblement se relaxer car le son aspirateur lui rapellera le bruit entendu dans le ventre de sa maman pendant la grossesse. La sieste etant un moment important pour la récupération du bébé, lui passer en arrière fond le bruit calme et doux d'un aspirateur vous offrira de la quiétude et un moment de zénitude.

De nombreuses personnes à l'age adulte, apprécient grandement d'utiliser le bruit blanc de l'aspirateur à des fins de relaxation, asmr ou pour dormir comme un bébé! n'oubliez pas de vous inscrire à notre chaine relax tv et de découvrir nos nombreuses vidéos de relaxation, nous mettons à votre disposition gratuitement la plus grande collection de bruits blancs et de musique relaxante sur youtube, vous pourrez retrouver chaque semaine de nouveklles vidéos asmr et relaxation pour votre plus grand plaisir!

It has been shown that to sleep your baby for the nap, the white noise of a vacuum cleaner is ideal. Your baby's sleep for the nap will be found and he can fall asleep easily and quickly with the sound of a vacuum cleaner for his dodo. With this noise of vacuuming, the baby will recover its calm and can at last peacefully relax because the vacuum sound will remind him the sound heard in the belly of his mother during the pregnancy. The siesta being an important moment for the recovery of the baby, passing back to him the quiet and soft sound of a vacuum cleaner will offer you the quietude and a moment of zenitude.

Many people in adulthood, greatly appreciate using the white noise of the vacuum cleaner for relaxation, asmr or to sleep like a baby! Do not forget to sign up for our relax tv channel and discover our many relaxation videos, we offer free the biggest collection of white noises and relaxing music on youtube, you will find every week new asmr videos And relaxation for your pleasure!

Es hat sich Ihr Baby gezeigt einzulullen das weiße Rauschen eines Staubsaugers zu schlafen, ist ideal. Schlaf Ihr Baby Nickerchen gefunden werden und kann schlafen einfach und schnell mit dem Geräusch eines Staubsaugers für die dodo fallen. Mit diesem Vakuum Lärm, würde das Baby zurückkehren und friedlich zu beruhigen kann endlich entspannen, weil der Ton wird ihn daran erinnern, Lärm in der Gebärmutter seiner Mutter während der Schwangerschaft gehört Saugen. Ein kurzes Nickerchen halten ist eine wichtige Zeit für die Erholung des Babys, übergeben Sie es im Hintergrund der ruhigen und sanften Klang eines Staubsaugers bieten Ihnen die Ruhe und einen Moment des Zen.

Viele Menschen im Erwachsenenalter, ähnlich wie mit weißem Rauschen des Staubsaugers zu Entspannungszwecken, RAMS oder schlafen wie ein Baby! vergessen Sie nicht, unsere Channel-TV entspannen und entdecken Sie unsere vielen Entspannung Videos zu abonnieren, wir Ihnen kostenlos die größte Sammlung von weißem Rauschen und entspannende Musik auf youtube anbieten, können Sie jede Woche nouveklles ASMR Videos finden und Entspannung für Ihren Genuss!

ولقد ثبت لتهدئة طفلك إلى قيلولة، الضوضاء البيضاء من المكنسة الكهربائية مثالية. النوم ويمكن الاطلاع على قيلولة طفلك وقد تغفو بسهولة وبسرعة مع صوت مكنسة كهربائية لطائر الدودو. مع هذا الضجيج فراغ، فإن الطفل العودة إلى الهدوء والاسترخاء سلميا يمكن في نهاية المطاف لأن الصوت سوف نذكره لكنس الضجيج سمعت في رحم أمه أثناء الحمل. القيلولة يكون وقت مهم لإنعاش الطفل، ونقله في الخلفية والصوت هادئ ولطيف من المكنسة الكهربائية نقدم لكم الهدوء ولحظة من زين.

كثير من الناس في مرحلة البلوغ، ويشبه إلى حد كبير باستخدام ضوضاء بيضاء من المكنسة الكهربائية لأغراض الاسترخاء، RAMS أو النوم مثل الطفل! لا تنسى أن الاشتراك في تلفزيون قناة دينا الاسترخاء واكتشاف لدينا العديد من أشرطة الفيديو الاسترخاء، ونحن نقدم لك مجانا على أكبر مجموعة من الضوضاء البيضاء والموسيقى والاسترخاء على يوتيوب، يمكنك أن تجد كل أسبوع nouveklles الفيديو ASMR والاسترخاء للتمتع الخاص

Son sèche cheveux 3D Binaural - Dolby Surround - ASMR hairdryer vacuum cleaner

Son sèche cheveux 3D Binaural — Dolby Surround — ASMR hairdryer vacuum cleaner

➙ Découvrez un dispositif incroyable pour vous relaxer: amzn.to/2tjRUuZ — Achetez-le Maintenant!

Testez le son binaural avec cette vidéo de bruit blanc asmr, écoutez le son du sèche cheveux tel que si vous étiez au coiffeur, laissez vous aller au calme et a la détente avec le son 3D incroyable de cette vidéo. Le son du sèche cheveux vous aideras a vous concentrer et a vous endormir rapidement tout comme le son d'aspirateur aidera votre bébé a se calmer le temps d'une sieste ou le temps d'une nuit pour le faire se reposer sereinement.
le bruit d'un sèche cheveux asmr est aussi un moyen parfait pour oublier le son environnant et vous laisser aller a la concentration pour étudier ou a réaliser toute tache demandant d’être concentre.

12hr Black Box Fan High Speed \

12hr Black Box Fan High Speed \«Sleep Sounds\» ASMR

MP3 Downloads of many of my videos www.texashighdef.net
Please Subscribe and help me grow my channels.

12hr Black Box Fan High Speed \«Sleep Sounds\» ASMR


Welcome to the Yogaduke & TexasHighDef Channels. Where I try to make the very best high quality ASMR White Noise Sounds for Sleep and Meditation form Rain and Thunderstorms to Waves and Fans and all kinds in between.

THE END of Insomnia = Dry Ice + Fan Sounds For Sleeping

THE END of Insomnia = Dry Ice + Fan Sounds For Sleeping

The end of insomnia is here! Fall asleep fast to this dry ice water white noise combined with fan sounds for sleeping! ✪ Subscribe for more greatness: www.youtube.com/randallsrestrelaxation?sub_confirmation=1

This was an absolutely exciting sleep video to create my friends! To get started I dropped 10 pounds of dry ice in a bucket full of warm water. It produced an awesome bubbling fog that we captured from above with the Gopro, along with a very calming bubbling water noise that is like no other!

The fog gently flows downward where it is sucked into the back of this 4 bladed, Vintage Westinghouse Fan that I picked up in an antique shop. The fan sends the fog down a 4 foot long tube that created an awesome echoing fan sound. If you look closely you can see the white bits of fog being pulled into the fan before it just turns them into the breezy air.

Here is a link to this fan sound only: youtu.be/3rZO3O3lOYg
Here is a link to bubbling dry ice sounds only: youtu.be/yGJdgqC6Wvg

I filmed this creative relaxation experience from three different perspectives so you could receive the totality of appreciation from this creation. What do you think of this? Comment down below and let me know. As always be safe if you are around dry ice. Wear gloves and read the precautions on the bag, along with ideas online. If used indoors always open windows.

Each of my videos are specifically designed to be sonicly optimized with headphones on. By listening in this manner you'll pick up the deeper relaxing tones, that wouldn't be heard otherwise. That being said, I still carefully create my relaxation soundscapes to sound great on any listening device.

We release 10 hour long relaxing videos every Sunday evening. Please take a moment to tune in and comment if you have any great suggestions what we could create next. I reply to each and every comment on my channel as I appreciate the subscribers that have helped create this collective artwork. This channel wouldn't be possible without you, the viewer! Thank you for being part of this co-creation.

Here is a short equipment list that we use to create all of these relaxing sleep videos which includes, but is not limited too the following. Go Pro's, A Nikon 7500, A Mavic Pro Drone, a trusty Tascam DR-40 for most of the audio recordings in mp3 format at 320 kbps, a range of microphones including a Sure 57 for that nice low end sound. For production of both video and audio I exclusively use Adobe Premiere Pro. If you have any questions about how I recorded something, just send me a message and i will reply.

If you'd like to show your support for this channel on Patreon:

Here are some of my most popular video creations:

Fractal Fan Sounds: ► youtu.be/OTdzaAmTwOQ

Humidifier sounds: ► youtu.be/LEb0hsVQNU0

Sleeping in front of Box Fans: ► youtu.be/7hfWIS7zr1U

Shower and Fan Sounds: ► youtu.be/2Gthon6YWrs

Echoing Rain Sounds on PVC Pipes: ► youtu.be/R7-21i9YMc0

Here at Randall's Rest and Relaxation I strive to produce the most customized, unique and relaxing ambient white noise sleep videos! My videos are excellent for sleep sounds, sound blockers, or as a well needed relaxing background noise to focus, read, or work. I film each video myself each week and record the sounds on every video using a variety of equipment. Thus no two videos are alike as I can continually put a new technique into a common relaxing sound.

#dryice #fansound #sleepsounds

Always listen to any sound at a safe volume. You should still be able to talk over one of my relaxing videos. If you can't, you should turn the volume down to a reasonable level until you can. The relaxing sounds provided by Randall's Rest & Relaxation are for entertainment purposes only and are not a treatment for sleep disorders, sleep problems, tinnitus or other health concerns. © Randall's Rest & Relaxation LLC, 2020.

24 Box Fans For Sleeping to Box Fan Noise

24 Box Fans For Sleeping to Box Fan Noise

Relax and fall asleep to 24 fans for sleeping 10 hours long! This amazing box fan noise video is for the fanatical, fantastic fan enthusiast that loves fan sounds for sleeping. Are there any other videos on my channel you'd like to see improved? If so comment below or send me a message. Everyone wanted me to out do my 12 fans for sleeping video, so this is it! Twice as many fans.

✪ Subscribe for more greatness: www.youtube.com/randallsrestrelaxation?

This is the video of 24 box fans that subscribers have been waiting for. This fan video was awesome to set up and create. I have about 12 hours invested in producing this fan video which will replace my 12 fans for 12 hours video. This was filmed in 4k ultra HD so you can watch it in any video quality that fits your Internet connection.

To get started I used a small convocation hall with a stage to set up all 24 box fans on. Three rows of eight fans, makes 24 fans. In each row of fans the speed setting of the fans is on speed 3 or the highest setting for the fastest fan speed. This speed produces the best fan sound to my ear, especially for the deep drone which is perfect for sleeping.

This fan sound video was filmed with my new Nikon D7500 with the shutter speed adjusted so you can see the 24 black fans' actual fan blades turning in what seems to be unison, as I feel that adds an amazing relaxing visual of fans rotating while seemingly making the fans appear to jump off stage.

The audio was recorded using my trusty hand-held Tascam DR 40 digital audio recorder with built in microphones. I used samples from various locations around the room and mixed them all together to produce this fan noise. Comment down below and let me know what you guys think! I feel this is better than my 8 fans video, and even tops my 12 fans video. What are your thoughts?

New relaxing videos every Sunday evening. Please take a moment to comment if you have any great ideas of what relaxing video I should film next.

If you'd like to contribute and show your support on Patreon:

Here are some of my most popular video creations:

1) Dry Ice + Fan Sounds: ► youtu.be/JTkF8AOrjXM

2) Fan Sound through pipes:►https://youtu.be/DODKFlJEUuo

3) Vintage Fan sounds:► youtu.be/oA8Br7raLzg

4) Shower and Fan Noise:► youtu.be/2Gthon6YWrs

5) PVC Pipe Fan Video: ► youtu.be/RBBRDZ5TZuk

To see all my newest 4K Fan Sound videos check out this playlist:

Here at Randall's Rest and Relaxation I strive to produce the most unique relaxing fan white noise content on YouTube! I have more fan videos than any other channel. I film each video myself each week and record the sounds on every video. In post production layer all the videos and sounds together. On average I have about 8 hours in making each fan video I produce. Thus no two videos are alike.

I make these videos for you, the subscribers. I enjoy every morning waking up and responding to every comment left on my channel. I love this opportunity I have to aid you in relaxation and sleeping through my videos. I'm constantly trying to innovate and create something new that you will find both visually appealing and audibly relaxing. I want you to have the good nights sleep that you deserve. Thank you for tuning in. My job would not be possible without you friends. Thank you so much for your continued support.

#fansound #sleepsounds #boxfans

I have more fans on YouTube than any other channel.
To see all of my fantastic fan noise videos look at this playlist:

Listening to sounds that are too loud can potentially damage your hearing. Who wants that, right? While playing one of my videos, if you cannot have a calm conversation with someone else without having to increase the volume of your voice, the fan sound from this relaxing video may be too loud.

The relaxing sleep sounds provided by Randall's Rest & Relaxation are for entertainment purposes only and are not a treatment for sleep disorders or tinnitus or other health concerns. If you have significant difficulty sleeping on a regular basis, experience restless sleep, or feel tired during the day, please consult your physician. © Randall's Rest & Relaxation LLC, 2019. Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this video/audio is prohibited without expressed written consent. All rights reserved. Contact me if you are interested in using any of the relaxing footage from this fan video.

Dry Ice Bubbling + Laboratory White Noise ASMR = Halloween Sleep Sounds

Dry Ice Bubbling + Laboratory White Noise ASMR = Halloween Sleep Sounds

Enjoy this unique \«Halloween Sleep Sounds\» sleep video that I call a Symphony of White Noise! Subscribe for more awesomeness: www.youtube.com/randallsrestrelaxation?sub_confirmation=1

Wow, this was a fun video to set up and create! I wanted to go over the top for a Halloween special, and this video is that! I've combined many individual sleep elements from my previous videos, all into one super sleep sounds video! The first of which is a neon painted box fan, and glows underneath the shining black lights that I've turned on all around the room. As it starts to spin it creates almost a type of rainbow visual of a color wheel!

After I turn the fan on, I then lean down and turn on an air cleaner that has a wonderful white noise to it. I've slept many naps to just this sound alone. From there I then move on to turn on a Tesla plasma ball that gives you wonderful dancing light patterns to focus your eyes on as you fall asleep! I absolutely love them. They seem to go in all directions at once, yet never miss a spot. After that we turn on an electric heater! What fall or autumn sounds sleep video would be complete without a rumbling, warming, glowing heater!

Then, just to the right of the heater, we turn on an old school humidifier from the 1980s that has a lovely deep rumble to it like no other. This rumble really completes and fills in the gap in the sound from all the other white noise machines in the video. Finally we move onto the crescendo of the video and put 10 pounds of dry ice in a 5 gallon bucket of warm water. This creates an amazing bubbling water sound effect that completes our symphony of white noise! Similar to a brewing cauldron sound. What do you think of this unique creation? Comment below and please let me know.

We release 10 hour long relaxing videos every Sunday evening. Please take a moment to tune in and comment if you have any great suggestions what we could create next. I reply to each and every comment on my channel as I appreciate the subscribers that have helped create this collective artwork. This channel wouldn't be possible without you, the viewer! Thank you for being part of this co-creation.

Here is a short equipment list that we use to create all of these relaxing sleep videos which includes, but is not limited too the following. Go Pro's, A Nikon 7500, A Mavic Pro Drone, a trusty Tascam DR-100 Mk3 for most of the audio recordings in mp3 format at 320 kbps, a range of microphones including a Sure 57 for that nice low end sound. For the final production of both video and audio I exclusively use Adobe Premiere Pro. If you have any questions about how I recorded something, feel free to send me a message and i will reply.

If you'd like to show your support for this channel on Patreon:

Here are some of the individual elements I used in this video, if you'd like to hear them on their own:

Painted Box Fan Sounds: ► youtu.be/yk3wzYeYX0w

Humidifier Sounds: ► youtu.be/LEb0hsVQNU0

Heater Sounds w/ Black Screen: ► youtu.be/ph9GgHJMqXg

Fan and Rain Sounds: ► youtu.be/SK-ANvYxII8

Here at Randall's Rest and Relaxation I strive to produce the most personally customized, unique and relaxing ambient white noise sleep videos available! My sleep videos are excellent for sound blockers, sleep sounds or as a well needed relaxing background noise to focus, read, work or Study. I film each video myself and record the relaxing sounds on every video using a variety of equipment. Thus no two videos are alike as I can continually put a new technique into a common relaxing sound.

I make these videos for you, the subscribers while I absolutely love the process of creation. I enjoy every morning waking up and and drinking my coffee as I respond to every comment left on my channel. I love this opportunity I have to help you relax and get a good nights sleep. Sleep is paramount to well being, and a healthy life. My job would not be possible without you friends. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your healthy lifestyle.

#halloween #sleepsounds #whitenoise

Always listen to any sound at a safe volume. You should still be able to speak over one of my relaxing videos. If you can't, you should turn the volume down to a reasonable level until you can. The relaxing sounds provided by Randall's Rest & Relaxation are for entertainment purposes only and are not a treatment for sleep disorders, sleep problems, tinnitus or other health concerns. © Randall's Rest & Relaxation LLC, 2020.

Hair Dryer Sound , #ASMR 3 Hours [ Sleep Music ]

Hair Dryer Sound, #ASMR 3 Hours [ Sleep Music ]

Звук для волос в течение 3 часов! Это видео ASMR будет вашим лучшим способом наслаждаться в ушах звуком фена, дующего вокруг вашей головы. Записанный в бинауральном стерео имеет потрясающий 3D-эффект, который поможет вам спать очень быстро. Загрузите в формате MP3 сейчас: art.acerting.com/album/hair-papers-sound-asmr-3-hours

Кроме того, этот звук звучит как белый шум. Белый шум — это непрерывный и однородный звук, который помогает маскировать другие громкие звуки. Примерами белого шума могут быть: фен, пылесос, даже водопад или телевизионный статический шум.

Реальная длина этой записи составляет 35 минут (фен будет гореть, если бы это было фактически 3 часа!). Он зацикливается несколько раз, пока не достигнет 3 часов, чтобы сделать хорошее релаксационное видео :)

Надеюсь, вам понравится.

Подписывайся! goo.gl/GZANa

Facebook: www.facebook.com/AcertingArt

Медитация Видео каждую неделю с природой звучит для вашей медитации на йогу. Вы будете слушать звуки природы (звук океана, пение птиц, дождь ..) и все универсальные способы расслабиться, медитировать и очистить разум.