

⚫ Pipe Fan Sounds = Relaxing Fan Noise For Sleeping 10 Hours

⚫ Pipe Fan Sounds = Relaxing Fan Noise For Sleeping 10 Hours

Relax and enjoy these pipe fan sounds for 10 hours of relaxing fan noise for sleeping. For this relaxing video I placed my Nikon Camera Lens inside a pipe, pointing toward a fan on the other end of the pipe. In this manner I was able to record the fan sound in a unique way, as it echoes down the pipe with a large amount of reverb on the fan noise. Along with filming the fan blades turning in spectacular fashion, as though you are actually looking down the pipe itself from a first person point of view. This is showcased through a split screen video, with the camera being focused on the fan itself in the video on the left. The video on the right is when I focused the lens on the walls of the pipe, and this shows a neat flicking light as it reflects down the pipe toward the camera.

Both of these videos I found to be very relaxing, and gave you a more personal feel to the sound and visual being recorded from inside the pipe. The shimmering an reflecting light seems to spin around the fan blades and then reflect down the pipe itself. Which I feel provides you with a relaxing visual aid to help you get ready to fall asleep. Then the deep fan sound tones with reverb from the pipe will keep you sleep for the next 10 hours if you can sleep that long! After filming each perspective, I put the two videos into Adobe Pro to finish video editing both recordings. I feel we have created something truly unique in this video! Please comment below and let me know what you think.

New 10 hour long relaxing videos every Sunday evening. Please take a moment to tune in and comment if you have any great suggestions what we could film next!

Here are some of my most popular videos:

Here are some of my most popular video creations:

Vintage Fan Sound in A Truck: ► youtu.be/oA8Br7raLzg

Shower and Fan Sounds: ► youtu.be/2Gthon6YWrs

Fog Machine + Fan Sounds: ► youtu.be/QZaNDJ8sBLU

9 Fans in a stairwell: ► youtu.be/rX9bWFZIEUc

Rain on Metal Roof: ►https://youtu.be/nw8LDezHKcA

Here at Randall's Rest and Relaxation I strive to produce the most unique, relaxing, ambient white noise content on YouTube! My videos are excellent for sleep sounds, study sounds, or as a well needed relaxing background noise for any purpose. I film each video myself each week and record the sounds on every video using a variety of equipment. Thus no two videos are alike as I can continually put a new technique into a common relaxing sound.

I make these videos for you, the subscribers while I simultaneously enjoy the process of creation myself. I enjoy every morning waking up and and drinking my coffee as I respond to every comment left on my channel from you who enjoy fan sleep sound videos. I love this opportunity I have to help you relax and get a good nights sleep. Sleep is paramount to well being, and a healthy life. Thank you for tuning in. My job would not be possible without you friends.

#fansounds #relaxingfan #sleepsounds

Always listen to any sound at a safe, comfortable volume. You should still be able to talk over one of my relaxing fan sleep videos. The relaxing sounds provided by Randall's Rest & Relaxation are for entertainment purposes only and are not a treatment for sleep disorders, sleep problems, tinnitus or other health concerns. © Randall's Rest & Relaxation LLC, 2019.

Driving in Rain For Sleeping + AC Sounds with Black Screen

Driving in Rain For Sleeping + AC Sounds with Black Screen

Enjoy driving in rain for sleeping with AC sounds and a black screen as we ride into dreamland!

For this week's relaxing sleep video, we go on a mountain rain ride in this old school diesel Mercedes 300D. This video specifically combines three relaxing sleep sounds. The first is the low rumble, of the turbo diesel engine which becomes a distant background sound once we start the drive. The second is the calming, soft rain sounds dropping on the metal roof and windshield as we travel at about 40 MPH through the beginning of the Smokey Mountains. Lastly, the loudest sound of them all, is the whooshing white noise of the air conditioner as we turn it on the highest level, to stay cool during this summer rain ride.

At the fifteen minute mark the screen goes completely black so you can sleep without the bright light disturbing your rest. Subscribe for more awesomeness: www.youtube.com/randallsrestrelaxation?sub_confirmation=1

We release 10 hour long relaxing videos every Sunday evening. Please take a moment to tune in and comment if you have any great suggestions what we could create next. I reply to each and every comment on my channel as I appreciate the subscribers that have helped create this collective artwork. This channel wouldn't be possible without you, the viewer! Thank you for being part of this co-creation.
Here is a short equipment list that we use to create all of these relaxing sleep videos which includes, but is not limited too the following. Multiple Go Pro's, A Nikon 7500, A Mavic Pro Drone, a trusty Tascam DR 100 MK3 for most of the audio recordings, a range of microphones including a Sure 57 for that nice low end sound. For production of both video and audio I exclusively use Adobe Premiere Pro. If you have any questions about how I recorded something, just send me a message and i will reply.
If you'd like to show your support for this channel on Patreon:
Here are some of my most popular videos:
Deep fans through a tube:► youtu.be/3rZO3O3lOYg

Box fan + Rain Sounds: ► youtu.be/sOEWOXV4ODs

Dry Ice + Fan Sounds: ► youtu.be/JTkF8AOrjXM

Let me know if you have any great ideas for a video we could produce. I film each video myself each week and record the sounds on every video using a variety of equipment. Thus no two videos are alike as I can continually put a new technique into a common relaxing sound.
I make these videos for you, the subscribers while I absolutely love the process of creation. I enjoy every morning waking up and and drinking my coffee as I respond to every comment left on my channel. I love this opportunity I have to help you relax and get a good nights sleep. Sleep is paramount to well being, and a healthy life. My job would not be possible without you friends. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your healthy lifestyle.
#drivingrain #rainsounds #carride
Always listen to any sound at a reasonable volume. You should still be able to talk over one of my relaxing sleep videos. If you can't, you should turn the volume down to a reasonable level until you can. The relaxing sounds provided by Randall's Rest & Relaxation are for entertainment purposes only and are not a treatment for sleep disorders, sleep problems, tinnitus or other health concerns. © Randall's Rest & Relaxation LLC, 2020.

Vacuum Sound - 3 Hours Vacuuming The Basement Hoover Encore Supreme Relaxation, Focus, ASMR

Vacuum Sound — 3 Hours Vacuuming The Basement Hoover Encore Supreme Relaxation, Focus, ASMR

Vacuum Sound — 3 Hours Vacuuming The Basement Hoover Encore Supreme Relaxation, Focus, ASMR. We brought back the Hoover Encore Supreme for some extended vacuuming here as we clean up the basement. Plus, we also wanted to try out our new fog machine so we had to try that out (pro tip: fog machines set off smoke alarms).

Many enjoy the sound of vacuuming for relaxation, drowning out background noise, improving focus, ASMR, insomnia, or tinnitus relief. This sound can also trigger nostalgic experiences from childhood surrounding pleasant memories of vacuuming. We hope you have a positive experience watching and listening.

Fog machine (affiliate): amzn.to/3jsxIe7

Check out some of our other favorite things on Amazon: www.amazon.com/shop/ambience

All video and audio recorded by Ambience. Copyright © Ambience 2020 — All Rights Reserved. Any reproduction of this video/audio is prohibited without the consent of Ambience YouTube Channel.

9 HOURS LULLABIES SOOTHE YOUR CRYING BABY White Noise Baby White Noise Put A Baby To Sleep FAST!

9 HOURS LULLABIES SOOTHE YOUR CRYING BABY White Noise Baby White Noise Put A Baby To Sleep FAST!

Baby White Noise for babies Lullabies 9 Hours Baby White Noise To Put A Baby To Sleep FAST! Baby soothing white noise effective sleep sounds. Lullaby Sounds To Go To Sleep Colicky Baby Sleeps To This Magic Sound | White Noise Soothe crying infant Soothing, relaxing baby white noise music songs to relax babies, toddlers, older children, adults and kids of all ages in fact at bedtime and nap time. T

Links for Best Baby Lullabies Baby Music and White Noise Sounds

♥ Lullabies Songs To Put A Baby To Sleep Lyrics-Baby Lullaby Lullabies for Bedtime Fisher Price 2 HOURS

Baby Music Classical Songs to Put Baby, Toddlers and Children To Sleep At Bedtime

Baby Music Piano Lullabies To Put a Baby, Infants and Newborns to Sleep www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwYtcjNyXrw&list=PLGOS_TRxQw_TRdIO7J6Yd5Q8MyjKwxHJw

Baby Music Songs With Cloud and Moon Flight Videos To Put Infants, Kids and Babies To Sleep

Why Not Try These Soothing Baby Lullabies and Songs?

* Best Baby Lullabies for Babies Collections and relaxing music for babies to sleep at bedtime. www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsfOU...

* Relaxing Baby Lullaby Music Send Babies To Sleep Relaxation Bedtime Music by Brahms. www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJEpB...

* Baby Lullaby.- Lullabies For Bedtime Fisher Price Style

* Baby Music Songs TO PUT A BABIES TO SLEEP LYRICS LULLABY LULLABIES Baa Baa Black Sheep www.youtube.com/watch?v=oC6Kl...

* Relaxation Soothing Music Songs For Babies 1 Hour Long Helps Baby Relax & Fall Asleep FAST! www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bdou0...

* 4 HOURS Relaxing Baby Lullaby Music Send Babies To Sleep Relaxation Bedtime Music by Brahms. www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7x7E...

* Songs to put a baby to sleep lyrics — Baby Lullaby.- Lullabies For Bedtime Fisher Price Style www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYvyC...

Songs To Put A Baby To Sleep Lyrics-Baby Lullaby Lullabies for Bedtime Fisher Price 2 HOURS www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4BTl...

Subscribe HERE
www.youtube.com/user/bestbaby... and visit bestbabylullabies.com for FREE downloads and tips about baby sleep.

Our Best Baby Lullabies Playlists Here www.youtube.com/user/bestbabylullabies/playlists

Moon Flight Videos With Baby Sleep Music Lullabies for Babies and Children to Sleep www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGOS_TRxQw_RhnSCb7YzXjojXITpqBhyQ

Nature Sounds Videos With Rain Sounds, Nature Sounds and Soothing Baby Music for Baby and Toddlers to Sleep www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGOS_TRxQw_SymP6tv1UpQFsivuVV40P
— Soothing 15 Minute Videos of Lullabies for Babies and Children to Go To Sleep Fast!

Happy Christmas Videos, Songs and Music for Baby, Toddlers and Children

Christmas Songs and Music for Baby Toddlers on Youtube

Relaxing Classical Music Lullabies for Baby, Toddlers, Kids

5 Hour Lullaby Music for Bedtime Lullabies To Put a Baby To Sleep www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGOS_TRxQw_RBDtNan0U1Q6qxBdqVR7J_

Fisher Price Babies Lullabies in Music Box Sound www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGOS_TRxQw_RW0Z1lNqxEFtiyRqRXnUsl

Lullabies and Songs to Sing to Yout Baby at Bedtime and Naptime www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGOS_TRxQw_QxsVZu9rgXki8GxQWGPVMP

Longer 2 Hour Soothing Baby Music Lullabies to Sleep www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGOS_TRxQw_QxsVZu9rgXki8GxQWGPVMP

Visit Our Website for FREE DOWNLOADS of Mp3's MP4's videos and helpful e-books

Dowmload Baby Lullaby Videos From Best Baby Lullabies bestbabylullabies.com/all-lullaby-videos/

Free Downloads of Songs for Babies bestbabylullabies.com/free-downloads/

Free Baby Sleep Information in our Essential Guide bestbabylullabies.com/free-baby-sleep-guide/

Download our Essential Guide to a New Baby bestbabylullabies.com/parents-guide-to-a-new-baby/

Download FREE the Lyrics to all your favorite baby songs and lullaby music bestbabylullabies.com/lullaby-song-lyrics/


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12hr Bonnet Hair dryer \

12hr Bonnet Hair dryer \«Sleep Sounds\» ASMR

MP3 Downloads of many of my videos www.texashighdef.net
Please Subscribe and help me grow my channels.

12hr Bonnet Hair dryer \«Sleep Sounds\» ASMR

Welcome to the Yogaduke & TexasHighDef Channels. Where I try to make the very best high quality ASMR White Noise Sounds for Sleep and Meditation form Rain and Thunderstorms to Waves and Fans and all kinds in between.


Vacuum Cleaner Sleep Sound for Babies | White Noise Soothes Crying, Colic | 10 Hours

Vacuum Cleaner Sleep Sound for Babies | White Noise Soothes Crying, Colic | 10 Hours

An age-old trick for parents trying to soothe a crying baby is to run their vacuum cleaner. For many colicky infants, the vacuum cleaner sound quickly calm them down. Although remarkably effective, it is cumbersome and not ideal to constantly be running a vacuum while juggling a baby that won't stop crying. Try out this vacuum cleaner white noise as an alternative, and let us know in the comments if it works to soothe your baby. Also, if you're an adult who loves this sound, that's totally cool too

WHITE NOISE | Car Sounds | Driving

WHITE NOISE | Car Sounds | Driving

S U B S C R I B E goo.gl/Reh0X9
Get new white noise sounds every week to help you or your baby sleep.
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬✪ S H O W ▼ M O R E ✪▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

The white noise of a driving car can be very relaxing for you or your baby. I recorded this on a long drive from the Gold Coast to Brisbane. I set my binaural microphone rig in the passenger seat of the car. I edited the audio and video in Adobe Premiere. Car driving white noise and other similar car sounds are great for masking unwanted external sounds, making them the perfect ally for study, sleep, stress relief and meditation.

Our combination of white noise, binaural beats and relaxing music is the fastest method of getting better sleep, more focused concentration and deeper relaxation. So if you want to know how to fall asleep faster or sleep better, our white noise video playlist is the answer! If you want to know how to study better and you're looking for the best study music, our white noise playlist is the answer!

White noise supplies all frequencies in the spectrum of human hearing, making it an incredibly effective tool for blocking surrounding sounds. The sound blocking quality of white noise is the key to better study and better sleep.

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▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬✪ C H A N N E L ✪▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

I'm CJ and I am an Australian YouTuber who makes White Noise, Relaxing Music, Meditation, Binaural Beats and ASMR videos. You can use our video playlists to aid sleep, study, stress-relief or meditation. It is my passion to design resources that help people who suffer from sleep deprivation, anxiety, stress or depression.

Our relaxation playlists are designed to be overlaid to create your own personalised relaxing soundscapes. You can play three white noise videos at the same time for a more interesting sound or overlay white noise, binaural beats and relaxing music videos at the same time for an extremely relaxing soundscape!


© Soundbuds™, 2015. All rights reserved. Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this video/audio is prohibited.

WHITE NOISE | Rain Sounds | Rain on Roof

WHITE NOISE | Rain Sounds | Rain on Roof

S U B S C R I B E goo.gl/Reh0X9
Get new white noise sounds every week to help you or your baby sleep.
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬✪ S H O W ▼ M O R E ✪▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

The white noise of rain sounds on a tin roof can be a very comforting and relaxing listening experience for you or your baby. I recorded this sound under the corrugated roofing outside our house. I used my binaural microphone rig to collect the sound and Adobe Premiere to edit the audio and video together. Rain on tin roof white noise and other similar rain sounds are great for masking unwanted external sounds, making them the perfect ally for study, sleep, stress relief and meditation.

Our combination of white noise, binaural beats and relaxing music is the fastest method of getting better sleep, more focused concentration and deeper relaxation. So if you want to know how to fall asleep faster or sleep better, our white noise video playlist is the answer! If you want to know how to study better and you're looking for the best study music, our white noise playlist is the answer!

White noise supplies all frequencies in the spectrum of human hearing, making it an incredibly effective tool for blocking surrounding sounds. The sound blocking quality of white noise is the key to better study and better sleep.

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▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬✪ C H A N N E L ✪▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

I'm CJ and I am an Australian YouTuber who makes White Noise, Relaxing Music, Meditation, Binaural Beats and ASMR videos. You can use our video playlists to aid sleep, study, stress-relief or meditation. It is my passion to design resources that help people who suffer from sleep deprivation, anxiety, stress or depression.

Our relaxation playlists are designed to be overlaid to create your own personalised soundscapes. You can play three white noise videos at the same time for a more interesting sound or overlay white noise, binaural beats and relaxing music videos at the same time for an extremely relaxing soundscape!


© Soundbuds™, 2015. All rights reserved. Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this video/audio is prohibited.