

CHOPIN - Nocturne Op.9 No2 (60 min) Piano Classical Music Concentration Studying Reading Background

CHOPIN — Nocturne Op.9 No2 (60 min) Piano Classical Music Concentration Studying Reading Background

CHOPIN — Nocturne No 2 in E Flat Major Op 9 No 2 (60 minutes)
Performer: Frank Levy

The Nocturnes, Op. 9 are a set of three nocturnes written by Frédéric Chopin between 1830 and 1832, published that year, and dedicated to Madame Emily Chopin. The second nocturne of the work is widely regarded as Chopin's most famous piece, and is regularly featured in films, television programs and video games. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nocturnes,_Op._9_%28Chopin%29

The Chopin nocturnes constitute 21 pieces for solo piano written by Frédéric Chopin between 1827 and 1846. They are generally considered among the finest short solo works for the instrument and hold an important place in contemporary concert repertoire. Although Chopin did not invent the nocturne, he popularized and expanded on it, building on the form developed by Irish composer John Field.

The nocturnes numbered 1 to 18 were published during his life, in twos or threes, in the order of composition. Numbers 19 and 20 were actually written first, prior to Chopin's departure from Poland, but published posthumously. Number 20 was not originally entitled \«nocturne\» at all, but since publication in 1870 as such, is generally included with publications and recordings of the set. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nocturnes_%28Chopin%29

— The Eddy Duchin Story (1956)
— 8¨
— The Big Red One
— Blue Lagoon
— Crush
— Man Trouble
— Saturday Night Fever
— Sleep With Me
— Teacher's Pet
— Waking Life
— The Loss of Sexual Innocence

— Bones (2009) In season 5 episode 3, The Plain in the Prodigy: Amish boy Levi playing his audition piece; repeats as Levi's parents watch the video.

— 127 Hours (2010)[3] The scene begins some years earlier in family home with Aron's younger sister rehearsing Nocturnes, Op.9, No. 2.

— After several days of being pinned by a boulder, Aron Ralston (James Franco), dehydrated, delusional, and believing he is going to die, reminisces his past to the bliss of Nocturne.

— The Raven (2012) Alice Eve's character, Emily, plays Nocturnes Op. 9, No. 2, to an audience as her father converses with Inspector Fields.

— Mad Men (2013) Played on violin by Sandy in the Season 6 premiere \«The Doorway\»

— Bad Santa (2003) Played at the opening of the film with Billy Bob Thornton's character narrating over it.

— The Purge: Anarchy (2014) Played by a pianist at the auction.

— BioShock Infinite (2013) Played on radios throughout the Finkton Docks area of Columbia.

— Hetalia Axis Powers (2007) Played by Austria in Episode 06.

— Parasyte -the maxim- (2014-2015) Played in its entirety in episode 15 of the anime adaptation.

— Dexter (TV series) (2007) In season 2 episode 7, That Night, a Forest Grew, listened to on headphones while working out by Debra Morgan, at the suggestion of FBI Special Agent Frank Lundy.

— Hannibal (TV series) (2013) In season 1 episode 4, played while Hannibal was having dinner with Jack.

— American Horror Story: Coven (2013) In the opening of the episode \«Go To Hell,\» the song plays as Fiona explains to Queenie what the Seven Wonders are.

— Fallout 4 (2015) Played on the game's Classical Radio station.

— The Simpsons (2014) In the Season 26 premiere's Couch Gag created by Academy Award-nominated surrealist animator Don Hertzfeldt, as a deformed Homer Simpson of the year 10,535 reminisces through the millennia of how his family wasn't so deformed and could still communicate with each other, Nocturnes Op. 9, No. 2, is played in the background, when his family tried telling him that they were still a loving family and would not forget him as the millennia passed on and the series became more dependent on shock humor, non sequiturs and merchandise schilling that through time the family would become more deformed and ultimately forget him.

— Anime: Your lie in April

musique classique, klassische Musik, 古典音乐, 고전 음악, música clásica, शास्रीय संगीत, musik klasik, musica classica, クラシック音楽, klassieke muziek, klassisk musikk, música clássica, muzică clasică, классическая музыка, класична музика, klassisk musik, klasická hudba, เพลงคลาสสิค, klasik müzik, класична музика, nhạc cổ điển, موسيقى كلاسيكية

Лучшее из Баха

Лучшее из Баха

Иоганн Себастьян Бах (21 (31) марта 1685, Эйзенах, Саксен-Эйзенах — 28 июля 1750, Лейпциг, Саксония, Священная Римская империя) — немецкий композитор, органист-виртуоз, капельмейстер, музыкальный педагог.
За свою жизнь Бах написал более 1000 произведений. В его творчестве представлены все значимые жанры того времени, кроме оперы; он обобщил достижения музыкального искусства периода барокко. Бах — знаменитый мастер полифонии, продолжатель старинных традиций, в творчестве Баха полифония достигает расцвета.

Подписывайтесь на наш канал и слушайте больше классической музыки www.youtube.com/channel/UCl5Iupsbi7GzmVX3PK6-SEQ

Все великие композиторы и гении классической музыки на одном канале: Шопен, Моцарт, Шуберт, Мусоргский, Бах, Чайковский, Вивальди, Бетховен, Дебюсси и многие другие!

Лучшее из Баха
01. Toccata and Fugue in D minor, BWV 565 Toccata
02. Suite No.2 in B minor, BWV 1067 Badinerie (2:59)
03. Suite No.3 in D major, BWV 1068 Air (4:26)
04. Suite No.4 in D major, BWV 1069 Rejouissance (9:50)
05. Brandenburg Concerto No.1 in F major, BWV 1046 Adagio (12:23)
06. Brandenburg Concerto No.2 in F major, BWV 1047 Allegro Assai (17:43)
07. Brandenburg Concerto No.3 in G major, BWV 1048 Allegro (21:08)
08. Concerto in C minor for Violin and Oboe, BWV 1060 Adagio (24:39)
09. Double Concerto in D minor, BWV 1043 Largo ma non Tanto (31:15)
10. Piano Concerto No.5 in F minor, BWV 1056 Largo (38:07)
11. Violin Concerto in A minor, BWV 1041 Allegro Assai (40:59)
12. Violin Concerto No.2 in E major, BWV 1042 Adagio (44:51)
13. Sonata No.3 in C major for Solo Violin, BWV 1005 Largo (52:22)
14. Wachet auf, Cantata, BWV 140 No.1 (55:48)
15. Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland, BWV 659 (1:01:40)
16. Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248 Sinfonia (1:06:26)
17. Goldberg Variations, BWV 988 Aria (1:12:27)
18. Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring, BWV 147 (1:15:48)

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♫ Música Clássica para estimular o cérebro | Efeito Mozart

♫ Música Clássica para estimular o cérebro | Efeito Mozart

Original Video (HALIDONMUSIC channel): www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JmprpRIsEY

Se você gosta de ler sobre psicologia, autoconhecimento e relacionamentos, acesse o meu blog: cardoseando.blogspot.com.br/2013/09/tesouro.html


01 Ascanio in Alba, K. 111: Ouverture 00:00
02 Lucio Silla, K. 135: Ouverture
I. Molto allegro 03:33
II. Andante 07:17
III. Molto allegro 10:04
03 Eine Kleine Nachtmusik in G Major, K. 525
I. Allegro 11:44
II. Romanza. Andante 17:47
III. Minuetto. Allegretto 24:26
IV. Rondò. Allegro 26:51
04 Flute Concerto No. 2 in D Major, K. 314
I. Allegro aperto 30:03
II. Adagio non troppo 38:09
III. Rondo. Allegretto 45:52
05 La Finta Giardiniera (“The Pretend Garden-Girl”), K. 196: Ouverture 51:33
06 Symphony No. 36 in C Major, K. 425 \«Linz\»
II. Andante con moto 57:38
III. Menuetto 1:05:06
07 Symphony No. 41 in C Major, K. 551 \«Jupiter\»
II. Andante cantabile 1:08:21
IV. Molto Allegro 1:16:40
08 Flute Concerto No. 1 in G Major, K. 313
I. Allegro maestoso 1:25:35
II. Adagio — Allegro ma non troppo 1:34:39
III. Rondò – Minuetto 1:44:09
09 Bastien und Bastienne, K. 50: Ouverture 1:51:54
10 Symphony No. 40 in G Minor, K. 550: I. Molto allegro 1:53:52
11 Piano Concerto No. 21 in C Major, K. 467
I. Allegro maestoso 2:02:05
II. Andante 2:16:35

Chopin - Musica Clássica para Dormir | Musica para relaxar | Musica Clássica para Dormir e Relaxar

Chopin — Musica Clássica para Dormir | Musica para relaxar | Musica Clássica para Dormir e Relaxar

Chopin — Musica Clássica para Dormir | Musica para relaxar | Musica Clássica para dormir e Relaxar Profundamente ao som do piano.
Dê um J O I N H A►C O M P A R T I L H E► I N S C R E V A – S E ► COMENTE

Native American Sleep Music: canyon flute & nocturnal canyon sounds, sleep meditation

Native American Sleep Music: canyon flute & nocturnal canyon sounds, sleep meditation

Роландская флейта может переносить одно в более спокойное и спокойное состояние, особенно после прослушивания в течение 10 минут или более. Это чувство известно как «альфа-состояние», состояние, в течение которого ваш мозг пульсирует с меньшей скоростью, чем ваши ментальные и эмоциональные колебания. (Цена, создание и использование флейты индейской любви, 1994). Одним из наиболее эффективных способов развития этого альфа-состояния является сосредоточение внимания на дыхании. Во время нашей повседневной деятельности это может быть проблемой, поскольку из-за нашей напряженной жизни наши умы в конечном итоге работают в основном в состоянии «бета». В этом состоянии ваш сознательный ум является доминирующим, и ваше подсознание не может прорваться, чтобы помочь вам, как это может быть, когда вы спите. Таким образом, люди, способные и обученные поддерживать длительное альфа-состояние, могут справляться с жизнью намного эффективнее, чем люди, которые обычно находятся в бета-версии (Price, Создание и использование флейты с индейской любовью, 1994). Таким образом, родная флейта может привести к развитию большей координации, интуиции и интеллекта. Одной из главных причин этого является то, что прослушивание флейты побуждает сидеть и «дышать».

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Mose ft. Suyana - Live at Heart Culture

Mose ft. Suyana — Live at Heart Culture

Download this mix and others: www.patreon.com/mosemusica

New Live Set: www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKI-ngRQJ90

Spotify Playlist with These Songs: open.spotify.com/playlist/5fDXnUyRHCmBolmJ1rXHOx?si=38jaNWX0TuCRwbnpQJeUwg

Check Out Medicine Women (featuring Mose, Suyana, Nalini Blossom): www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6KR2iGEnos&list=PLvtiNgvbQbA3VAlwcpni8fEhyC7c1RLQW

This was a live jam accompanied by the incredibly talented Suyana performed for the beautiful people at Heart Culture Festival 2017 in Austria. None of this music was pre-arranged, I had groups of clips and created the arrangements out of those clips on the fly in response to the energy of the moment. The vibe was incredibly special, people really tuned in and offered us the opportunity to dive deep into experimentation and to let things flow effortlessly from the heart. These loops are parts of tracks I have been working on and all the music is unreleased except for the remix I did for Lannka — but the version here is unique to the moment and not in the same form as the released version. *All of these tracks are now released except for Shiva Shambo which still only exists as loops.

Here is the set list of the different song loop packs we explored along this journey:
Shante Ishta (written by Suyana)
Prophecy (written by Nalini Blossom)
Shiva Shambo
Liquid Bloom — Roots of the Earth (Mose Remix)
Lannka — Wanderlust (Mose Remix)
Liquid Bloom — Fire Gathering (Mose Remix)
Raise Your Voice (written by Suyana)

Spotify Playlist with These Songs: open.spotify.com/playlist/5fDXnUyRHCmBolmJ1rXHOx?si=38jaNWX0TuCRwbnpQJeUwg

Facebook: facebook.com/mosemusica
Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/mosemusica
Bandcamp: mosemusica.bandcamp.com
Spotify: open.spotify.com/artist/29osCpAsrEiHxE8t6khiJr
Instagram: www.instagram.com/mosemusica/


Artwork: www.pridal.at/

#mosemusica #DeepBeats #LiveSet

Música para limpiar toda energia negativa del hogar [BIENESTAR]

Música para limpiar toda energia negativa del hogar [BIENESTAR]

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Relajación y Meditación.
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Relajaciones para dormir.
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Let Go Mental Blocks Cleanse Self Sabotage 417 Hz Remove Negative Energy

Let Go Mental Blocks Cleanse Self Sabotage 417 Hz Remove Negative Energy

Время отпустить ментальные блоки и очистить себя от саботажа. Эта глубоко исцеляющая музыка была встроена в мозговые волны 417 Гц, чтобы помочь удалить отрицательную энергию, высвободить саботаж и уничтожить подсознательный негатив. Для лучшего сна загрузите БЕСПЛАТНУЮ медитацию!

Используемые частоты: ШКАЛА — бинауральные ритмы 417 Гц при альфа + световых волнах 10 Гц

Чтобы получить еще больше отличной музыки для лечения чакр, подпишитесь на наш канал здесь: www.youtube.com/channel/UCnj31fpPRsSJLchEKMEChrw?view_as=subscriber

© JASON STEPHENSON & RELAX ME ONLINE АВСТРАЛИЯ PTY LTD Авторское право 2019 Все права защищены.

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