

Deep Sleep Music | Space Relax Music with Theta Waves | Background Deep Meditation, Stress Relief

Deep Sleep Music | Space Relax Music with Theta Waves | Background Deep Meditation, Stress Relief

8 Hours Relaxing Music | Deep Sleep Music: Theta Waves |. Use this specially created music during deep sleeping, insomnia. Also it is excellent as a background for Meditation, Yoga, Calm Massage, Pregnancy. Totally relax your mind and body and heal your soul.
Music: Theta Waves: Out of the physical body
Album: Brain Waves, Vol. 1: Alpha, Delta, Theta Waves Music for Relax, Sleep and Brain Power


Ambience/ASMR: Writer's Library from the 1930s, 4 Hours

Ambience/ASMR: Writer's Library from the 1930s, 4 Hours

List of Sounds:
— wild songbirds
— wood crackling as it burns in the fireplace
— footsteps; doors opening & closing
— clothing & upholstery softly rustling with movement
— handling & flipping through antique hardback books; stroking the covers & spines
— perusing & sorting papers
— turning pages
— jotting notes with a pencil
— sketching in charcoal; drawing with pastels
— writing cursive by hand with a fountain pen
— pouring & stirring tea in fine bone china
— the gentle clinking of teaware


Question: What is an ambience video?

Answer: Pleasant, soothing background images & sound for relaxation, study, play, or work; gently occupies an anxious or unfocused mind without causing unwanted distraction; creates a comfortable, inviting atmosphere; personalizes sparse, colorless, or impersonal environments; enlivens spaces where we live or work alone; fills silence with more subtlety, ease, and warmth than music or TV; offers softly dynamic \«rainbow noise\» instead of monotonous white noise; enhances interior design & personal style by turning screens/screensavers into live photographic displays.


This channel is consciously ad-free (it does not generate revenue) and noncommercial; it was established with the sole intention of sharing as a gesture of love and service.

Some viewers with the generous desire to donate have nonetheless requested a method by which to do so. Therefore, donations to support the channel are accepted via PayPal, with grateful assurances that they will be put to immediate good use (though donations are by no means expected or required).

Donations/Tip Jar: www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=MM7FB7ARAB7LE&source=url

Rainy Day at Coffe Shop Ambience & Rain Sounds and Jazz Music at Cozy Cafe

Rainy Day at Coffe Shop Ambience & Rain Sounds and Jazz Music at Cozy Cafe

A rainy day is perfect for going to a coffee shop. Have a seat by the window and enjoy the rain sounds and Jazz Music. Coffee shop background noise, rain sounds, jazz music and crackling of the fireplace. Cozy background sounds and background video for relaxing, studying, working and easy concentration.

Attributions for the Music used in this video:

\«Bossa Antigua\» by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under CC BY 4.0, filmmusic.io/ filmmusic.io/song/3454-bossa-antigua/

\«Bar jazz piano ballad\» provided by FREESOUND MUSIC www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojuXsaXKLPg

\«Thinking of you\» provided by FREESOUND MUSIC www.youtube.com/watch?v=014na7MHZKU

\«Shades of Spring\» by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under CC BY 4.0, filmmusic.io/ filmmusic.io/song/4342-shades-of-spring/

\«Hard Boiled \» by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under CC BY 4.0, filmmusic.io/ filmmusic.io/song/3857-hard-boiled/

\«I Remember\» provided by FREESOUND MUSIC www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-ve-4ktUik

\«Toujours L'Amour\» provided by FREESOUND MUSIC www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSbWMG7WNJs

\«Sunset in Palermo\» provided by FREESOUND MUSIC www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxXxkAFxuBE

\«Sad Saxman\» provided by FREESOUND MUSIC www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1aLCgl0cyo

\«Three Are Enough\» provided by FREESOUND MUSIC www.youtube.com/watch?v=n695sgmV3EQ

\«You know Her Face\» provided by FREESOUND MUSIC www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Wvt5w2ndqI

\«Play It Again Sam\» provided by FREESOUND MUSIC www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXT1O1htd8w

Cozy Reading Room ASMR Ambience - Paper Flipping, Page Turning Sounds, Creaking, Fireplace Sounds

Cozy Reading Room ASMR Ambience — Paper Flipping, Page Turning Sounds, Creaking, Fireplace Sounds

Cozy Reading Room Ambience — Newspaper Flipping, Page Turning Sounds, Creaking, Fireplace Sounds 6 Hours

Enjoy this cozy Manor house reading room, during a gentle rain and howling wind. The crackling fire provides necessary warmth and a cup of coffee keep you awake to read the pages of you beloved book. The full moon shines all night and creates beautiful light to support you during you cozy reading.

This is an 6 hour ASMR ambience video designed for relaxation, sleep, focus, or reading.

Hope you enjoy it!

Remember like, comment and subscribe!

If you'd like to express your gratitude or generally support this channel you can do it via PayPal here: www.paypal.com/paypalme/YBeser?locale.x=de_DE

► Creation of this Video / Ambience:

All of our content including the Scenario, Greenscreen Animation and Audio are completely original resulting in weeks of preparation and hard work.
At first stage, this ambience was prepared with Affinity Photo, after that completly edited in Adobe Premiere Pro CC.
Some of the sounds and Greescreen Animations are bought or created and are added on the final rendering.


Software used:
— Affinity Photo
— Adobe Premiere Pro CC

► Check out my Playlists:

Fireplace Crackling and Relaxing: www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Vr41wIkkKw&list=PL4BzuD0CGftDrsyoEMRxbLjih19DOsDB-

Many thanks to everyone for listening and for leaving your comment.

If you have ideas or suggestions, please let me know in the comments

Created by Nature and Relaxation ©
Nature and Relaxation is the owner of the video and audio. Any copy or reproduction of our material is strictly prohibited.

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6 Stunden Starker Regen und Donner am Fenster - Regengeräusche zum Einschlafen - Naturgeräusche 4K

6 Stunden Starker Regen und Donner am Fenster — Regengeräusche zum Einschlafen — Naturgeräusche 4K

6Stunden Starker Regen und Donner am Fenster — Regengeräusche zum Einschlafen — Naturgeräusche in 4K
— Dieser Klang gehört zu den beliebtesten weißen Geräuschen, da Regen neben Entspannung immer ein Gefühl von Freiheit und Harmonie mit der Natur geboten hat.

Der Begriff ASMR bezeichnet in der italienischen autonomen Reaktion des sensorischen Meridians ein angenehmes Kribbeln in der Kopfhaut, entlang des Rückens oder auf den Schultern, das normalerweise von einem Zustand völliger geistiger Entspannung derjenigen begleitet wird, die ihn erleben. Gibt Ihnen das Geräusch des Regens auch diese Empfindungen?

Das Hören des Geräusches des fallenden Regens neben fließendem Wasser lässt die Menschen immer entspannen und sich wohler fühlen, als wenn sie eine entspannende Natur empfangen, die allmählich gut in uns schläft.

Wissenschaftler haben herausgefunden, dass die Geräusche der Natur, wie das Geräusch des Regens oder das Geräusch des fließenden Wassers, fast wie eine Art Geräusch sind, das als \«weißes Rauschen\» bezeichnet wird: das Geräusch, das durch Kombinieren aller Geräusche erzeugt wird. dass Menschen hören können

Wenn ein Geräusch Sie weckt, ist es nicht das Geräusch, das Sie weckt, sondern das plötzliche Auftreten des Geräusches, das Ihre Aufmerksamkeit erregt und Sie weckt.

Wenn Sie mit dem Geräusch von Regen schlafen, kann weißes Rauschen einen \«Vertuschungseffekt\» hervorrufen, der dazu führt, dass Menschen das Geräusch unterschätzen und viele subtile Veränderungen maskieren, die sie nicht hören können.

Willkommen! In diesem Kanal finden Sie Geräusche der Natur. Musik und Bilder zum Entspannen und Spaß haben. Melde dich an und hinterlasse einen Kommentar! Danke..☮




This black screen serves as a template for videos. It can be used to dim the device's screen and your room remains perfect dark for a comfortable sleep.
Save the energy of your smartphone or -television while sleeping.

Play any of Nature SFX videos and open this black screen in a new browser tab with full screen mode enabled to keep your room nice and dark.

*Note: This only work with browsers and won't work on any application except browser applications!

Feel free to use this black screen template for any projects!



Regen, Gewitter & Windgeräusche, Regengeräusche zum Einschlafen & Entspannen

Regen, Gewitter & Windgeräusche, Regengeräusche zum Einschlafen & Entspannen

Теплый дождливый день в лесу с розовым небом, тихий гром, сопровождаемый легким ветром, заставляющим качаться. Если вы страдаете бессонницей или не можете заснуть, это может быть очень полезно. Люди слышат звуки природы по-разному, чтобы расслабиться, уснуть или просто успокоить душу. Природные звуки также могут уменьшить стресс или беспокойство. Некоторые другие используют это, чтобы учиться или размышлять. Вы можете использовать Nature SFX в любой из этих ситуаций, но в основном для умственного лечения людей. Наслаждайся дождем!

Чтобы вы могли наслаждаться лучшим качеством звука, я рекомендую использовать наушники!

Посмотрите одно из моих видео и откройте этот черный экран в новой вкладке браузера с активированным полноэкранным режимом, чтобы ваша комната оставалась красивой и темной для лучшей спящей атмосферы!

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Дождь, гроза и шум ветра, шум дождя, чтобы заснуть и расслабиться

Time ALONE with GOD - 3 Hour Peaceful Music | Meditation Music | Prayer Music | Relaxation Music

Time ALONE with GOD — 3 Hour Peaceful Music | Meditation Music | Prayer Music | Relaxation Music

Download DappyTKeys Mobile App: get.theapp.co/sdz7
Subscribe To This YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/user/dappytkeys?sub_confirmation=1

Stream or Download DappyTKeys Music;
iTunes & Apple Music: tiny.cc/acxecz
Spotify: sptfy.com/4HvK
Amazon Music: music.amazon.com/artists/B07W18FQSP?tab=CATALOG
Bandcamp: dappytkeys.bandcamp.com/

Connect on Social Media;
Instagram: www.instagram.com/dappytkeys/
Twitter: twitter.com/dappytkeys
Facebook: www.facebook.com/DappyTKeysPianoWorship/
Official Website: www.timoladeru.com/

Time Alone With God: 3 Hour Piano Instrumental Worship Music for Prayer, Meditation, Deep Healing, Study, Rest, Reflection & Relaxation. May the peace of God which surpasses all understanding guard your heart and mind as you listen.

Psalm 27:4 \«One thing I have desired of the Lord, that will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in His temple.\» Psalm 91:1-2 \«He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.”

DappyTKeys Piano Worship is founded on the scripture from the book of 1 Samuel 16:23 (\»...David would take a harp and play it with his hand. Then Saul would become refreshed and well, and the distressing spirit would depart from him\"). My music is Anointed, Inspirational and God inspired; it's an overflow of time spent in God's presence and fellowship with the Holy Spirit. I pray you will be drawn to the love of God in Christ Jesus, you will experience a peace that pass all understanding, you will experience healing from your sickness, and May the peace of God which surpasses all understanding guard your heart and mind as you listen. Amen!
… You can support this ministry by donating here: www.paypal.me/DappyTKeysUK
